MERGER Prototype (Patreon)
Hell Everyone,
Finally put all my notes from my various playtesting sessions together. I now have a prototype for MERGER ready (attached to this post) which I can further playtest and refine and add flavour. This is very bare bones, not at all resembling the final product. It's enough to make a character, and get a general idea of the gameplay loop. You'll have to fill in a lot of the details yourself.
I'm happy with the core mechanics. It feels difficult, and in the later game damn near impossible. You're encouraged to sacrifice parts of your character until there is barely anything left of them. I'm looking forward to putting some meat on these bones.
Also the Kickstarter is going really well! We funded in 2 days, we got to the first stretch goal, and it looks like we'll get to at least the 2nd stretch goal by the end of the campaign next week. I'm glad there's an audience for my stuff on KS. This has done wonders for my confidence to make more ambitious games and start making physical versions of all these PDFs I've been selling.
In other news I'm finishing up my work on Synthicide, I'm collaborating on another project, and I'm making progress on Kassandra King: Devil's Dice for December, and planning my next KS project for Zinequest in February. Keeping busy!
Thanks again for all the support!