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Hey folks!

Lots is happening in the land of Not Writing Games. I'm still working on MERGER. Finished playtesting recently and will be moving on to fleshing out the writing and layout next week. Also finishing up my work on Synthicide, collaborating on another game, and starting to plan my game for Zinequest in February.

In addition to these, I have a new games out and I'm part of a few bundles, so let's dig in!

Far Horizons Anthology: I made a game for this anthology of RPGs under the Far Horizons Co-Op. Kaleidoscope Heads is a cosmic adventure game where you play as different characters each represented by different randomizers. Play a dare devil who uses a deck of cards, a robot private investigator who uses a tarot deck, or a dapper sky whale who uses a six-sided die.

Ind of the Year: This is a bundle of games from indie creators that were made this year. It's a tiered system, so for each $10 you spend on the bundle, you get at least 10 games. Great collection of unique in here, including my game Nasty, Brutish, & Long.

All Ages TTRGPs: This is a collection of 29 games for players of all ages. I submitted an older game, Story Time Frames, and the bundle has done really well so far!

The Neon Black Archive: As part of a sale that ran last week I added all the unreleased and past version of Neon Black to the store page. For everyone who has purchased it, or will in the future, you get 6+ old versions of the game. That means all my patrons also get them.

Thanks again for all the support!

- Michael


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