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Here's the character sheet for the Cobblewitch, the first and currently only playbook in Stiletto, the single player adventures in Doskvol game you all voted for last year. I told you it was coming along!

The plan right now is to playtest this, read through what I've written so far, then do a small release to you patrons (and some folks in the Blades in the Dark community, but you'll get it first). The full version of the game will have multiple playbooks, each with their own unique encounters to overcome in the span of a single week (it's somewhere around 20, it's a lot to write and balance). 

But also I'm gonna send that early version to the person who owns the rights to the Doskvol IP. I've done other fan work before but this is uh... pretty significant in terms of scope and I haven't actually checked in to see if they're okay with folks publishing that sort of work as long as they aren't asking for money. So we'll see how that one goes before I do a full release.

Also we are dangerously close to getting enough backers to unlock patron votes again. Hopefully when we cross that milestone it won't take me almost a year to make good on my promise :P

- Michael



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