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You have decided which BKB3 characters will get to compete for the Hottest Bikini Karate Babe of all time.  As selected by you, our most valued fans, we've narrowed the entry list down from 19 to 12.  

The next rounds will be eliminations of characters from all three games, competing head to head until we have our ultimate top ten list.



Bikini Karate Babes

I might do a second chance for the ones that didn't make the cut from BKB3.


Good idea, also I think the overall voting will be skewed towards the new BKB3 gals. Apart from the reason that they are all mind-blowing, they are fresh. I can certainly vouch for it...came here for Venus,Tien wu,isis and aprodhite...ended up being a bigger fan of chasca,Lucina,dione,kuppala,nanshe and manasha!!!!