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We received news today that Apple is currently reviewing the game for publication.  If all goes well, the game will be available in the App Store soon.  In any case, the version being considered for release will soon be available for our testers.  Stay tuned!


Bikini Karate Babes

No PC. Way way way way way too much piracy. The piracy on BKB2 almost killed us. over 7 millions downloads, with a fraction of legitimate purchases. We put a lot of effort and money into the creation of these games, and to have it stolen in such a big way is very disturbing. With mobile, we have much better control of disseminating our content, and even make a lot of it available for free.

Bikini Karate Babes

Our initial publishers treated us really poorly as well. I can't even go into detail, but it was egregious.