Reconnecting With Your High School Sweetheart (Part 1) (Patreon)
Reconnecting_With_Your_H... - audiogram.mp4 -
Reconnecting_With_Your_H... - audiogram.mp4
Your ex-girlfriend calls you out of the blue and confesses how been since the split—nearly ten years ago.
Part 2 is available now.
A Note from Moon
Guys... I wanted to post this on Valentine's Day, I did. It's my favorite holiday, and I wanted to have this ready for you. Actually, this was ready for you, but it's sequel? Not so much. But who's surprised?
Anyway, how was your Valentine's Day? You know that Valentine's Day isn't just for couples, right? It's actually a day about love in general, all kinds, and any excuse to celebrate is a good one. Valentine's Day is also about romance, and I don't just mean in the sexual sense. Romance is everywhere. Romance is in words, eyes. Romance is in colors, scents, tastes. I've recently been detaching the word "romance" from sexual relationships—Well, not detaching, expanding. I've been expanding the term to other relationships, specifically friendships and my relationship with myself. I've been doing this for years, but naming it makes it so much more intentional. I am going to take a very romantic shower tonight with a salt scrub and a sweet-smelling shampoo. I also have a bottle of homemade rosemary face and body spray. It's going to be such a great night.
Wait... I forgot that I am writing the caption for an emotional ex-girlfriend roleplay. And I'm talking about shampoo. Guys, I recorded this because I wanted you to feel something. It's good to feel things and sit with those feelings. What feelings does this evoke? And what do those feelings mean? And why do they mean what they mean? Then, think about why you think they mean what they mean. Because I've learned that you have to consider the biases that the narrator of a story may have. And in this case, you are the narrator and your thoughts are the story.
Improvised by Moon Berry Audio