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  • Reconnecting_With_Your_H... - audiogram.mp4
  • Reconnecting_With_Your_H... - audiogram.mp4



Your ex-girlfriend calls you out of the blue and confesses how been since the split—nearly ten years ago.

Part 2 is available now.

A Note from Moon

Guys... I wanted to post this on Valentine's Day, I did. It's my favorite holiday, and I wanted to have this ready for you. Actually, this was ready for you, but it's sequel? Not so much. But who's surprised?

Anyway, how was your Valentine's Day? You know that Valentine's Day isn't just for couples, right? It's actually a day about love in general, all kinds, and any excuse to celebrate is a good one. Valentine's Day is also about romance, and I don't just mean in the sexual sense. Romance is everywhere. Romance is in words, eyes. Romance is in colors, scents, tastes. I've recently been detaching the word "romance" from sexual relationships—Well, not detaching, expanding. I've been expanding the term to other relationships, specifically friendships and my relationship with myself. I've been doing this for years, but naming it makes it so much more intentional. I am going to take a very romantic shower tonight with a salt scrub and a sweet-smelling shampoo. I also have a bottle of homemade rosemary face and body spray. It's going to be such a great night.

Wait... I forgot that I am writing the caption for an emotional ex-girlfriend roleplay. And I'm talking about shampoo. Guys, I recorded this because I wanted you to feel something. It's good to feel things and sit with those feelings. What feelings does this evoke? And what do those feelings mean? And why do they mean what they mean? Then, think about why you think they mean what they mean. Because I've learned that you have to consider the biases that the narrator of a story may have. And in this case, you are the narrator and your thoughts are the story.



Improvised by Moon Berry Audio






James Jeans

True story: there is a 25 year old Polaroid photo of my high school girlfriend sitting on my bedside table right now. We met in 1999, the photo was taken in 2000, we broke up in 2002 (I told a story about us under one of your previous stories). I dated a few times after we broke up, but my health turned terrible in 2004 and I was never in another relationship after that. I've been single for 21 years. She and I stayed in touch off and on for nearly two decades, but we lost touch with each other during the early days of COVID and haven't spoken in almost 5 years. None of her contact information is good anymore, so that's that. I don't expect I'll ever hear from her again. That brings me back to the Polaroid. It was in a box for a while, but eventually I dug it out. It has rotated between my bedside table, my wallet, and being tacked to the wall over my computer desk consistently for at least 15 years. I slept with it in my shirt pocket during recovery after I went paralyzed from the waist down. Thinking of her helped keep me going. I look at this photo every day. And I mourn. She eventually got married, had kids, all that stuff. My health issues prevented me doing any of that, and whenever I think about how isolated and lonely I feel, I think of her. On Valentine's Day this year I drank, put on a playlist called "Her" that was filled with the kind of music you would expect, and I spent a lot of time looking at that photo and wishing she would call me, wanting to reconnect. Maybe give it another shot with decades of life experience under our belts. I got on social media at some point and offered some really simple advice to my friends: don't be like me. If it's possible, put the memories away and move on. I can't move on, physically or emotionally, so the photo is right here. I'm looking at it as I write this and I feel an ache of loss that has not dulled in over 20 years. I haven't listened to the story yet. I'm about to. I'm hoping that it will be a cathartic listen that lets me vicariously experience even a little bit of peace. I'll post my thoughts under part 2 once I've listened to it. Anyways, in the meantime, happy belated Valentine's Day, Moon. I really like your conception of the holiday. I wish I felt the same, but for me, Valentine's Day feels like... a wake, I suppose. A time of mourning. The song "Anger's Remorse" sums up how I feel on Valentine's Day: "Waves of despair, an ocean of desolation. Fighting for air, my swansong will be done. For in the twilight of my years, I am nothing but anger's remorse." Man, I'm the life of the party, right?