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I’m not here to undo your healing. You were coping—surviving. But I would hate for you to be surviving forever, instead of living.

Hi all. This is a little love letter to those who have been hurt. Every now and then, I receive a comment in which you describe your battle with heartbreak or rejection. I wrote this story to those who are struggling to trust again after enduring such a painful experience. I know that an audio will not mend your heart and that healing is much deeper than "learning to taking a risk," but I hope that this audio at least provides a sense of comfort and understanding, even just for a moment.  

All my love, 


P.S. Hello everyone! I'm posting this a bit late to Patreon because I've been caught up in learning how to use my new equipment. I have been feeling a lot better since my last chit-chat, and I've been working on a special two-part story featuring my new microphones. Surprise: That story will be live today, in a few minutes actually!






This made me cry, again. Thank you for the amazing quality content!

James Jeans

The last time I let myself feel something for someone, she ended up marrying one of my close friends. I ended up one of the best men at the wedding. I've seen myself in the wedding video. I look thoroughly miserable throughout. That was over a decade ago. That kind of pain can really linger. I have a framed photo of all of us at the wedding hanging on my bedroom wall, but I haven't seen either of them in around four years. It hut warching them build a family. I drifted away -- 1300 miles away, in fact. Nothing aches like the heart.