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In Part 1 (0:00)

Your wife hugs and holds you during a tough time and soothes you to sleep with a gentle back rub.

In Part 2 (19:05)

To help ease your pain, your wife helps clean you up in a hot shower and treats you to a healing lotion massage.

A Note from Moon

Hi everyone. You may be thinking: Another comfort audio? I wrote this script alongside my last one, when I was feeling very supportive and encouraging, so you may notice a few similarities between the two. As the days grow colder and dimmer, many find that their mental health follows suit. So I figured that there is no better time to post a few comfort audios than during the transition to winter.

I should note that this audio is most suitable for those who are experiencing or have experienced grief or disappointment. I have yet to post a comfort audio for depression, but if that is something that interests you, please let me know below. In the meantime, I hope this audio helps you. Plenty of hugs and cuddles for you during a tough time.

Happy listening,

Moon ☾

Another Note from Moon

Thank you for joining this tier! As a member, you can enjoy the original audio and exclusive sequel in one post. Enjoy the full 36-minute story!

I recorded this audio on my new microphones. (Well, I was missing a pop filter when I recorded part 1, but you probably don't notice the difference.) Honestly, the result sounds very similar to my other microphone, post-editing at least. Granted, I did tweak the raw audio a lot. Noise reduction, compression, and maybe a little too much dynamic EQ. I can't wait for the day that I'll finally have an audio editing routine. I'm tired of researching, learning, trial-and-error.

I'm thinking about doing a chit-chat in which I include samples of audio after different editing techniques. Some will be sharp, some will be muffled, some will be squeaky. But hopefully there will be one that is perfect. (Perfect, does that even exist?) You'll be able to hear them side-by-side, and I'll let you vote on which result sounds best. Yeah, I think I'll do that.

I need to rest. I've been working on this audio all day, only stopping to eat. I want to work out, shower, shave, wax, do all the self-care things! I meant to post part 1 on YouTube today, I really did, but the universe had other plans.

I guess I'll post on YouTube tomorrow! C:

Take care, everyone. I hope your December's been well!



Moon Berry Audio

Sound effects

• Ambience, Night Wildlife, A.wav by InspectorJ (www.jshaw.co.uk) of Freesound.org

• Wind, Soft. Crickets.wav by Leandros.Ntounis of Freesound.org

• Additional sound effects from www.zapsplat.com



Wonderful work Moon, thank you.

James Jeans

Fine work, as always, Moon. Per your note: I'm in full time therapy, but I suffer from seasonal depression and that always makes this time of year more difficult. From November to March, my physical pain levels spike too, so it's all just a mess. These Audios help. I would definitely be up for a depression comfort audio. That would be fantastic.


Thank you for this. The holiday season is very hard for me. I have a bunch of death anniversaries right after each other and a lot of memories of those people in this season as well. It hits like a truck but things like this make it easier. Thank you for your kindness.


Hi James. I can absolutely record a depression comfort audio for you. I think Jan. to Feb. would be a great time to post it. Thank you for your input, and I hope that this winter isn't too tough on you.


You're very welcome Rock. I'm so sorry for your losses... I'm glad this helps during such a tough time.