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You push him down and get on top of him... His C*ck twitches against you before you slowly slide it into you... He moans in pleasure... The night is just about to begin~

Note : Intimate Moments~... And Steamy S*x~

= = =

The New Audio featuring Dan Heng ( Imbibitor Lunae ) x Listener is out now!

Hello~! Azeru Official here and we're back with another Full Version NSFW Audio! This time featuring my AU take on Honkai Star Rail's Dan Heng in his Imbibitor Lunae form ~!! | Dan Heng x Listener | Imbibitor Lunae x Listener | Danheng x Listener | Boyfriend x Listener |

Dan Heng~! Honkai Star Rail's resident... well, kinda Kuudere if anything(?)

Now yes yes, I know. Honkai Star Rail isn't exactly the game I normally do, and yes yes, I will be posting the Duo Audio soon after this one, so no need to panic. I've just been extra busy with IRL stuff as of late that I haven't had time to properly finish up these Audios to the quality that I want.

Now, sure, I could just edit it sloppily and call it a day, but as with everything I do, I want to provide you with the best quality and experience that I can give! ^^

This applies to not just Audios but everything else!... NOW as for this Audio- this one does Feature Dan Heng as Imbibitor Lunae. No real spoilers in here other than the correlation between the two- but if you know anything about Honkai Star Rail or even watch the trailers... or even look at how Imbibitor Lunae looks- it's pretty straight forwards.

That said, this isn't 100% canon-canon. It's close- but of course I do take creative liberties in every Audio to make it spicy.

Ah- speaking of Creative Liberty, there is one kind of SFX that I have almost no clue on how to replicate. And that would be magical sounding stuff. At one part of this Audio, you will hear some... sparkles?... tingles?... You'll hear something to show that he's kinda transforming?


Okay, that sounds like he's doing a Sailor Moon transformation, but he isn't. Just his clothing and stuff change.

But yes, I am well aware of the fact that I still have a lot of things to learn in terms of making those kinds of really magical or movie-esque SFX.

To be honest, the only other few Audios I made with some really "Fake" SFX would be the Guardian Angel Azeru Audios... and those were a while ago.

But yes yes, regardless, that's what practice will be for~... One day maybe I'll make Audios the same Quality as Movies. xD...

We'll see~

Technical wise, this one is one of the Audios that also feature the you as the main driving force of the scenario as far as Spice goes.

What does that mean?

Well, normally when you do any kind of action or movement, I tend to NOT add any SFX into it. Mostly because every person does do things differently and trying to force you to do something a certain way might just fully yank you out of the immersion.

Different story if you were being guided through it like with the conversations....

Yes, all the scripts I make do involve a LOT of techniques to kinda lead you to reply in certain ways. It's not perfect as not everyone will be lead to the same answer and it's certainly not easy doing these kinds of scripts- but if pulled off well or adequately- means that the scenarios feel very natural.

Ah- but yes yes, even though I normally do NOT add SFX to your actions, I have been adding some SFX to Mutual Actions... like Grinding, etc.... y'know~

I've typed for too long~ Please do enjoy this Audio and I hope it was worth the wait~! The Duo Audio will be coming soon along with Pantalone~!

= = =  

As always I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think down in the comments below~! Make sure to leave a like as well if you want more like this in the future so I know that you actually want it!  

- Azeru, The Fallen Angel




First place🫶🏻


Thank you


Wooo grabbing headphones yay ty Azeru make sure to gets lots n lots of rest tho


secondd <3


Working overtime, I see. I see.


Auto-like because it's Dan Heng ❤️


Dragon Dan Heng!


I’ve never been this earlier. Thank you for the food


Ahhhhhh Thanks for the audio Azzy. Pls even if he did transform like Sailor Moon I’d still like him 😂. But thank you for all the hard work dear angle and can’t wait to listen to the new Sfx. Honestly don’t think the blurbs could ever be too long but that could be just me 😅


Ahhh so many audios this week, thank you for spoiling us Azzy!!! I really like your portrayal of Dan Heng, this was so gentle and sweet!! Also, loved the magical Sailor Moon transformation haha~ ٩( 'ω' )و


Aaaaa thank u Azeru~!


Oh my gosh, and I just got him a few minutes ago! Double celebration of Dan Heng let’s go!🥰🤩


I have been waiting for this one to drop. Thanks for taking the time on it even though you've been busy, Azeru. You've done alot of rougher dom stuff lately so for a while now I have been really craving a slower, more soothing, soft or angsty audio. And Imbibitor Lunae seemed like he checked all the boxes, lol. I for one, appreciate the "transformation" sound effects. I thought it was unique! Don't you worry. Keep on experimenting, we love to hear it. ...And those slower, passionate moans in the spicy part... oof. Gets me every time I hear someone get lost in the sauce like that. With the little, repeated "I love yous" at the end? My heart melted.


dan heng is a magical girl fr (the sailor moon part has me cracking up PFFT)


posting this on birthday?? love this for me


You’re working so hard!! Thank you! <3


I just finished and I am melting. The softness before and after the spice caught me and I wasn't expecting to feel so..cherished. It made me want to cry but in a good way! And his moans, goodness, they were really good. I enjoyed this audio very much and it was very much worth the wait. I love Dan Heng and this just became another favorite. Thank you Az very much for the thoughtfulness and the hard work you put into these audios. They're very much worth the wait every time.


double audio 🫨

kxllxrbxnny (aspen)

Dan Heng IL!! Thank you Azeru for the boi!! Just finished listening, and, good lord. This is by far one of my favorites. Dan Heng over all is a favorite right now for me, and this portrayal of him (aside from Sailor Moon esq transformation, which still sounded really nice!) is so sweet and so soft. Something I've been looking forward to for a while now. Fits very well in character (in my opinion, of course) Thank you again. Make sure you get some proper rest sir! You deserve it.


You dropped this in the middle of the night but I managed to see it before bed and- Please, literally only like 12 hours ago I was leaving a comment on your bonus audio saying it was my favorite in the last several. And then you give us this? Oh my god. It's literally so so gentle and sweet and perfect. Maybe I'm just half asleep and feeling extra soft but I adored it start to finish and how lovey dovey it was. The magic SFX was cute and Dan Heng is the best magical girl so it fits don't even worry lmao Again, appreciate all the hard work you put into your audios. It shows.


This audio was wonderful azzy! Thank you so much! It was so soft and sweet, with the right amount of spice for the scenario. Absolutely loved it!


Haven't...played star rail in ages but...Dan Heng was always my favourite...look forward to hearing later...


this audio was amazing. i love how you portrait dan heng so good. you really nail his soft and gentle nature. and well im simping for this man so god damn much, i needed to hit the play button right as i got the notification. keep up with your amazing work <3 edit: if you would do an duo audio with both dan hengs i would faint


aww you spoil us too much, thank you as always for your hard work azeru~! 💗


I for one am all in favour of Magical Girl (Boy? Dragon?) transformations! In all seriousness though, a little sprinkle of magic is great fun and I thought you did it well.


I would like to thank Lord Azeru for blessing us on this day. Amen 🙏


Thank you Azeru for the audio~ You did a great work again for this one ^^ I think I’m going insane because you’ve been spoiling us with all these audios haha with that said, thank you again for always providing the best quality in everything you do XD I know it’s important for you that you do everything perfectly but I hope it doesn’t take a toll on you too much~! (The magical thingy is *chef’s kiss*) Oh, please take some rest as well (๑>◡<๑)

J ☕︎︎ he.him

There are so many good girl audios 💔💔

Rat (of the Pgh variety) (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-22 16:47:03 Lovely, thanks!
2023-09-12 11:55:30 Lovely, thanks!

Lovely, thanks!


Too many audios, I can't-

Taetae (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-22 16:47:03 Pantalone! I will be more than happy ^^ I'm already cosplaying Dan Heng Il and now an audio.... You're so kind for us ^^ providing the best content.
2023-09-12 12:53:56 Pantalone! I will be more than happy ^^ I'm already cosplaying Dan Heng Il and now an audio.... You're so kind for us ^^ providing the best content.

Pantalone! I will be more than happy ^^ I'm already cosplaying Dan Heng Il and now an audio.... You're so kind for us ^^ providing the best content.

chris is frothing at the mouth

i am going to climb the walls like a feral animal i love dan heng so much. thank you thank you

Roxanna Grace

I love that you always learning new things to give us the best version 🥺 thank you Azeru! but please don't forget to take car of yourself and have enough rest 🫶


Azeru and hoyo’s dragon men just mix so well lordy. First Zhongli and now IL Dan Heng?? Easy fav

Pam 701

OMG, you do such a superb job with these characters, first GI and now HSR! I am constantly amazed at your attention to detail. I also really like the “magical” sound effects you used. TYSM, Azeru! ❤️🥵🔥🥵❤️


Sooo excited to get off of work to listen to this one 😵‍💫😩 I’m sure it’ll be just as amazing as always ✨


i was literally just thinking how i would love for you to do a IL dan heng audio!! didn’t disappoint!!!

Kayla Taylor

Thank you for this audio! 😄🩵✨️


All the sound details take this audio to a total different level. Thank you so much!!


Omg 💣💥 I love how danhen slowly breaks he is so sweet and gentle omg having him sing in desperation 🫠 him gasping out of breath and pleasure i pictured him biting on my fingers while riding him omg 🥵🥵🥵🥵 i need more of that ❤️ also.. another sweet gentleman and captain mister gepard part 2 pls..😍😍😍😍😍😍


Oh my gods yes yes yes YES! I was praying you'd give us Honkai Star Rail's Dragon Daddy! 😩 Personally, I love when you dip into the characters of this universe, and I'd love to see more of them! (Especially if you were to do an audio for Sampo for the record, I stg I love that sly, suspicious, silly conman so much!) I'm definitely looking forward to giving this a listen later when I'm done cooking dinner!


What a gorgeous audio. So gentle and easy. ❤️


holy fuck when he went: ride me, ride me you could legit see the scene just playing out

Leaf (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-22 16:47:03 that ed sheeran line got me dyin' sorry
2023-09-13 22:57:10 that ed sheeran line got me dyin' sorry

that ed sheeran line got me dyin' sorry


We got Genshin, we got Honkai, now all I need is for Obey Me to come back and I'll be whole again


I got IL Dan Heng in the pool! My 龙龙丹恒 OWO I want to touch IL Dan Heng's dragon horns, long ears, and dragon tail~ This is the most obvious differences between him and mortals. Is it Interesting if add these in scenario? I also remember Dan Heng owes us an artificial respiration, please ask him to pay it back with this appearance(Imbibitor Lunae)>///< By the way, is it possible to add some kisses on lip when grinding?I think it will be more spicy(JP Audio Drama like using this performance because listener will feel beloved.)


can we get more dan heng RAHHHHHHH 😍🫣


This hit so different today. It's driving me mad I just want to feel his lips and hands all over me. The urge to fill that place inside me is so strong. I've learnt a lot because of what I'm working towards becoming. So I know a lot about womens orgasms. (And mens theoretically.) But I've never had the guts to put anything inside. This may be amusing, sorry. It just feels less ridiculous to finally say it . I can give myself killer, mind blowing orgasms very easily. But I'm too scared to put anything inside. Am I being silly? I do babble, sorry.


Really? 😊. I'm always being teased about it. YES!!!!!


I wish he could feel this ecstasy.

Neana Hidden

Oh my Aeons. This was so gentle and loving and absolutely perfect. He says all the things you’ve always wished someone would say to you and truly mean. It’s very intimate and quietly emotional. Being fully excepted by the one you love. There must be tension after finding out who he really is, seeing his dragon form and his power. Dan Heng never spoke about it before. Not about the painful past or his burdens. Maybe he woke up from nightmares when you were together but never gave any explanation. So it feels a bit like a betrayal, even if you understand his reasons. You’re not sure you know who he is anymore Him assuring he is the same Dan Heng in any form, that loves you in any form, it just fits so well. The passion is more slow burn. It takes a while to get used to the changes. But after that barrier brakes it also makes everything exciting. Being curious about his new form. How beautiful he is, both familiar and strange. You can imagine him laying on the water-like floor / makeshift bed, long hair pooling around him. I would definitely want to touch his transparent horns to see if they feel like glass or bone. Btw Drinker of the Moon fits perfectly with the magical tingles transformation.

Neana Hidden

Oh yes. A trickster rogue Sampo. A delicious cocktail with some Kaeya smoothness mixed in with a base of Itto shenanigans. (All stolen or counterfeit of course)


Azzy are u planning to make an audio with Aventurine or Dr Ratio from HSR? Have u considered them ? <3


He having a his sailor moon moment 🤣

Akohaine (edited)

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2023-09-26 04:42:36 I honestly love your hsr audios 💕💕💕 would love to see you voice more characters from that game like Welt or Sampo 🙏
2023-09-25 06:43:27 I honestly love your hsr audios 💕💕💕 would love to see you voice more characters from that game like Welt or Sampo 🙏

I honestly love your hsr audios 💕💕💕 would love to see you voice more characters from that game like Welt or Sampo 🙏


Glad I'm not the only one who saw his "transformation" and immediately thought of Sailor Moon 😅


I love Dan heng! In every form. Yours truly is a masterpiece!


Ngl, may have been having fun, and the um sound effect scared me

Ellen Fox

This is probably the 3rd or 4th time I've listened to this audio, so I was drawing while listening. But I tuned back in when IL said "Everything is going to be okay." I nearly cried. I am going through arguably the hardest moments of my life and his affirmations just struck the right chord tonight. Its so sweet and cozy. Thank you for putting such endearing moments in your audios


Very comforting, soft again, always a like for me. Im beginning to think he is like Xiao, a switch and their uncanny resemblance in color scheme lol

Shadow Nugs (edited)

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2024-05-02 09:06:06 Bro I didn't come here to cry but the way he said, out of nowhere "It's going to be Okay" I don't know what about it but I broke down into tears. It's been so long since someone has told me that. It was healing to hear that. Thank you Azaru 💞
2024-04-23 05:02:22 Bro I didn't come here to cry but the way he said, out of nowhere "It's going to be Okay" I don't know what about it but I broke down into tears. It's been so long since someone has told me that. It was healing to hear. Thank you Azaru 💞

Bro I didn't come here to cry but the way he said, out of nowhere "It's going to be Okay" I don't know what about it but I broke down into tears. It's been so long since someone has told me that. It was healing to hear. Thank you Azaru 💞

Remy Darling

I love so many of your audios but I think this may be my favourite.


**This Comment Contains audio SPOILERS** WHERE has THIS been hiding? Oh gods this is so good. Listened to it twice in a row 🥰 I had a really difficult day, filled with 3 doctor appointments, and I get in bed with this audio tonight and it’s everything I needed… 🤍 “listen, I’m worried about you” 🤍 “I’m not like the others. I pay attention.” 🤍 “It feels lonely” 🤍 “Like you’re living as a shadow, with no control over your life” 🤍 “Come here” 🤍 “Everything will be okay” 🤍 “I’ll make you feel loved, I’ll make you feel wanted” 🤍 “I will listen to you” 🤍 “Shhh” 🩷“I want to make lots and lots and lots of love to you”🩷 I love the moans when the listener is pleasing the character. Exceptional sfx as always ❤️❤️

Kseniya Zharkova (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-23 17:10:26 So Gentle and Hot! ☆♡♡♡☆
2024-06-23 17:10:26 So Gentle and Hot! ☆♡♡♡☆
2024-06-23 17:10:26 So Gentle and Hot! ☆♡♡♡☆
2024-06-23 17:10:26 So Gentle and Hot! ☆♡♡♡☆
2024-06-23 17:10:26 So Gentle and Hot! ☆♡♡♡☆
2024-06-23 17:10:26 So Gentle and Hot! ☆♡♡♡☆
2024-06-23 17:10:26 So Gentle and Hot! ☆♡♡♡☆
2024-06-23 17:10:26 So Gentle and Hot! ☆♡♡♡☆
2024-06-23 17:10:26 So Gentle and Hot! ☆♡♡♡☆
2024-06-23 17:10:26 So Gentle and Hot! ☆♡♡♡☆
2024-06-23 17:10:26 So Gentle and Hot! ☆♡♡♡☆
2024-06-23 17:10:26 So Gentle and Hot! ☆♡♡♡☆
2024-06-23 17:10:26 So Gentle and Hot! ☆♡♡♡☆
2024-06-23 17:10:26 So Gentle and Hot! ☆♡♡♡☆
2024-06-23 17:10:26 So Gentle and Hot! ☆♡♡♡☆
2024-06-23 17:10:26 So Gentle and Hot! ☆♡♡♡☆
2024-06-23 17:10:26 So Gentle and Hot! ☆♡♡♡☆
2024-06-23 17:10:26 So Gentle and Hot! ☆♡♡♡☆
2024-06-21 04:58:23 So Gentle and Hot! ☆♡♡♡☆

So Gentle and Hot! ☆♡♡♡☆


Can't believe you made this one nearly a year ago!! It is still so romantic and hot....