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I didn't realize until today that I never posted my May time card, how embarrassing.

The end of May/beginning of June were lazy because I had surgery on my hand to fix that trigger finger issue. I'm back to normal now, but it kept me from doing any substantial work for 2-3 weeks.

These last two months were taken up almost entirely by the Tobacco project. I ended up having to cancel a number of side projects in order to focus on that.

The next two videos are a combined project, a sort of Part 1/2. First, I want to discuss Indian Removal/Erasure in October, followed by the Pilgrims/Puritans in November. Doing back-to-back videos is difficult, but I'm hoping I can get ahead of this since I have ~3 months to work on it.



Dj Johnson

My man knowing better. ✊🏿 always worth it to see what he's working on and the work he's putting in. Side note if I can be curious, what's your political affiliation? 🤔

Gregory Rycerz

Nice! Can't wait to see the Native video. I have native family on my wife's side so I'll spread the word.

Dj Johnson

It's not really, I'm just curious myself and ofcourse a fan. I'm binging his videos now. 🤣 I guess I'm wondering cause it seems out of character for someone to actually have factual, clear critics of this country and have popularity. Also depending on their affiliation can tell you how they possibly think. He's obviously been around the block once or twice.

Will Latinette

I thought the tobacco video was really great. I should watch it again.