Share A Summer Memory, Will ya? (Patreon)
Hello Hello,
For the SFW audio this month, I've been wanting to do a kind of old school late night smooth jazz radio station type of thing.
The kind of thing where people would write into the station to have their fan mail read/ask for advice from the MC.
So! I thought it might be sweet to ask you kind folks to share a summer memory with Daddy Stardust to be read on his hit late night show, "The Stardust Reverie."
Or as he said it on last night's broadcast, "Tell Daddy all about it, Moonbeam."
So here's a Google form for you to share a sweet memory to be read by Daddy Stardust himself.
It doesn't have to be very long at all, and I suppose it doesn't have to be real, as long as it's a sweet summertime memory!
Although the story you submit may be real, please leave a fake name to be read along with your story! For example, "This letter is from one Marian Dumont from Regina, Saskatchewan, Age 37."
Hopefully, that all makes sense! I can't promise I'll get to every submission, but if the audio itself is received well, I just may do another one of it.
And just remember,
If you ever feel lonely, look to the sky Moonbeam, and tune into the Stardust Reverie.