The Stardust Reverie (Patreon)
Hello Beautiful,
This one's a bit different than any other SFW audio I've done thus far.
But, I've been meaning to make something like this for a while. Or more so, to convey the kind of feeling that hopefully this brings you.
I asked for some of your fondest summer memories earlier this month, and you did not disappoint!
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to fit all of them into this audio, but thank you for everyone who shared.
This one gets a bit sentimental at the end, just so you're prepared.
Either way, I hope you enjoy this nostalgia filled radio program.
Also, I know not all of the music is purely jazz, in fact one song is bolero. In case there were any jazz heads amongst you who might want to fight me.
Here's the playlist, if you even care.
Talk Soon Moonbeam,