Local Man Whispers About Panna Cotta (Patreon)
Hello beautiful,
First and foremost, you have to have water or some kind of drink on standby before listening to this audio. It's important for the "aftercare" at the end.
Anyway, I stand before you once again, a large headed man with a ramblefap (feat. a tenga egg).
This time I'm bringing back an old favourite and doing a pastryfap.
As you can tell by the title, I'll be reading you a panna cotta recipe all while whispering/softly speaking.
I also may or may not talk about other things that have been on my mind, but it's almost impossible to tell what's from the recipe and what's not!
So! I actually can't be held accountable for anything said in this ramblefap.
Certainly not the fantasies about public play, my oral fixation, or the very possessive things that come out of my mouth during this audio.
It's a shame we'll never know what came from the recipe or my large head.
Whisper To You Later,