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CW: I discuss my mental health journey and briefly touch on suicidal tendencies

Other than that it's just me vigorously gesticulating and wringing my hands for about half an hour~

Please enjoy!

- Aasimar 


 I was informed by a patron that my fly is down! Yikes. If I wasn't so brown I'd be blushing. 

I didn't know whilst filming but the way these pants were tailored, they tend to unzip easily without my knowing. 



Chai Tea, Avocado Toast, and Talking Mental Health



When listening to/watching these in which you talk about deep stuff, I’m just dying to have a deep convo with you about life and just any- and everything lol. I greatly appreciate the social commentary and self-awareness you bring into all the topics you address here (I guess “here” being your internet presence as a whole). (Also sorry for being that person but it has to be noted that you have a distractingly gorgeous smile, and I might get roasted for saying this but I'm iiiiinto the mustache whether it’s happening intentionally or just as a 5 o’clock shadow thing idc 😩) Annnyway, as someone who has worked to consume healthier media for my mental health, I can say that it has helped and has been pretty sustainable long-term, as long as I’m not using it to drown out real things I need to face. Or if I’m just genuinely having a really rough mental health day, sometimes I need to just allow myself to feel it instead of being adamant about making myself feel hyped. Finding that balance has been the struggle there, but it really has changed the game for me. I don’t know if my saying that holds any value to your situation, but I hope it does. As for “the group project called love” 😂, while I have a *contentious* relationship with my parents and some of the things they taught me, something I do really appreciate is how they emphasized that being in a relationship isn’t two people completing each other; it’s two whole individuals building a life together. I love that. It definitely helps me keep myself in check when I’m finding myself getting lost in the other person, who my brain thinks they want me to be, and/or finding my value in them. I have to be whole and good with myself and my mental state outside of another person before I can introduce someone into the mix and expect a healthy outcome. And in specific terms of the manic pixie dream girl archetype, it’s like, it’s harmful to think that a good relationship consists of leaching off of someone else’s positivity and happiness *and* it’s harmful, as you said, to fetishize someone’s mental health, especially because that usually comes with people looking to benefit from the highs and shy away from, minimize, or even disparage for the lows. But I could write a novel there, so I’m just going to conclude by saying that I appreciate you bringing up these topics with a critical eye. 🙌


And my b, I know that was already 5 million years long, but I think you being very thoughtful about how much is responsible to share is already indicative of you being on the right track. We obviously can’t decide for you what is a good level of openness from you, but I guess the positive comments about it all throughout this thread may help you gauge that from our end, we don’t think you’re oversharing or being weird or anything 😂 You just have to make sure on your end that you are creating intentional boundaries for yourself/your protection and respecting them. Which again it sounds like you’re already working toward so 💪👏