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Sometimes things don't work out the first time.

Sometimes things don't work out the second time.

But as a wise man once tweeted:

"It's not about the amount of times your Japanese soufflé pancakes deflate. 

It's about having the courage to whisk that meringue and give it another try. "

Either way I hope you enjoy the rambles,



Perseverance in The Face of Frustration: Japanese Soufflé Pancakes



this video hit close to home so i really understand your frustration and pain that comes with it, especially when you factor in the comparison we do to other along the “failures”. it’s hard to reframe and think in a different light, but it’s good to have more normalization conversation around it. as always, aas. thank you my dude. i really appreciate your rambles and i’m in constant awe of your ability to articulate yourself. i hope that this year, you can be more kind and show yourself the compassion that you deserve. ♥️


i love these video updates because you’re always keeping it real! it’s really hard to dissociate failure with *ourselves*. that’s not to discount the importance of accountability for our own actions, but it’s worth noting the quality of the tools we use to succeed. we can do everything right, but the outcome can still be some garbage because your pan is too damn small! all this to say that it doesn’t reflect on you as a person, cook, baker, or whatever if you’re not working with optimal tools. anywho, i hope you’re doing well during these TrYiNg TiMeS and being kind to yourself 💕