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Hello Beautiful,

For the last couple of weeks, there's been an issue where certain audios aren't loading.

Specifically these are audios that are linked to soundgasm instead of ones that are uploaded directly to Patreon.

To be clear, this is an issue on Patreon/Soundgasm's side. I've reached out to support and I'm just waiting to hear back from them. 

Worse comes to worst, I'll just have to go back and re-upload all the audios onto Patreon directly myself.

Right now, the only reliable solution is to download the Patreon app and view it from there. 

Also, I updated the link in the poll but for some folks it's still acting up. 

This should work.

Sorry for the inconveniences!

Troubleshoot With You Later,




Thanks for looking into this for us 💕🙏🏼

V Blue

and here i thought i was the only one! thanks for the update