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【會員投票 🇺🇸】 特朗普勝出原因

  • 不滿美國經濟轉差,通脹影響民生 465
  • 不滿大量非法移民入境 347
  • 不滿左翼政治正確政策,特別是與變性人、同性婚姻等有關 364
  • 不滿民主黨支持墮胎政策 14
  • 不滿拜登政府外交政策,包括耗費資源在烏克蘭戰爭 32
  • 不滿傳統精英壟斷民主話語權、變相寡頭獨裁 171
  • 同情特朗普被政治打壓 19
  • 期望出現強人形象帶領國家 91
  • 不相信賀錦麗的性別、種族背景 34
  • 不相信賀錦麗的能力、願景 348
  • 其他(請註明) 17
  • 2024-11-05
  • 1902 votes
{'title': '【會員投票 🇺🇸】 特朗普勝出原因', 'choices': [{'text': '不滿美國經濟轉差,通脹影響民生', 'votes': 465}, {'text': '不滿大量非法移民入境', 'votes': 347}, {'text': '不滿左翼政治正確政策,特別是與變性人、同性婚姻等有關', 'votes': 364}, {'text': '不滿民主黨支持墮胎政策', 'votes': 14}, {'text': '不滿拜登政府外交政策,包括耗費資源在烏克蘭戰爭', 'votes': 32}, {'text': '不滿傳統精英壟斷民主話語權、變相寡頭獨裁', 'votes': 171}, {'text': '同情特朗普被政治打壓', 'votes': 19}, {'text': '期望出現強人形象帶領國家', 'votes': 91}, {'text': '不相信賀錦麗的性別、種族背景', 'votes': 34}, {'text': '不相信賀錦麗的能力、願景', 'votes': 348}, {'text': '其他(請註明)', 'votes': 17}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 5, 20, 17, 47, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 1902}





如果選項由 “不滿” 改為 “相信特朗普可以解決” 美國經濟轉差,通脹影響民生問題…等等,結果係咪一樣 — 即係話手段其實係咪就係結果?

Gary Lee

我個人覺得唔使諗得咁複雜,侵擺出黎就高賀錦麗幾班。特朗普四年前可以輸俾 Sleepy Joe,其實我唔覺得美國人要求好高。但賀錦麗真係渣,而投射出黎就係民主黨同後面班金主真係爛。呢四年果種碌碌無為乜都唔敢做,轉個候選人都驚,要個八十幾歲阿伯連任,一早就埋下大敗種籽。

salt water

普選票侵侵好穩定7000萬左右,但民主黨票跌1500萬,先唔講deep state出貓,咁要問賀錦麗點解會跌到咁甘。揸住大數據嘅朱克伯格選前突然企返中立,佢知道原因。可能有一籃子因素,移民通脹性別松鼠乜X都有,但大數據tell the truth,而民調deep fake你。

Good Year



Pre-election optimism was a clear indication of how badly Harris and her aides underestimated the flaws in the polls and misread the electorate that was more wound up about inflation and illegal immigration than about Trump’s character. Trump batted off Democrats’ “demonization” and secured his return to the White House with a landslide victory in both electoral and popular votes. His rhetoric resonated with silent voters who believed the nation had veered significantly off course from its traditional values, directing their anger toward—or helping them recognize the root cause within—Harris and her party, Meanwhile, Harris failed to differentiate herself from Biden and articulate her own solutions, if any, to the prevailing economic and foreign policy challenges. Harris lost ground on several political fronts. According to the WSJ, both women and men shifted toward the GOP compared to their 2020 preferences. While losing ground among voters without an undergraduate degree, a demographic representing nearly 60% of the electorate, Harris also ceded some of her party's advantage among college-educated voters. Support for Trump doubled among Black voters, reaching 16%, and Latino support racked up by 7 points to 42%, compared with 35% in the 2020 race and 28% in 2016. These shifts transmute the traditional thinking about US elections: a considerable share of the GOP’s votes from shrinking white voters. For decades, Democrats have often viewed Latino voters as a bloc, luring their votes through initiatives like legalizing millions of workers without permanent legal status. In contrast, Trump pursues a different approach to appeal them: treating them like any other voter, especially appealing working-class individuals who are worried about rising inflation impacting their cost of living and wary of too many illegal immigrants. It turns out that Trump’s approach resonates more with their priorities. In the other dimension, Harris experienced a decline in support from voters earning less than $100k in household income, while gaining ground among a smaller segment of voters with higher incomes. Numbers don’t lie. Facts demonstrate not only the failure of her campaign strategy but the grievances from the electorate against the incumbent government. Democrats have to ask themselves why voters choose to repudiate the current economic and progressive policies through their ballots.

Doctor Manhattan


Natalie Kwong

In tough times like these—wars, immigration crises, and everyday economic pressures piling up—people usually look for a strong leader to bring some stability. People are already seeing in Europe how there's less appetite for far-left ideology and more interest in returning to core 'Western' values. With the working class struggling just to get by, ideological politics don’t always hit home. It feels like a shift back toward more grounded, practical governance over abstract ideas.

悉尼 袋鼠

基本上可以寫 「ALL OF ABOVE」。如果無咗三份一因素,特朗普多數唔會贏。 不過可以補充,投票率大慨65%,即係3成5選民無投票。假如係強制全民投票,雖然唔敢寫包單,會係賀錦麗、定係特朗普一定會嬴,不過分析勝出嘅原因,應該會narrow down到只有一、兩點。 呢次大選唔出嚟投票,多數都唔會關注呢堆議題,迫佢哋出嚟投票,就會多數憑感受睇經濟情況,及對候選人喜好

悉尼 袋鼠

留言幾日,似乎 disinformation 無乜人提

B River

Based on sea flood fake news / conspiracy via social media. Sadly those targeted groups do not have any critical thinking skills and fact checking skills