【國際夢工場 🇺🇸🎬】 《Trump: An American Dream》 最難忘的一幕:十三年前,當特朗普當眾被奧巴馬KO (Patreon)
《Netflix》 有一套2018年推出的四集紀錄片《Trump: An American Dream》,現在依然值得重溫。紀錄片內亮點處處,好幾個細節個人都很希望討論,但還是先說整套紀錄片最發人深省、也最具喜感的一幕。
美國政壇有不少 inside jokes 和「自己人」傳統,其中一個是一年一度的白宮記者晚宴。在過去一百年,每一任美國總統任內都會起碼出席一次晚宴作主題演講,由於整個晚宴的目的是聯誼、拉關係,所以總統在晚宴都是表演棟篤笑,自嘲、嘲笑黨友 / 政敵或記者,不過又是無傷大雅的程度,讓被白宮請食檸檬的記者、或被記者惹怒的官員濟濟一堂,從而傳達「一笑泯恩仇」、「大家其實都是自己人」的目的。
特朗普在 Twitter 起家的第一個「作品」,就是在奧巴馬競選連任前夕,高調在 Twitter 加持質疑奧巴馬是否在美國出生的陰謀論(非美國出生不能競選美國總統),不斷要求奧巴馬提供出世紙,證明自己清白。特朗普當時並未決定從政,只是玩票性質的感受一下社交媒體的溫度,對奧巴馬也不見得有敵意,因為他質疑的同時也會說「he's a great president but... 」之類。奧巴馬一直不希望回應,覺得這類泥漿摔角沒完沒了,只會 downgrade 自己,但最終在特朗普的人氣和壓力下,還是令他不得不亮出了出世紙。然後,特朗普也有回應,大意是說覺得自己「勝了一仗」,並說大家可以從此專注於「更重要的事情」。
Michele Bachmann is here, though, I understand, and she is thinking about running for President, which is weird because I hear she was born in Canada. (Laughter.) Yes, Michele, this is how it starts. (Laughter.) Just letting you know. (Laughter and applause.)
Tim Pawlenty? He seems all American. But have you heard his real middle name? Tim “Hosni” Pawlenty? (Laughter.) What a shame. (Laughter.)
My buddy, our outstanding ambassador, Jon Huntsman, is with us. Now, there’s something you might not know about Jon. He didn’t learn to speak Chinese to go there. Oh no. (Laughter.) He learned English to come here. (Laughter and applause.)
And then there’s a vicious rumor floating around that I think could really hurt Mitt Romney. I heard he passed universal health care when he was governor of Massachusetts. (Laughter.) Someone should get to the bottom of that.
And I know just the guy to do it -– Donald Trump is here tonight! (Laughter and applause.) Now, I know that he’s taken some flak lately, but no one is happier, no one is prouder to put this birth certificate matter to rest than the Donald. (Laughter.) And that’s because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter –- like, did we fake the moon landing? (Laughter.) What really happened in Roswell? (Laughter.) And where are Biggie and Tupac? (Laughter and applause.)
But all kidding aside, obviously, we all know about your credentials and breadth of experience. (Laughter.) For example -- no, seriously, just recently, in an episode of Celebrity Apprentice -- (laughter) -- at the steakhouse, the men’s cooking team cooking did not impress the judges from Omaha Steaks. And there was a lot of blame to go around. But you, Mr. Trump, recognized that the real problem was a lack of leadership. And so ultimately, you didn’t blame Lil’ Jon or Meatloaf. (Laughter.) You fired Gary Busey. (Laughter.) And these are the kind of decisions that would keep me up at night. (Laughter and applause.) Well handled, sir. (Laughter.) Well handled.
Say what you will about Mr. Trump, he certainly would bring some change to the White House. Let’s see what we’ve got up there. (Laughter.)
(Screens show “Trump White House Resort and Casino.”)
這段講話,將奧巴馬心目中特朗普的業餘、譁眾取寵的小丑形象,演繹得淋漓盡致。例如特朗普說過現在可以專注「更重要的事」,奧巴馬就說喜見特朗普可以關心更重要的事,「例如我們有沒有偽裝登陸月球,羅斯威爾有沒有外星人,Rappers Biggie and Tupac 究竟是誰人所殺」,這些都是典型的網絡陰謀論。然後再直線抽擊特朗普的皇牌節目《飛黃騰達》。最後居然亮出預早製作的動畫,諷刺如果特朗普入主白宮,就會將白宮變成渡假村和賭場。
這是典型的精英 inside joke,一般人的反應只能「硬食」、陪笑,因為這的確是棟篤笑的場合,所有人都會自嘲,一切笑話的大前提理應是大家都是自己人,就算心裏不爽,也不能發洩出來,否則會被看作沒有風度、不識大體,還有最重要的一點:「都唔係自己人」。當日奧巴馬的表現非常搶眼,基本上是技術性KO了特朗普,而又沒有令精英總統的尊嚴受損。相信他和他的幕僚都認為是扳回十城。
然而,特朗普就是特朗普。他自大的背後,在傳統精英面前,一直有一種強烈的自卑情結,因為他的教育、出身、家庭背景、還有處事方式,從來都得不到傳統精英接納。他曾經很努力的打入這個圈子,但總是被當作一個 outcast。這種不滿,才是他要當總統的一大動力,動力不只是要「飛黃騰達」,還有要顛覆傳統精英的遊戲規則。
(Source of Obama's Speech: https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/blog/2011/05/01/president-s-speech-white-house-correspondents-dinner)
⏺ 【會員獨家影片・會客室:國際前線--美國大選特輯 306 🇺🇸】
NY4HK 召集人、Manhattanville University 楊錦霞教授:(二)賀錦麗選情的後期危機:哪裏出了錯?