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特朗普再次當選美國總統後,各方面的政策都醞釀巨大改變,金融界最關心的是他要放寬監管虛擬貨幣的大方向,以及委任 Elon Musk 負責「提高政府效率」的含義。蕭少滔認為,如果美國政府全力發展虛擬貨幣,和美元雙管齊下,不但不會削弱美元霸權,反而可以相輔相成,並徹底改變全球金融秩序。究竟這代表了甚麼?



Galant Ng

講嘢得半桶水,crypto 同 blockchain 都未搞清楚


全世界的政府都有冗員,全世界的政府都知自己有冗員! 第三世界國家吾敢講,一般政府炒20% 人肯定不會影響效率,甚至提高左添(終於要驚失業)🤣 科技從來不能夠令政府少咗人,因為整個官僚系統才是真正的阻力



悉尼 袋鼠

比特幣電費好貴,主要係來自交易確認嘅加密 — 所謂 『挖掘』 /『數學猜迷』 ,就係(去中央化嘅)多方參與電腦運算確認加密、再寫入區塊鏈,之後參與者隨機獲償一個Bitcoin 原始設計,每次派幣之間會越嚟越耐,並且去到2100年會派出最後一個。而家fork out唔知有無更改。此外,因為去中央化,參與交易確認之間嘅電腦要對結果,交易時間延長之餘,亦肯定電費使用亦越嚟越貴;如果bitcoin現價唔超過某個美元價位(for example say >$10,000/coin,實質唔知),電費太貴就唔會有人得閒去『掘礦』,成個交易系統就會崩潰。 所以如果政府想用加密貨幣,一定唔會接受去中央化,除咗電費貴、交易時間長,政府一定考慮到要繼續壟斷發鈔權。 其實講咗人民幣數字化一段字間,就係講緊將現有貨幣變成加密貨幣,只不過分別在於交易加密中央處理,而比特幣係無大台,但交易成本昂貴。 將美元變成為加密貨幣,大慨有技術上及運作上問題要解決(有乜問題我就唔在行),與及民眾適應。如果話Trump及Musk會推出新加密幣,我會當係騙局嚟睇,而且聯儲局合唔合作都成疑。(雖然唔少bitcoin忠實擁躉,早就認為美鈔係一個騙局) 片中提及投票… 十年前聽過一個早期炒家,講到bitcoin幾安全,話要超過一半電腦受同一個組織控制,先至有可能亂寫嘢入去區塊鏈。我就話投票最好繼續留有paper trail。 狗狗幣並唔係由Elon Musk原創,佢只不過响三年零前,於Twitter推特咗隻柴犬頭像 Shiba Inu (初收購Twitter 都用咗個狗頭,做網站標誌),先至引起炒風。原創團隊與及早期參與者,純粹係玩膠,parody啲加密貨幣(若我理解有錯,煩請專家更正)

堅離地書院 College

我也並未能消化虛擬貨幣如何支撐美元這個部份,這不是我的專長,會多請教其他朋友 🙏


doge coin/shabu係唔係佢創,但係佢成日係twitter推價(btc/doge/shib),因為呢樣野我對elon musk其人有啲改觀。 事實btc transaction fee係貴嘅,所以而家普遍都係越來越推佢做數碼黃金,而唔係日常使用,所以而家先有layer 2嘅應用對小額交易。2140後(出晒21 million btc)原設計係相信唔應該會冧,因為仲有transaction fee 當然,我個人覺得,2140都成百年後,冇人知道會點。都有可能量子電腦大量化,mining好快,或者人類都滅亡咗

Frank Wong



bitcoin 同smart contract係兩樣嘢, bitcoin暫時都未做到好似ethereum咁樣可以寫到smart contract


投票就一早已開始緊, 好多時社群裏面一啲嘅議案都可以喺 DAO 嗰度做投票, 只要你加入咗社群裏面用鏈上嘅token去投票就得


呢集講緊一啲儲存資產嘅crypto、有應用場景可以寫入smart contract嘅crypto、同埋加密貨幣開發社群有關嘅DAO、 同埋性質上和發行股票股份類似的RWA、 之前講到話會侵犯個人私隱同埋儲存個人嘅獨一無二嘅虹膜嘅,派 universal basic income 的world coin等等,有少少混淆概念,如果本身唔係有玩開嘅都會好容易聽到一頭霧水,蕭生又唔係講太清楚。 不過非常之認同,唔可以淨係話trump支持加密貨幣就覺得個貨幣炒起就完。其實佢喺後面應該有更加大嘅諗法, 會顛覆現今巳知的金融市場。呢方面蕭生完全講中曬,值得一聽。 利申,我有接觸加密貨幣,亦都有持有少少 BTC,ETH等等。


都有人話過量子電腦係會係加密貨幣的末日。 美國最近都有為量子電腦可能的出現而重新制定咗一啲加密嘅標準,到時睇下又會係咩情況。 另外話到要有50%以上的攻擊才會能夠改到區塊鏈上面的記錄, 雖然以現在電腦的運算速率應該好難做得到,但係量子電腦登場又係唔知咩情況。 另外話做transaction嗰陣用bitcoin係一定會係慢嘅 ,所以先至會有ethereum layout 2嘅出現可以低gas fee 同埋高速做到transaction。 Coinbase 呢間美國上市所謂合規嘅交易所,都會自己開發建設在 ethereum layer 2 嘅BASE呢條鏈去做到高速嘅transaction,就知道應該係冇大問題嘅,不過只不過要多啲人去用,同埋多啲infrastructure support。


I can give a brief overview of the flexibility of smart contract within blockchain platforms and the implications of quantum computing on encryption technology. Unlike other decentralized blockchain platforms (e.g. Ethereum ) that are specifically designed to support smart contract functionality, the Bitcoin scripting language is primarily focused on secure, decentralized transaction validation. However, in comparison to the more advanced programming capabilities necessary for sophisticated smart contracts on other platforms, Bitcoin's scripting language is somewhat limited in functionality. While the Bitcoin blockchain does not natively support smart contracts, there’re ways to enable some limited smart contract-like functionality on top of the Bitcoin network, such as through the use of side chains or other second-layer solutions. However, these approaches are generally less flexible and more constrained than the smart contract capabilities found on dedicated smart contract platforms. The recent progress in quantum computing has raised concerns among many computer scientists regarding the vulnerability of current encryption methods employed in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. Encryption algorithms like RSA and the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA), commonly utilized in cryptocurrencies, are at risk of being compromised by quantum computers. With the capacity to execute quantum algorithms such as Shor's algorithm, these advanced systems can efficiently break through traditional cryptographic protocols, potentially jeopardizing the security of cryptocurrency wallets and transactions. Second, blockchain networks rely on proof-of-work (PoW) mining, which is based on the computational difficulty of certain cryptographic problems. Quantum computers could potentially solve these problems much faster than classical computers, disrupting the consensus mechanism and enabling malicious actors to gain control of the blockchain. They could also be used to forge digital signatures on blockchain transactions, allowing attackers to create fraudulent transactions and double-spend cryptocurrency. To mitigate the risks posed by quantum computing, the cryptocurrency and blockchain community is exploring several countermeasures. I know researchers are developing new encryption algorithms and protocols that are resistant to quantum attacks, such as post-quantum cryptography (PQC). Incorporating these quantum-resistant algorithms into cryptocurrency and blockchain systems is a critical step to future-proof these technologies. As quantum computing advances, the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry must proactively address these challenges to maintain the security and integrity of their systems in the face of this emerging threat. Vigilant monitoring of the progress and capabilities of quantum computing, alongside an understanding of its potential impact, is essential to stay ahead of the threat and adapt encryption methods accordingly. Combining multiple encryption algorithms, including both classical and quantum-resistant methods, may provide a more robust and resilient security approach. On the other hand, designing blockchain architectures that are inherently more resilient to quantum attacks, such as through the use of alternative consensus mechanisms or decentralized decision-making processes, is a must for the ongoing evolution of blockchain technology.


The idea of crypto as it is today has a lot of contradictions. The very idea of blockchain (the technology behind most crypto) is based on “distrust” - i.e. a distributed ledger that is not centrally controlled and hence “democratises” finance. If you “trust” a big government or a big tech, there is no need for these elaborate cryptos in the present form as they exist today. Yet if you observe what is happening in reality, they are not as decentralised as people think, everyone wants control, which defeats the whole purpose of why it was created, and why it otherwise just ended up being a haven for money laundering. As a currency the supply is not determined by economists but a simple algorithm and will not be stable, has no physical backing nor is it backed by the full faith of the United States Government, just created out of thin air. As an asset class it is not productive, and has just as much underlying value as a traveller’s cheque should have, and if people tell you they are scarce don’t believe them. In God we trust, everyone else pay cash. Crypto has a long way to go to evolve before it becomes something useful to society.

Good Year

佢意思係將加密幣變成另一種 back by 美元既assets , 你地支持呢隻back by 美元既assets 同支持美元一樣。 我會理解成港元issue by 美國某機構, 你任何時間都可以轉返做美元。 呢種assets 既交易支撐係一套獨立於銀行系統既Block chain system, 受美國政府監管 (主要係監管發行, 不是監管交易) , 但同時保有私密既特性, 易D理解係將"保密性"証卷化, 通過估值有價化不過最後用黎計價既都係美元。只要越多野係用美元計價美元就越穩