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談及不再信任微觀的 facts、認為真正的 truth 被隱蔽,這種閱讀現實世界的方式絕非特朗普支持者獨有,其實是一個全球通用的全新現象。

逐漸地,這種對科學、專業的不信任,也蔓延到很多專業人士身上。例如他們會根據 conventional wisdom 相信賭盤、而不是民調,結果又的確是賭盤對預測結果更準確。由於世界政治、經濟有太多不可測性,黑天鵝處處,他們會情願相信印度神童或日本神卜,而不是著作等身的大師。

這種智慧到了很多精打細算的家庭主婦身上,更會情願相信傳統智慧哪些食物有益、有害,而不是閱讀科學報告;無論經過多少驗證,都不容易令她們信服人工食品無害,這也是特朗普委任的衛生部長 RFK Jr 雖然散播大量陰謀論,但他對食品安全的立場,卻有若干跨黨派支持的原因。同一道理,如果是足不出戶 / 出國的某些群體,自然更難信服氣候變化是客觀存在。


我們只要用幾日 ChatGPT,就會明白 AI 的廣泛應用會徹底打破昔日任何權威對 facts 的壟斷,人人都可以通過人工智能找出需要的數字,去建構自己的真相。例如我可以要求AI 找出香港人 BNO5+1 對英國經濟的貢獻數字,也可以要求論證上述貢獻只是微不足道的數字,這些本來需要一個博士研究生用幾年時間論證的命題,現在都可以幾分鐘找到各取所需的「答案」,誰還會相信世上存在絕對可量化的真理?


如果我們相信自由主義,上述感知,其實是符合一些經濟學理論的。經濟學家 Julian Simon 就認為人口危機又是一個「騙局」,環保並不需要,人類更不應該節約能源,因為只要釋放人類的創造力,歷史證明了 in the long run,人類發現的、能夠使用的天然資源越來越多,價格越來越便宜。既然是這樣,無論怎樣污染,也可以通過科技解決;無論怎樣浪費資源,也總有新資源會出現,為甚麼還要在意 micro level 小修小補的 facts?


⏺ 【隨緣家書大長篇 🇺🇸】 Elon Musk 的「政府效率部」,會否成為顛覆世界、製造未來的先知?(下)



Gary Au

講真,信又點,你叫用個啲即溶係口既紙飲管,我寧願唔環保,而明明好多合理既可降解飲管可用,環保分子變咗DEI 咁,當自己係神,逼人做佢鍾意做嘅嘢,呢個先係令人咁反感就問題所在


This piece brings the Simon-Ehrlich wager to mind, which was the bet between economist Julian Simon and biologist Paul Ehrlich in 1980 regarding the future availability and prices of natural resources. Simon and Ehrlich made a bet based on their differing views on resource scarcity and population growth. Ehrlich, known for his book “The Population Bomb,” predicted that the prices of five selected metals (copper, chromium, nickel, tin, and tungsten) would increase over the next decade due to resource scarcity. Simon, on the other hand, believed that human innovation and market forces would lead to greater abundance and lower prices for these resources over time. The bet was structured such that Ehrlich would pay Simon the difference in the prices of the selected metals ten years later, based on inflation-adjusted prices. If the prices of the metals went up, Simon would pay Ehrlich. In 1990, at the end of the wager period, the prices of all five metals selected by Ehrlich had decreased significantly. Ehrlich lost the bet and paid Simon an amount based on the difference in prices. This outcome supported Simon's argument that human innovation, technological advancements, and market mechanisms can lead to increased resource availability and lower prices over time. This wager is often cited in discussions about resource scarcity, the role of technology and innovation in resource management, and the limits to growth theories. It highlighted the importance of considering human ingenuity and market dynamics in addressing challenges related to resource availability and environmental issues. In today's interconnected and technology-driven financial landscape, markets across different asset classes are more volatile and highly correlated. In addition, trading is increasingly influenced by machine-learning algorithms, making the outcome of a bet similar to the Simon-Ehrlich wager even more unpredictable and extending well beyond the scope of the original argument. The intricate interplay of global factors, rapid information dissemination, and algorithmic trading mechanisms could introduce additional layers of complexity to such a bet. Factors such as high-frequency trading, algorithmic biases, and the speed of market reactions to news and events could significantly impact the prices of resources or assets in question. Therefore, making a similar bet in this day and age would likely involve a more nuanced understanding of market dynamics and technological influences, underscoring the evolving nature of resource pricing and the challenges of forecasting in a technologically advanced financial environment.


I don’t think the outcome of pari-mutuel betting system is necessarily unscientific. People don’t believe in bloodletting anymore than they did a century ago if we look over a longer stretch — society often takes two steps forward, one step back, but there is progress. If Mr Musk makes the blind see again, that is progress, but believing everything he says is gospel is not. Science is a harder sell when the outcome is long range — similar to buying mortgage or life insurance, you won’t know the payoff until years later, but eventually they come around. Having leadership that people respect will help as everything reverberates down from the top, that is one reason I believe electing leaders with integrity issues will have deeper flow-on consequences in society beyond policy calculations — even people who believe that Mr Trump’s policy choices will make their life better will not entrust him to babysit their kid for a week. After years of wretched excess, the population balance of hawks and doves has shifted. That will swing again, but in life all good things take time.

Gary Lee

翻譯上,Facts 係事實,Truth 係真理,都有分別吧

pp lam



This is about economics, not the state of the biosphere. Air cost you nothing in 1980 and still cost you nothing now.