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【按:訪問過加拿大 Edmonton「港ED文化協會」的朋友,談及他們出版的這本繪本《那年之後》,不少朋友問如何訂購。繪本在我們購書網有發售,以下是我為繪本寫的短序。】




The Hong Kong social movement in 2019 brought real Hongkongers all over the world together. I had the opportunity to connect with some of them in Edmonton, a place in North America that has severe winter weather. I was interviewed by the Edmonton Hongkongers Cultural Association.

Many people worry that after the passing of the Hong Kong National Security Law, Hong Kong will have no future. They worry that, after a generation or two, no one will remember the city. However, after meeting Hongkongers like those who belong to the   Edmonton Hongkongers Cultural Association, I am convinced that Hong Kong culture will be sustained. The members of the association are political neophytes with no baggage or self-interest They have no difficulty integrating into the local community.They are conscientious Canadian citizens as well as Hongkongers defending their own identity. Because Hongkongers share the same core values as Canadians, not only can Hong Kong issues be better addressed in Canada, but working together on these issues helps build networks and social capital in the local communities.

Many people worry that even if our generation still loves Hong Kong, the next generation of Hongkongers, those who are born and raised overseas, will lose their Hong Kong identity. However, in recent years, many second-generation Hongkongers, even those who are not fluent in Cantonese were awakened by the events of 2019. Hongkongers look to their ancestors to find their roots. The experience of overseas Taiwanese shows that once new immigrants are no longer worried about integration, they will strengthen their connection with their roots spontaneously. A children’s story book like this one is particularly important to assist overseas Hongkongers and the next generation in connecting with their roots in Hong Kong.

We believe that dripping water penetrates the stone. The evil hand destroying Hong Kong’s freedom cannot always cover the sky. Therefore, we need to be our best selves , knowing that Hongkongers will be the water that wears away the stone, carrying the truth about events in Hong Kong with them into the future.

Professor Simon Shen
International Relations Scholar from Hong Kong
September 2022

👉 1984購書網《那年之後》:


▶️ 加拿大「港ED文化協會」:愛民頓,才是香港救生艇的最宜居城市




港ED=港呢啲 個名已經係一個香港人身份認同嘅連結