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New season, new chick.

After discovering all of the original episodes uploaded in high quality on YouTube, and then discovering they had all been removed after we watched season 1, and THEN discovering they had all been uploaded elsewhere, my sister Jill & I can finally watch more Big Wolf on Campus!

Once again our heroes Tommy Dawkins and Merton J. Dingle are back, and once again Rachelle Lefevre has been replaced. Everyone say hello to Lori! You might not like her, but she's here to stay.

Does this season have the same magic as the first? Or are they starting to scrape the bottom of the Freak of the Week barrel?? 🇷🇺

Note: You can find this episode on archive.org.

Ready for another commentary track? Browse the full library!


Luigi LoBrutto

I was literally just about to rewatch Season 1 with your commentary, this is incredible.


According to IMDb Rachelle Lefevre left for the same reason in real life as her character did on the show. College.


i think jillian was doing it but i hope the guessing which side the claw is going to come from comes back! you guys would both guess how the claw would come across the screen (from bottom right/left or top right/left) before it'd appear lol


i also forgot how excellent that theme song is

Morgan Peters

YESSSS!!!! i’ve been waiting for this day to come so i could whip out this profile pic 😎 also jillian you are so right, lori looks just like dj from full house, i immediately thought that as soon as i saw her