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  • 361062395.mp4
  • capped-1080p.mp4?token=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ik5CY3o3Sk5RcUNmdDdWcmo5MWhra2lEY3Vyc2xtRGNmSU1oSFUzallZMDI0IiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzdWIiOiJ4QjAwb3pWNU1meVBLc05WbENCMUhSQzd4N0pxdDZkQVFmRTdtZFVkYWkyQSIsImV4cCI6MTczNTA0ODgwMCwiYXVkIjoidiIsInBsYXliYWNrX3Jlc3RyaWN0aW9uX2lkIjoiSXIwMkZtcXNxVW5NSXBFcUg4OU1kbHZXYTE1UXdPbzZkQ25lbEN0U0k5WUkifQ.igKraVbjBlrY9xGOQcvMGTaGMzXpPOayO3k_HjY1T6MnZpIVOvufCQGhOBIdOnXar67drejT84jKbbXhT0-fpLYdpDqcNNIJZ6Xfia2bVYIuWCQxCt9aMUP52w4repsSONd1K_VyY5v-7_dmnn6r9Ki8eBbvvcawYyWTPn82TenBtD9ITT4ASU9EeRohd1GgXuOYK06MxFjZhdx00GzJqPmyfASOidhwyFWUxhd-zTMHwMbLXt3Hq1oheWILy3cioRy0tUdnSIj68-o8slIu8-H-OdAjTB7buGfr_voq0bhT4vX5L-0Sw0NC6-0wbY0PDW5gonG9xHsu2mdZsXCw3Q
  • capped-1080p.mp4?token=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ik5CY3o3Sk5RcUNmdDdWcmo5MWhra2lEY3Vyc2xtRGNmSU1oSFUzallZMDI0IiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzdWIiOiJER2xQQmdqbkVlWHNMUDFVTTVPbzNlbEhzMDJFb3NBSVIyMkZSd0UxRXBRTSIsImV4cCI6MTczNTA0ODgwMCwiYXVkIjoidiIsInBsYXliYWNrX3Jlc3RyaWN0aW9uX2lkIjoiSXIwMkZtcXNxVW5NSXBFcUg4OU1kbHZXYTE1UXdPbzZkQ25lbEN0U0k5WUkifQ.ou9xLwqpPpgGZ6g449mq9zgQoqm2taB9r8e_mDHZx1sl8rz-fRIADR20b3EyatZe98pVD5008wJvqhYq8G7jn970GI-Mbknyxd0Wrvt2DhGYFsJEwWB21RzBTPvZaNSYTrvZt6oNexilFDDeAf0O2H5ucKMh8mTgj48TW6Q7wH9kZ369KIgQ5h7hmT_9crbJMeXjmbqaNAvFNShM35dNKtnmoZNRVtV5yMnvLla5zx_5Lq8shYMh0hh9sFFQc3kr11ZyP9X14H1mrEjIMDgnydg-4GsdfjhFJVYYqBYqApdZNogfg-SgCQ4LDx6hhiosj8vEKKp4MTstfoQ-CyVKXg
  • capped-1080p.mp4?token=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ik5CY3o3Sk5RcUNmdDdWcmo5MWhra2lEY3Vyc2xtRGNmSU1oSFUzallZMDI0IiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzdWIiOiJDdFQ1OHExcEhtcHlvYmZZVDVKMDJrbGtjMDFZNjFZaE9hT0NBYXp6R0VZelEiLCJleHAiOjE3MzUwNDg4MDAsImF1ZCI6InYiLCJwbGF5YmFja19yZXN0cmljdGlvbl9pZCI6IklyMDJGbXFzcVVuTUlwRXFIODlNZGx2V2ExNVF3T282ZENuZWxDdFNJOVlJIn0.GWDAY8PgRZb4Xx1PZiQDLsyNqiIkNs5ciROGGzvZDZIno6-3DEoXuLkQtVVkG5wUwOCHoAIu8EsrlaAdVXiWQHvC02PyA0ftKT62y9uJr4ry9Jyg1uLbwS531p5rbBUEl_gau7NYARyj0Sx9RJ9aWP9jB0AI8kgsueMpHEsCjMsiwRlKfulxEx8EMAdPTGG--EdQwVtMpasiMdjMunZLrgtLFN1jAAdtFNk3mfHsTF3XeGsqYdpql4G9r49JvG_nghC1nQfIB21sC9nff3oRuUCUOZiZ-2OfiqsKffmSZFy_bhAvoeqdBYURmogUMYUzL2gm9puIEWoraxQQGx5VPA



Happy Holidays!

After a successful but relatively straightforward attempt with Maxton Hall, Alan & I are once again watching something in a different language... without subtitles! This time it's an Indonesian horror film I found on Netflix called Do You See What I See. Released earlier this year, DYSWIS tells the story of a budding romance gone wrong.

Will it be as easy to follow as a German teen drama? And will it actually be scary??? 😱

PS. We recommend watching this in Indonesian with English (or your preferred) subtitles.

Ready for another commentary track? Browse the full library!


Jaymie Johnson

Unrelated to the movie but Tomato Ramen is a real thing in Japan


"you're saying my sister is in love with a demon???" y'all: what the fUCK IS GOING ON RIGHT NOW?


this one was funny especially since you were actually pretty accurate most of the time! i think the film format might be a little better bc while i loved maxton hall you guys not knowing something for a longer period of time can get frustrating but i also loved that you guys watched the last episode with english subs and got surprised so i guess what i’m saying is i love the foreign language tracks no matter the format??? yeah! also these ones require you to pay more attention and i’m always a fan of that hehe 🤭


Despite having subtitles, I too said "who tf are you" when a random, seemingly never mentioned sister just appeared halfway into the movie 💀 I love this format


THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN!! Got me in a silly spooky mood :p

Ethan Brundeen

this is great, eric. I love these. Tell Alan I love these.

Vince D

You guys clocking the Tupac death announcement instantly sent me 😂


Girl -(very clearly in English) "Make a wish!" Eric - "I bet she said blow out the candles." Me - "This track is gonna be great."


I gotta tell ya, I love this format so much, It's stupidly entertaining Especially when you guys finally catch onto a pivotal plot point. established 30 minutes ago. The delayed gratification is so satisfying.

Dylan Castro

Shake, Rattle & Roll Extreme (2023) from the Phillipines would be perfect for this format. Next year 🤞


Was not expecting 2Pacs death to play a part in the story 😭

Abby Mason

Finally got to watch--super cool movie. I still think this concept is so fun and I hope it continues! Merry Halloweemas