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Happy Outerween! 

Everyone's favorite summertime show is back smack in the middle of fall, which to me only means one thing... could we possibly get a proper Halloween episode in season 4 of Outer Banks?! My hat just spun around on its own at the thought of it!!!

Look, as long as we're finally done with dad drama I'll be happy. It was fun while it lasted, but we need something new. Fingers crossed this is a fresh new start for all of our favorite Pogues and Cleo!

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Luke K. De An

The hate for Cleo is so random lol. Funny, but random.


Its a golden birthday! When the age you turn is the day of your birthday


Calling it “hate” is why I’ve gone out of my way to over-explain my issue with her character haha, i know the internet well enough to expect this


the way pope fell in that scene was absolutely insane im glad it was insane for you as well! he literally went feet first LMAO


I was always told it's your champagne birthday? But idk, champagne/gold same difference?


The turtle situation has me torn between logically getting that it's one turtle and this is a little intense far left environmentalists look crazy... vs the environmental minor in me shook over how fucked up it is because killing cute defenseless animals is the first step to becoming a serial killer... lowkey imo the psychotic stakes haven't been higher than endangering thousands of baby turtles for shits and giggles and s1-2 high asf rafe having a whole convo with himself about protecting his family with murder. Just imagine the feeling after every sad facebook/tiktok animal rescue oil spill video and maybe we can all be at Kie's level of intensity... and I get it.


the way I looked over from to fucking hats at half mast. lmfao. the first hat action all episode. tragic.