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More like Silly Bobby Brown!

Miles & I have been eagerly anticipating season 4 of Stranger Things, but we must admit our jaws dropped when we saw the episode runtimes. I'm sorry, the finale is two and a half hours?! What exactly are the Duff's smoking out there in the upside down???

All of our favorite characters are back, as well as Noah Schnapp, so hopefully these long ass episodes are worth it...

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as soon as i heard "thats pretty much it" in my first viewing i could not WAIT for you guys to see it hahahah


The whole scene of Paul Reiser talking at the end gave me goosebumps, a little cheesy but it was so good haha

Maria Harrington

I freaked out on the “that’s pretty much it” way too much for someone sitting at home alone watching this lol.

Brianna Garcia

They’re definitely already filming s5 (or maybe reshoots for vol. 2) I live in Albuquerque where they filmed parts of it and on my drive home from work I pass where they have one of the sets up and it’s still there with all their trailers and they have signs that say something like “filming in progress” with the Netflix and stranger things logo !

Chowder Report

I love that you guys think they're hinting at a nancy robyn relationship while the show is trying to get nancy and steve back together. PMI will never accept status quo.

Steven Seagal

Seems wayyy too close to the release of vol. 2 to be reshoots, I'm like 90% sure that would be for season 5 or some kind of promotional material. So cool!😃

Kiki Martinez

Every time Eric talks about Robin and Nancy hooking up like that I get SO uncomfortable lmao

Kiki Martinez

As a lesbian I’ve heard enough straight men say nasty crap like that to last a life time, it takes me to a dark place in my psyche


I agree with the reveal of Hopper. I know it was teased post credits in S3, but why in the hell did they completely spoil it before the season aired? That took out all of the suspense of his return, and would've been a great thing to keep you on the edge of your seat during this season. Thought they kinda ruined that tbh.