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It's the Year of the Jewell.

Definitely recorded recently in 2022 and not exactly one year prior, our commentary track for Richard Jewell has been long awaited and much discussed since we watched its prequel Songbird almost two years ago. Now it's finally time to find out the mystery behind the man himself...

The infamous...

The illustrious...

The one and only...

(Wait is he a good guy or a bad guy? Is this a true story?? Why the fuck are we even watching this movie???)


Ready for another commentary track? Browse the full library!



Bit late to this but if you want a better take on this story (with more focus on the actual bomber but still covering Jewel) the second season of the series "Manhunt" covers Richard Jewel a lot better than this movie does.


Definitely some great moments in this commentary, but it was more of a miss for me than a hit. I can of course understand someone thinking this movie is boring because not everyone is into movies that have a lot of talking in them. But it felt like you weren't paying much attention at some points, and also repeatedly saying "who cares?" just felt needlessly mean. I've listened to a lot of your commentaries, and this is the only one I haven't loved, so I'll probably just skip any that are about similar movies in the future. I love your work regardless of my feelings about this one.


thank u for this super topical commentary track you really highlight some of the important political and pop culture events of 2022 in this I think its gonna be very important for documenting the events of this year (2022)



Arman Khan

I want- no, I NEED to see Paul Walter Hauser in a blouse or else I take to the streets. I have never laid in wait longer for a commentary track than this one. The anticipation is killing me.

Arman Khan

guessing that dick juul died of heart failure was very impressive. the fact that Clint Eastwood still hasn't since this was recorded is equally so. gutbusting track with infinite replayability

Dominic Johnson

I’ve been waiting for this for years (Not actually, but I can’t believe it’s finally here)

Rose Rocco

The gasp I had seeing this notification


i can't believe i just noticed this!! I've missed miles (who does not exist when not on pmi, he goes into a little cocoon like a pokemon)

John Lee

Billy Ray wrote Gemini Man

Dystopian Wolf Studios

"There's no way this fat man made it to this phonebooth, and back."

Arman Khan

till jewell do us part