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Lysithea was always curious about why Byleth was so popular with other ladies. However, when the blue-haired protagonist revealed her "big" secret, the white-haired lady finally understood why, asking if they could have some fun as well~
= ̄ω ̄=

Hello again!~ One more FE request, I've noticed, that there's quite a lot of fans of that series and maybe I should work on a bigger set, featuring FE characters, what do you think?~
I've got one more request to post! It will be ready in a few minutes!




Cool work! all the images look very excellent! Thank you

James Cool

I'm all for more FE XD


Great set, you captured Byleth's confidence and Lysithea's budding attraction extremely well. Fire Emblem definitely very popular and has a lot of lovely ladies, any extended set you do with them would probably be very well received!