New board, who dis? (Patreon)
I was gifted a new, much larger, pedal board this summer, and I finally had a little time to re-velcro all of my pedals and get them all lined out and wired up. I've only played with it for about 15 minutes since I got it all set up, but I got some good tone from a super shifter/shimmer delay/sonar reverb/silver dragon distortion combo that I am very excited to use when Psychic Spychick starts practicing again.
Just reveling in this little phalanx of robots. Big music to come. A secret I will tell you now, is that we are recording an album this winter. We'll set up a crowd fund for it soon. We've got a couple of folks lined out to record and master the tracks on a very reasonable timeline (not soon). I'm curious how important a physical distribution is to you folks--I'm happy to just release digitally on BandCamp and FunkWhale, but would have..a CD? Or cassette? Or vinyl? Is that a fun thing to have? Would you actually use it?
ALSO OF NOTE: It snowed today. I dreamt last night that it snowed today, more than it actually did, but it then did, in fact, snow. Happy October.