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Oooh, the party is this weekend and I want to share a little bit of the process with ya while it's still fresh. The first project we did after deciding to throw a party was a video for the Kickstarter.

We decided to make it a music video with text overlays because talking in front of a camera sounded dreadful and unnecessary, and making a music video sounded exciting and fun. The time between concept and creation wasn't more than 2 weeks. I took about 5 hours one morning and learned and recorded a cover of Come Closer to Me on my zoom H5. I tracked guitar and vocals separately (which I learned how to do working on the EP I released a year before). I sent the song to Sara and she laid some drums into it.

A few days later (December 18th?), we met at my house and set up some shots. We played the song on repeat and lip-and-instrument-synced to it. I had some blacklight makeup and a goat mask handy, and Sara altered a paint suit and brought slime supplies for the occasion.

We did all the shooting in one evening, but I forgot to press record after framing the slime shot, so we made more slime and did it again the next day. Sara edited the video together by that Wednesday and we launched the Kickstarter on 12/21/2022.


My Yucky Valentine: A Blasphemy of Desire promo video

Music video by Psychic Spychick set to a cover of Come Closer to Me; used to promote My Yucky Valentine 2023 on Kickstarter. Kickstarter link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/myv2023/my-yucky-valentine-2023-a-blasphemy-of-desire


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