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Round two!






Mmm, this one’s great 😍 Have a great day everyone!


OMG! You are such a work horse! Thank you! Great way to start the day! 😘


Iris where are you girl😀😀

Ileandra & Raven

Now I can listen when I'm on the road. Ooo Oh, hawt daaaamn, baby! 😙


Holy crap Gael 🔥🔥🔥🔥. Thank you for a wonderful wake up 😉😉


Ola G thanks have nice day ;)


6:55 am and the first thing I hear is your voice, mmmm thank you baby 😘 a perfect start to my Thursday.


There ya are! OMG, guuuurl! **Kermit arm flail** I'm telling ya quiet persistence. I'm learning the value. It's worked with several things for me as of late outside of here and I'm ecstatic! 🙃😆


Thank you Gael! Have I told you you're the best? Because you're the best like! ¡Muchos besos para ti! 😘😘😘


Is there a chance for round 3 with the Between The Sheets audio being downloadable? That one really sent me into orbit this week with the tingles and shivers. I'm sure this is going one step too far. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth and all that. So I'M VERY SORRY if this is overstepping your kindness. But a girl never knows until she asks. Thank everything you do Gael! You really are the best! 😁 Muchos besos for all the Lovelies here as well. It's going to be a good fucking day today! 😘😘😘


Hi Iris, you can search google play or iTunes to get an app that will download videos from you tube. The are very easy to use and work great. I've been using mine for a couple of years. You can also get them for your internet browser. 💜


😁😁 Neck kisses back at ya! 💋 ty


oh my another round of hotness yes please 😊🔥🔥❤️❤️❤️


Just what I needed a some Irish cream with my coffee 😊


R2 was just as exciting and romantic. It was really nice...You are absolutely spoiling us, but it is nice to be spoiled 😘 Have a wonderful evening...Good ass Prana


Do the downloads work???


Keepvid.com to download either video or audio from YouTube


ASssMR licksss, ASssMR kisses... tssss I´m sstill waiting for the true ASsssMR art. When will you finally crinkle a bag of crissps? Hm?... Only that would really make my tail all ssspiky and tingly. Or maybe some ASssMR hissesss...?


ASMR nail scratching against something or some chain sounds?


Thank you for always being so good to us! 💕


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. A pleasant Freitag to everyone. Oh my, so many posts... hope you will find me here. So, any sweet weekend plans? I invited my niece to bake some cookies. :) I have some daily Fragen for you, if you like? Do you have Grübchen - dimples? Which is worse failing or never trying? Have you ever eaten a fortune cookie that didn't have a fortune in it? Have you ever whitened your Zähne - teeth? What do you do when you are bored? That´s it for today, my dears. Danke for your answers, as always... bis später. XD


Hallo, Frau Claudia and the rest of you cosmic cuties!<br><br>No exciting weekend plans for me, I'm afraid! I'm working on Saturday and will probably spend Sunday holed up in my office, doing paperwork. No rest for the wicked, and all that 🤷🏻‍♀️<br><br><b>How do you like them dimples?</b> Nope, haven't got any dimples!<br><br><b>Failing or never trying?</b> I think it's worse to never try. You can learn something from almost every failure and mistake, whereas you don't learn much of anything if you never attempt to leave your comfort zone. And when you actually do try your best at doing new or challenging things, I think you tend to succeed more often than you fail.<br><br><b>Fortune-less fortune cookie!</b> Hmm...not that I can recall, but I'm sure there are people out there who have. There's usually at least one or two defects in every batch of <i>everything.</i><br><br><b>Teeth whitening!</b> I've used those over-the-counter Crest White Strips a couple of times, and I use the Sensodyne toothpaste that's also supposed to whiten your teeth. I've never had a professional whitening treatment directly from a dentist, though.<br><br><b>When I'm bored as hell, I...</b> Surf the Net, watch vids on YouTube, listen to music or audios, exercise, sleep, play with my cats, etc. 😎👍


Mmmmm G! You just ooze sensuality, don’t you? 😉 If you ever want to bring me down to my knees, please direct audial activity towards my right ear. You know, for future reference like 😏 Thanks for another moment of pure bliss.


Ooh, can we do the "What phrase is in your Gaelandian fortune cookie?" question now? I need something to grease up my mental gears as I slam back an XL coffee and try to wake up.<br><br>I'm sure everyone's fortune would be something sexy, like <i>"You'll soon receive some hot, wet, sensual kisses"</i> or <i>"Smile! Someone is going to growl on dat pussy in the near future"</i>. Except for mine. Knowing my luck, my fortune would read <i>"Procure a P-100 respirator as some fierce strawkalling awaits you in an asbestos-ridden attic"</i>. 😕


"Chin up, darling - Seanie is on his way to make your day!"


I know the whole ASMR thing is supposed to give you tingles or goosebumps but it just never happened for me however...we found a winner, ! Thanks for the tingles, Gael! &lt;3


Guten Morgen Sirens. A wonderful Samstag to everyone! Hope you are well? It´s really cold outside, but here in my workshop it´s nice and cozy. The kittens love it. Last morning I couldn´t find them... they were curled up inside of Lil´ Seanie. :) So, I have some Fragen... Is Big Foot real? If someone knocks on your door while you are home alone nachts - at night, what do you do? Would your 8 year old self be proud of you? If you had to opfern - sacrifice yourself to save the entire human race, would you? Danke, my dear Fraugen. Enjoy your day... bis dann. XD


Happy Samstag to you, Frau Claudia, and to the rest of the sexy Superfriends!<br><br>D'aww, the murder kittens were curled up inside klein Seanie? 🤗 This might be the only time he actually gets some pussy, so good for him! 👏<br><br><b>Fake or...well, fake:</b> I highly, <i>highly</i> doubt that Bigfoot is real. If he was, someone would've obtained concrete evidence of his existence by now. In this day and age, if we can find our houses on the street view setting of Google Maps, then surely we can find a half-man, half-whatever he's supposed to be - he just has to, you know, be an actual living creature.<br><br><b>There's a knock at the door...</b> I almost never get visitors, so if someone knocked on my door at night, there's a 99% chance they weren't invited over. I'll take a peek through the peephole to see if it's one of my landlords or tenants I'm friendly with, and if it is, I'll open the door. If I don't know the person, I'll call through the (locked) door to ask them what they want - more often than not, it's someone visiting another tenant who just knocked on the wrong door.<br><br><b>8-year-old Doctimus!</b> I'd like to think that my 8-year-old self would be proud of me. I mean, she'd definitely be surprised in a <i>"Wow, I didn't see this coming at all! When did we stop wanting to be a geologist?"</i> sort of way. (Sidebar to my 8-year-old self: we stopped wanting to be a geologist at the age of 9).<br><br>I think 8-year-old me would be a bit sad about the whole depression and not-yet-knowing-my-place-in-the-world bit, but she'd still be pleased at how far I've come 🙂<br><br><b>The ultimate sacrifice!</b> Oh yeah, I would definitely sacrifice myself to save humanity. My family would fall under the human race category, and I'd die in a heartbeat to save any one of them, let alone <i>all</i> of them, plus my friends, colleagues, all of you awesome people here, and Dwayne Johnson. 💖


Is Big Foot real? No. I live in an area with "big foot" sightings and mostly tourists claim to hear "inhuman screaming" at night and I get a laugh out of it because deer scream, why? Idk. Elk also scream, it's scary af. Female Mt. Lions also scream when they are in heat. Mountain Lions are just scary in general. Knock at the door in the middle of the night? I wouldn't answer it. No one I know would just show up in the middle of the night without contacting me first. If I am awake and I hear a knock, I would peek through a window and see who it is, still wouldn't answer it if I didn't know them. I have a disabled brother and I am not taking my chances. Eight year old me: Eight year old me wouldn't understand some of the things "we" went through as we got older and the hard decisions and mistakes "we" made in the last 17 years. Eight year old me wanted to be an archaeologist and that passion was still there until my late teens, and I let people talk me out of pursing it and I picked a career choice, that although I do love, it's not what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, and to me it is a job and that is all. Eight year old me also wanted to marry Nick Carter and 22 year old was very heart broken when he got married a few year ago. Dying for humanity? Yes, I would. It wouldn't be an easy choice, but i'd do it for my family and friends.