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A lovely night of Christmas preparation gets hot...




Good evening gael! X


Oh yeah 😏😏😏🔥🔥☺️☺️


Gael you're spoiling us! Thank you ❤️


Naughty. Me gusta.


the holiday audios have started!!!😁😁🎄🎄


What shenanigans does SantaForce hold for us? 😘


G, your laughs and giggles literally give me life <3


That little notification bell goes off while I'm in the midst of things and.....I smile. Sweet anticipation.


Very nice audio, G. Great start to the holiday season, a little tinsel fun!


One of my new faves - so so so cute & fun & sweet!!!!


Love it!!!! Cute and sweet with the promise of fun for later 😊 yes yes yes


👍nice night for decorating...wait what? You've been naughty too G! Good funny holiday audio. 😊 I was saved by the cookies😂


Her "cookies" were so hot 🔥! 😋 That's what's up! Enjoyably fun! 🎄🎅🤶


Welp..when I'm 90 and making Christmas cookies with the Great-great-grandchildren... Hopefully I will have sense enough to remember this audio!!! 😁😁🍀🍀


Yayy! Can't wait for the Christmas and Winter themed audios!! 🎄🎁


Sweet, sexy, and so much fun!! This made my eyes light up more than a few times with your naughty suggestions, G.😍💋❤❤


Who needs any spices in their eggnog, to get into the right Christmas spirit... Listen to this, and feel the heat, with or without any spicy cookies 🍪 😉 😉 Have a wonderful evening...Good ass Prana


OHHHHH this is so sexy and romantic....you would soooooo get your Bells Jingled😁.........fuckin' cookies!!!!😍🔥❤️


There was just talking, kissing, and you being adorable for the first three minutes and I'm already blushing and melting! Tinsel tickling on the ear was so cute ^_^ But wow, that verbal foreplay...I had to take off my sweatshirt; it got real hot at that point o.o And then the 4:10 mark... Whooo...! *fans self* @///@ Okay...! I'll need to step out in the snow just to cool off... You sure it was the cookies that made that alarm go off?


Tis the season....for strategically placed tinsel! 😉 Thanks for a good start to the holiday fun! 🔥🍪🔥 ooops!


Just come home from work to see this but I know that it is going to be hot and make me go weak and make me want More as always thanks Gael for making my day more enjoyable 😊❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥🍀


My burned Cookie...


Listen to this on my lunch break and I'm sure i have a dumb grin on my face 😊


Whatever kind of Christmas this is, I want it lol


This is so cute! It came at the right time 😍


So cute and so fun, thank you for your hard work this weekend.😘😘


Love this! Made my day & wanting more 😍🔥So sweet & sexy & the ending with the cookies 😂 you are such a tease 😉😋🍪You are incredible at what you do ❤️

John Christian Ambion

Please, Gael, extend some of your YouTube audios into NSFW!


Guten Morgen Mädls. A nice Sonntag to everyone! Hope you are all well? We have a quiet, snowy night here... really beautiful! I´m watching the kilns and the sleeping kittens... sipping a cup of tea... hmm... The daily, easy Fragen... (though you didn´t answer yesterday, lazy girlsss. XD) Whats the fastest you've ever driven? (as driver or passenger) Whats the most expensive thing you've ever zerbrochen - broken? Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane? What's the worst show on television? Do you believe in Feen - fairies? And the 9th challenge... Try a new food or beverage that you’ve never tasted before Danke for your answers, enjoy the Herausforderung... bis dann. XD Danke Rachel for yesterday´ s Fragen! :)


Hallo to Claudia and the Fraugen! Well, after falling asleep around 5 am this morning, and a 4-hour nap this afternoon, I think I'm ready to reset. I had so much to do this weekend, and I'm just not going to get to it all—alas, Christmas decorations are looking less and less likely to happen this year. But I'm trying my hand at making bread for the first time, thanks to a recipe book my bread-making friend bought for me for Christmas. It's meant to be very easy, and at least so far, that's the case. And now, this: <b>Need for speed</b> — Being very broad with the term "passenger," the fastest thing I've ever driven is a jet airliner. But if we're being a little more narrow with that interpretation, probably the fastest thing I've ever driven was a 1967 Chevy Camaro. At least, I assume it had the capacity to go faster than the 1998 Ford Mustang I test-drove once. I never did open the throttle on either one. **EDIT**: Rey-Rey's brain is too tired and can't read. The fastest I've ever ridden or driven (outside of an airplane, of course) was 110 mph (177 kph). I...may have a bit of a lead foot. <b>Oops...</b> — The most expensive thing I've ever broken was easily my skull, when I was in an accident as a little kid. :V I'm still paying for that one, as a matter of fact. Brain injuries are fun. <b>Rey-Rey's first plane ride</b> — My first airplane ride had a Hallmark-Channel-movie destination for a 9-year-old American kid: Disneyworld. Really wish I hadn't lost the journal I kept for that trip; I had gone around and collected notes from all the stations in Epcot's Parade of Nations. <b>Worst of the small screen</b> — Oh God. I don't watch very much TV anymore (no, not even a lot of Netflix), so I'm sure there are many shows that are objectively bad. Some of them I know are being cancelled—like "Last Man Standing" (I just discovered this was set in Denver and I'm livid; the few clips I've seen of that show were so behind the times it was disgusting)—but my least-favorite running TV show is definitely "The Big Bang Theory." I despise its portrayal of women in science (annoying, frumpy, or both), its marketing scheme based around mocking autistic people and perpetuating the worst of gay stereotypes (Sheldon Cooper), and the way Leonard had to prove himself worthy of <i>Penny</i> even though he's the one with a stable career and a PhD when the show starts. But no, you're right, the clearly-tenured PhD physicist has to earn the hot chick. Carry on. SMH <b>Oh, poor Tinker Bell...</b> — I do not believe in fairies, though I sometimes knock on wood just out of habitual superstition.


And for yesterday's Advent Challenge, my haiku: I’m not easily Wooed by words or actions, but Bake and I’ll be yours (Strictly speaking, this isn't true, as most baking is married to dairy and/or eggs—but if you present me with a plate of brownies and tell me you made them vegan specially for my little allergic self, I could even become bi for a day for you. :V)


exactly!! are the cookies ruined?? Do the fire Dept come along?? Do you make more?? Does Gael finally get the snack he’s been wanting?? a world of questions with no answers 😂


Hot in every sense of the word, I hear. 😜 Bless you and your clown phobia, G. I would never do that to you, mainly because I have the same phobia. 😅🖤 This was lovely as always and much needed to help keep me warm atm. 💋


You know, I do think there’s some truth to the saying <i>“The quickest way to a man’s (or woman’s, for that matter) heart is through his/her stomach.”</i> Or at least it’s kinda true for me. I love to eat but freaking hate to cook, so if there was a kind, trustworthy, intelligent, and witty fella out there willing to cook for me, I’d ask him out on a date <i>so hard</i> that his head would spin, or whatever popular phrase would work in this case) 😍


I never thought I'd say this in my life but those damn cookies! What a delicious tease! &lt;3


What kind of cookiessss?... I susspect bone-dry vegan onesss, filled with potatoes? *shudders in dissgust*


Guten Morgen Schätzchen. Hope everyone has a nice Montag!? I just "rescued" the kittens... they were hidden in the shed and wanted to come to the house but refused to plow through the deep snow. So they just yowled until I found them and carried them over. Now I` m cold and wet... well my man has to warm me up now. Hahaha I have some daily, random Fragen for you... if you like? :) Have you ever walked a Drahtseil - tightrope? Who was better, the Beatles or Elvis Presley? Whats your most used word? Do you like marzipan? Do you buy any wöchentliche - weekly/monthly magazines? The 10th challenge... Play a board game (if you can’t round up anyone to play with, an online version where you can play against the CPU works, too) Danke for your answers, Mädls... bis dann. XD


Guten Tag, Frau Claudia and the rest of you sexy silver bells! I sympathize with you, my good Frau. My big ginger cat is yowling out a concerto right now. I’ve tried petting him, playing with him, and giving him treats in an attempt to get him to pipe down, but alas, I have been unsuccessful. Methinks he must just love the sound of his own voice, but <i>damn</i>, does it ever get annoying after awhile! 🙉 I’ll probably resort to drowning him out with an audio after I blast through the <i>Fragen</i>. <b>Tightrope walking!</b> I tried once, but it was one of those “tightropes” that you see in playgrounds. You know, the ones that are only about a foot above the ground? I didn’t get very far on it, though - my balance is sucky in situations like that 😐 <b>The Beatles or Elvis?</b> Both were before my time, and my parents didn’t really listen to either of them. I’ve probably heard more songs by The Beatles than I’ve heard by Elvis, so I’ll just pick The Beatles. After all, how can you not like a guy named Ringo? 🤓 <b>Most used word!</b> I’ve never really thought about this. It’s probably something mundane like “the” or “I” or “what”. To try to jazz up my answer, I’ll just casually mention that my most used swear word is “fuck” 🤫 <b>Marzipan!</b> I haven’t had marzipan since I was a child, but I remember liking it at the time. I should go out and buy some to see if that’s still the case 🤔 <b>Magazine subscriptions!</b> I get at least 4-5 magazines/publications in the mail every month from various medical associations that I belong to, but they’re included as part of the whopping (and mandatory) yearly membership fees. Otherwise I don’t really go out and buy magazines. For the Advent challenge, I think I shall play a game of WEBoggle, which you can find here: <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://m.eboggle.com</a><br><br>It’s a lot of fun, not to mention rather addictive! You do play against real people online, but even if you decide to turn the chat window on, most of the players are pretty friendly 👍


So, this is a thing that happened... <img height="190" src="http://i.imgur.com/ZT61vaj.jpg"><br><br> <img height="190" src="http://i.imgur.com/al0QJCM.jpg"> You know you’ve made it big when even Doge is impressed☝️😌


And hopefully a big part of why he can start doing this more full time. Not sure the rest of us can handle it though. lol

Doriana Gray

Stupid cookies!! &amp; now they're burnt, darn it!

Doriana Gray

*Side note: Vegan cookies can be awesome, and taste just like any other cookies. It's all about knowing correct replacements, and (of course) a sound knowledge of baking.

Kathy M

Adore these sweet and sexy audios but I am just shocked 😋 You dropped 3 F bombs in a YouTube audio! Tsk tsk, very naughty and before Christmas too 😄💗😊