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Here is a downloadable version for those who wanted it!




Found this at a perfect time. I have writers block, and have been infront on my laptop for hours. Some Gael time won't hurt;)❤❤


Hi ya..New here and never listened to this type of thing.. ☺️ I don't think I've blushed so much before lol.... Not sure if I'm just chicken to listen to anything else 🤭🤭


holy mother of god......damn

Gri (Sassy_One)

your shenanigans will kill us all!😉 Morning, G!!

Stella Rose

It's like you knew, Gael 😘


I‘m waiting for this all day, thank you dear G😘


Thank you bunches! 😙


Thanks! This makes it easier to listen to away from home.


Thank you! 🤗


I was about to leave home for work this morning when you posted this, and then I just came back home tonight when you post this version... perfect timing Mr.G 😊😊


Thank you G! Just listened to it and all I can say is...well all I can sing is: 🎶Raindrops and whispers, that gives me the shivers. Growling and moaning, Oh G! My knees getting weaker. Sounds of your wet kisses💋 makes our bells ring😉🔔 These are a few of my favorite things. When I get these, Notifications From Gaelforce Audios. Just put on the headphones And listen to it, And then I don't feel so bad🎶😂 (end scene: Do a little twirl and run in the rain🎬 aaaand cut!)😅😂 Superb audio👏👏👏


Thanks so much, G! You're such a sweetheart.😙😙 Good morning, and I hope you're having a terrific day, ❤!




Thanks so much for the downloadable file, Gael. I am an 'on the go' type of gal.


Gael, how am I supposed to get anything done when you do things like this? 😘

Stella Rose

I actually imagine myself doing the twirl and running in the rain 😂 You're really good in putting words together!


Oooh an extra 37 seconds of Gael?!? I'll take it!!


Please, keep using background sounds like this. Great audio!


Thank you Gael, that was delightful. I would have dragged you up to bed much quicker though, am very easily persuaded 🔥❤❤


Didn't notice that. Even if it's 30 seconds of thunder, it's all good. 😉👍


Rain purung down is a sexy sound in This situation... It's a wonderful hypnotic, Sensual, Romantic pjece.. Really good.. And I must say, I have been so inspired by you, so now I have adopted an orangutang from Borneo.. A charming, rascal named Valentino.. I can Really recommend it..Have a wonderful day Goodass Prana


Thank you! Downloading is so much easier for me to listen to! (Then I can keep it forever! Double yay! )


Thank you very much Gael!


This was a very sweet and romantic audio luv❤also thx alot for the download link.


That sounds really cool, May-Britt! It’s also a generous gesture 🙂 Did they send you a pic of Valentino?


Is our illustrious Lizard Queen around? Given her legendary power, I humbly seek her aid 😯 Alas, I have been plagued with the most pesky of illnesses - the female version of the man flu, otherwise known as the common cold! Unlike some of my male counterparts, I’m proficient at coping with such hardship, for it is only a minor setback at worst. In fact, I have already asked this silly little virus to say hello to my little friends known as acetaminophen, dextromethorphan, phenylephrine, chlorpheniramine, and naproxen! (Although I’m giving dextromethorphan the side eye for not having proven benefit at reducing cough). I also have this cute little Vicks inhaler with menthol and camphor. Inhaling the fumes doesn’t actually affect nasal air flow, but it does increase the <i>perception</i> of a patent airway, so I keep it on hand. It does make me look like I’m snorting coke out of a plastic container about the size of my ring finger, but we take the bad with the good, I suppose! I have exhausted all of the non-prescription treatments that modern evidence-based medicine has to offer, my Queen. Have you any magic concoctions or other sorcery that may be helpful? I don’t want to be greedy and ask for something to completely resolve all of my symptoms, but I will gladly accept anything that makes me look, sound, or feel less like a giant sack of congested, phlegmy shit 🤧 (As an aside, you should probably drop me to the bottom of your To Eat list for now. I wouldn’t want you to come down with the Lizard Flu! 😷)


Ahhhh.... LIZARD FLU!!! *slithers away and hisses from afar* Ssstay away from me pessst ridden human! Though you may try one of Frau Claudia´ s Oma´ s groundhog-lard poulticesss... I´ ll provide you with a fluffy groundhog...


Let's be real though, when we're done with the bonking™ this girl is going back to work!!! I'm a boss ass binch honey!! 👏🏼👏🏼👩🏻‍💻


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. A happy Freitag to everyone. Any interesting weekend plans? I think I will be lazy since Samstag is a holiday anyway. :) Lil´ Seanie is giving me the first trouble of the year... ungrateful little bastard. And I even gave him some new parts for Christmas! The daily Fragen for the Fraugen... What is the most annoying acronym? Do you feel like you are always the one comforting others? Do you purposefully doubt things so that when it doesn' t happen you aren' t very enttäuscht - disappointed? If you talk in your head, do you move your Zunge - tongue as if you were talking normally? Danke my dears... bis dann. XD


Hallo, Frau Claudia and the rest of you bantering beauties! Oof, my weekend will be largely spent tackling a mountain of paperwork in my office! The highlight of it will probably be my gym session tomorrow, although I suppose that could easily turn into a low point depending on how I’m feeling. My trainer currently has me on an endurance program, which is a change from the <i>“RAWR, lift heavy, but do fewer reps!”</i> approach that I prefer 😕 I know that building up my endurance is necessary, but oh God, my program includes seated leg extensions and I hate those <i>so hard</i>. It’ll be like a huge <i>“Fuck yo <del>couch</del> quads, Doctimus!”</i>, I can already tell 😫 <b>Most annoying acronym!</b> I find a lot of acronyms irritating, but I’d say “yolo” is on the top of the list. Honourable mentions go to “smh”, “tbh/tbf” and “bae” 😒 <b>Help or be helped?</b> Well, yes, I guess I often feel like I’m the one comforting others, but that’s also a huge part of what I do for a living. Luckily I like taking on this role and I view it as an expectation that I should live up to. But oh man, it does make it hard for me to seek out comfort myself. Not because I completely lack people to console me, but because I almost feel like I’m not allowed to ask for comfort. Kinda like a <i>“No, it’s </i>my<i> job to help </i>you<i>, not the other way around”</i> mentality. (And yes, I know that’s not the healthiest mentality to have and I’ve been trying to work on it 😯) <b>The doubting Thomas!</b> Ah yes, I often do this when it comes to certain things 🧐 A superficial example would be if I was participating in some kind of raffle/lottery, where the odds of me actually being selected are statistically quite low. That’s why I only tend to participate in raffles/lotteries for charity, because you still get something good out of it regardless of whether you actually win a prize or not. A deeper example would be wondering if someone was interested in me, mostly romantically but this could also apply to a prospective friendship or work partnership. I certainly don’t think I’m bottom-of-the-barrel, <i>“No one will ever love me!”</i> material, but I acknowledge that I’m probably more of an acquired taste and that there are truckloads of wonderful, more conventional women out there for fellas to choose from. I also don’t like the idea that my own crappy relationship track record affects my current views on romance, but if I had to be completely honest with myself, it probably does. So whenever I find myself wondering, <i>“Hmm, do you suppose So-and-So meant something a bit more when he said/did [insert nice words/gestures here]?”</i>, I err on the side of skepticism and think <i>“Nah, he was probably just being polite.”</i> 🤨 Add that to my inability to pick up on social cues and I pretty much would need someone to tell me point blank, <i>“Doctimus, I’m interested in you and would like to take you out on a date”</i> in order for me to get the hint 😝 <b>Mind talks, tongue moves?</b> Nope, my tongue doesn’t move when I’m mentally having a conversation with myself. But I do make corresponding facial expressions from time to time, which probably makes me look a wee bit strange in a <i>“Good God, is she responding to internal stimuli? Perhaps she’s psychotic 🤔”</i> sort of way. Wow, these <i>Antworten</i> don’t really portray me in the bestest of lights, do they? 😛 Here a cute picture of a kitten to end this comment on a high note: <img height="190" src="https://lh3.ggpht.com/QcM5ze2mGK0frV4cbdL7otLHts8p_RoC-N2mggz7M6Jv36vZN3B9Y3OmFvJwwLHuUyDc=w300">


Guten Morgen Schätzchen. Hope everyone has a pleasant Samstag!? It´ s a holiday here, Heilig 3 König - Epiphany. I will bake some traditional little cakes and share them with my neighbours. Right to the daily Fragen... What was/is your favorite kindheits - childhood game? Do you write Poesie - poetry? Which hand do you use to brush your teeth? What kind of Milch - milk do you drink? Danke for your Antworten my dear Fraugen... bis dann. XD


Hallo, Frau Claudia and the rest of you sexy popsicles! It has (un)officially gone from <i>“Extreme Cold Warning”</i> to <i>“Cold as fuck, I’m not even kidding, everyone should just stay home because Mother Nature ain’t nothin’ to fuck with!”</i> in my part of the world! 😱 I can’t imagine how horrific it would be to be homeless this time of year. Luckily a new homeless shelter opened up in town not too long ago, and I’ve just taken a browse through their website to see how I could help. I shall get that in order after answering the Samstag <i>Fragen!</i> <br><b>Favourite childhood game!</b> Hmm...probably <i>Streets of Rage</i> or any of the <i>Sonic the Hedgehog</i> games for Sega Genesis. Man, those were fun times 🤓 <b>Writing poetry!</b> Yes and no. I like writing, but I’m not really a huge fan of poetry - I sometimes find it a bit <i>too</i> unstructured for my own tastes. And yet I’ll occasionally get the urge to write about a topic, but in a more freehand way as opposed to some rigid essay. So what I’ll do as a happy (and probably plagiarize-y) medium is take a song that I like and rewrite the lyrics to it to reflect my thoughts <i>du jour</i>. I once tried rewriting the lyrics to Lil’ Kim’s <i>How Many Licks</i> and damn, it was <i>hard</i>. I’m amazed at anyone who can not only write the lyrics to a good rap song, but also, you know, rap it 😯 <b>Brushing my teeth!</b> This is one of the few activities at which I’m actually ambidextrous! I’m proficient at using <i>both</i> hands to work long objects in and around my mouth. <i>(This is the part where I’d give a knowing wink, if I was actually able to)</i><br> <b>Milk!</b> I like my milk smooth, silky, and skim 🥛


Guten Morgen Mädls. Hope everyone has a nice Sonntag? I just took a long, hot midnight bath. I´ m all relaxed and pliant... and now I´ m warming up my Oma´ s special oil, awaiting my man... Hahaha... But erst die Arbeit dann das Vergnügen - business before pleasure. The daily Fragen... Do you have a Veranda - patio? Do you normally put ice in your Saft - juice or soft drinks? How often do you get Krank - sick? Do you wear your Sicherheitsgurt - seatbelt every time? Would you rather own a baby panda or a dolphin? Danke meine Lieben... bis dann. XD


Hi, Claudia! Hi, everyone! I'm currently working on some new artwork for my comic. I just finished coloring the background, and I'm now working on shading and detail (end my suffering 😵) I was hoping the fragen would be posted so I can take a short break 😅 Do I have a patio? No. I have a covered backyard deck. Do I normally put ice in my juice or soft drink? Yes, usually. If the drink is already really cold, then I omit the ice. How often do I get sick? Not often, thank goodness *knocks on wood* Do I wear my seatbelt every time? Every. Single. Time. Would I rather own a baby panda or a dolphin? Since I live nowhere near any large enough bodies of water suitable enough to care for a dolphin, I'll take the baby panda. They're so fluffy and cute, and there's a lot of bamboo growing around here, so it's cool ^_^