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Hi all! This is the current state of my vocal chords!
It came on during the weekend but I managed to get some PAs and an audio for the weekend.

I know there are people waiting on PAs but you need not worry, I have never and will never let anyone down... I'll catch up as soon as I am right xd

Also, it may sound like I am sick but I'm actually as healthy as ever! Which is strange considering my voice!

Give me a few days and I'll be back.....but in the meantime there are one or two audios coming ;)

There shouldn't be too much disruption ;)

Thanks for your patience!

From your patient :P




Aww..Take care!


Oh no! Where did it go? Poor Gael!


Feel better


Take care G! Get some rest 🖤


No my poor angel! Take care of yourself ok. 💚 I'm prayin for you love. Side note: he sounds terrible.


Awwwee Gael! Get better soon!! I recommend really hot tea and then ice cream right after! 😭☺️😘


Oh no dear! That's a big frog in your throat. Hope you feel better soon luv!


Aww. Take care of yourself!


Voice divorce? XD


Ahhh, G, take as much time as you need! You been spoiling us, we have plenty of audios to keep us "busy" Much love, Sir!


Aww take care!


Still sexy though. Get better soon.


Geeez 🙈take care G❤️ You know we only love your for your voice 😂😘


I say this with love, shut up. 💜🙊


Get well soon or whatever 😂❤❤❤


A huge mean green frog, a big mean green Irish frog who is angry lol! But at least I'm not sick When I signed up to be a voice actor (or whatever I am ) I had no idea of what was coming lol. I have had more voice trouble in the last two years than my whole life combined haha I'll kick that big frog's ass tho xd


Thanks for yer well wishes!!


Aww, get all the rest you need Gael! ❤🤗 And don't let Seanie buck you with his new pet arrivals or woody dreams. 😜😘


Gael. I have to say it. Even your hoarse voice is 🔥🔥🔥 😈 And you know. Feel better. Or make some more sick audios. Whatever. 🤷‍♀️ 😉 Also I can teach you sign language 😂😂


Feel better soon Gael! ❤🙏🏾


Our very own Ariel, aren't you? 😂❤ Take care Mr. Mayor! 🍀


Hope ya get better soon Darlin'💜😊


Hope your voice gets better soon. It sucks not being able to talk 😂


Poor Babette! You definitely have the Patrick Mahomes thing going on. Rest your voice ❤️


Get better soon.... STOP TALKING!!! You need to rest and BTW whispering is worse for the vocal chords 😘


Feel better soon Gael ❤🙏🏾👑


Take care Gael


Btw that sick voice laugh 🙈

Katira Moon

Get well soon love!💖💕💗 Lots of tea and not too much talking! Also you sound adorable.☺️

Angela R.

My goodness, love! Yes, go see your doctor. How dare those bug-a-boo's tamper with your beautiful voice! How dare they, I say! Take care, sweetie!


Omg take care and don’t overuse voice QQ


Poor baby! Mama Beth reccomends lots of rest and tea with lemon and honey. Feel better soon love! 😘


Feel better soon 💕💕💕


Get better soon! 💚


I’m gonna take a vow of silence and let my fingers do the talking 😊😊


Omg G! Even though your voice is barely coming out of ya I'm not gonna lie I really like this husky voice of yours I'm sorry I don't mean to sound mean. I hope your voice finds its way back to you. I had the same thing from September till Christmas. Viral infection 😑 but yeah. Rest up you'll be fighting fit in no time. ♥️👍🏻

Kerrie Virginia (Gaelandia's Mildly Amusing Ambivert)

STOP TALKING!!! Laryngeal strain, regardless of the cause, first and foremost requires REST and that means STOP TALKING!!... I know it sounds super sexy and all, but stop!... it's the text life for you for the next several days!... don't make me go in to mom-mode... 🤨 Poor boo-boo 😕... *hugs*... feel better! 🤗


I had the same thing last year. I mentioned it on Sugar... if you haven't, try GeloRevoice. They really help


Hope you feel better. Here are some things that might help (I'm sure you know these but just in case...) 1. Gargle with warm salt water 2. Humidifier: moist air better than dry air 3. Apple cider vinegar: raw unfiltered if you can get it. 1 to 2 tablespoons in small glass water once or twice a day. 4. Slippery elm tea with lemon 5. Ginger tea with lemon 6. Dark chocolate: at least 70% cacao... let it melt slowly, it will coat the back of your throat desensitize the aggravated nerve endings... saved the best option for last and yes I recognize the sexual innuendos in some of the above treatments 😁 FYI... whispering puts more stress on your vocal chords than speaking normally. Unless your voice is well no hot, sexy whispers in anybody's ear.😉 Take care of you! ❤


I bet you've yet to shut up, lol.


I can work with sighs, grunts and growls. 👍🏾 lol j/k well no I’m not but..🙃...Take care of yourself and that voice


Aww G I am so sorry your voice isn’t well. I am sure you are already drinking lots of fluids, but if you haven’t tried “Throat Coat” it’s a caffeine free herbal tea that many singers, performers, voice actors etc use and may help during your vocal recovery. If you can try to take regular vocal rest days even when you are feeling ok so your voice can recover from all the stress (fun as it may be 😉) that you put on it. I hope you have a speedy recovery 😊💜

Ryn Pi'ilani

Get better soon!! Prayers and love being sent your way buddy!! 💚


My friend had the same thing. I recomend raspberry tea 😁

Jenn (Preemie Cuddler)

Sweet Jesus that sounds horrible! Yes, please go to the doctor first!! Hope you’ve got that voice insured like JLo and her legs!😂. All kidding aside, Please make sure you are 💯 before jumping back into your work, which yes, of course it is as a voice actor! Sending you healing vibes, prayers and love!!❤️


Does anyone know what time and in which place Gael was born?😇


I’m so sorry you’re having trouble with your voice! I’m happy that you’re otherwise healthy though! Hang on! It’ll be over soon! 💪🏻💪🏻 I’m gonna take a vow of silence as well to keep you company! 😊 You can beat that frog! Get well soon! ❤️❤️❤️


Oh goodness. Be quiet and get better! I've lost my voice a few times but I'm not a voice actor. You should do what my diva vocal music friends did in high school, always with the scarves and whatever tea the awful choir teacher set them on. And that warm salt water. Also maybe hot coke and lemon. It's supposed to help with colds and such, maybe because you're basically pouring hot acid down your throat and the bugs don't like it! Some swear by it. It just tastes like hot flat soda to me.


Hope you feel better!


Get better soon G!:(((


Oh no... So sorry for you. 😔😔😔 But stay strong! Everything will be OK very soon, I'm sure! ❤️ Send you lots of kisses and positive thoughts, Gael. 😘 Love ya! ❤️


I hope you feel better soon, my cute lil patients! (You and Seanie, both😉) Rest up! Love you, G. Muah!😙❤


Hope your voice recovers soon 🙏🏽 Wishing you a speedy recovery 🧡 #it'sstillsexytho ☺️


Is it wrong that I think u sound sexy? And don’t whisper, it’ll make it worse


Aww I Feel so Bad For You Gael. Get Well Soon Sweet G🧡


You’re the cutest patient ever, did you know that Gael? Now pls don’t talk and get well soon oki #dontcry .... also don’t hoarse or growl too much!!! P.s put a cozy winter shawl around your neck. You need to stay warm!🧣☕️☘️


I hope you and your voice manage a recoupling soon!! 😉😘💖 I hope you feel better soon!! 😊💖


Aawwwww i just love your adorable little heart. Im sure if you'd let us you'd have a literal army of Lovely Nurses at your door to take care of ya 😊 Please do take care of yourself though. I know you're probably feeling anxious about switching things up recently and now this, but please.. We'd all be totally lost without Gael and we really do all want the best for the man behind the shivers ❤❤❤ Shut up😘🤔 rest up 😊😊n do let us know what the dr says 😘 Sending you lots of good vibes and seeing you all healed up. Love u lots Langer!!


Awww, get well soon! 💖


Feel better soon Gael


Get well soon Gael💕


Now you’re talking, well not talking, but you know what I mean 😈🤣


Ohhh nooo! I hope you’re not getting the cold that’s been going around here in the states. I got a really bad cold around Christmas and then like around new year I was feeling better but I woke up one day with no voice that lasted like 5 days! But I could teach you American Sign Language if you really do need it, as I have my Bachelors Degree in American Sign Language/ English Interpreting! Lol Hope you feel better soon!


Not voice divorce 😆


Rest your throat! Oh, that poor voice - your laugh made me flinch! You know, sick or not, you’ve got hundreds of Lovelies of Mercy who would look after you, and wait on you hand and foot until you were back in fighting trim! I hope it’s nothing serious Gael, just a bit of allergies or enerdree or something! Stay warm, get lots of rest, and don’t you worry about us. We’ll wait for you, and come up with ways to tease Seanie! Get better soon, Mister Mayor! ❤️☘️


Take all the time you need, Gael! Feel better soon! 😘💚


Poor puppy ❤❤❤ Hope you feel better soon. A cold might be catching up to you and your lost voice could be a warning signal. Rest your voice and drink lots of tea. Hopefully you wont have to practice sign language any longer lol Hugs & Kisses 💋💖

Greek Goddess

OMG 😮Gael I hope you feel better soon!Take care of yourself!Big hugs! 🤗


Aww G ! That was me last week when I had a chest infection. I lost my voice and was coughing my lungs up 😂 I’mokay now. Back at work still got a little cough but we’re surviving. Hope you’re better soon ~ L 💜


Your current voice brings tears to my eyes. ^^" It's the raspiness in it, can so relate to that. Happens to me almost every time I get cold. Hopefully it'll get better soon. -hugs-


The first rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club. The second rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club. Both rules also apply to laryngitis. You do not TALK about losing your voice. Smh. And no, I will not admit to liking your messed up voice. [poker face]


I just checked my Chinese medicine books, and a good advice would be to eat as spicy food as you can take.. Especially with a lot of ginger.. And Go to the doctor, and make sure you don't have an infection in your vocal cords 🍜🤒😳👍Get well, take care of yourself 🍲🥗🥘🍜hugs and Goodass Prana 😉😊❤️🥙👍👍👍🥑🍯


Get well soon, Gael! 🤗❤️ Rest that voice box and do not make a sound. Lol pretend you’re in ‘A Quiet Place’ 😂 Hydrate!!!


Gaelllllll😓 that’s why we keep telling you to take care of yourself! Treat yourself the same way you treat us😘Get well soon, G☺️ Btw, I’m bringing a Indian bitter melon drink and soup just in case 😘😘😘💜💜💜


A Little place between heaven and earth 😅🙈🙈🙈🥰🥰🥰


Feel better soon, bud 🤗 Drink something hot and rest, for goodness sake! ...Voice divorce 😆


Aww break out the honey, pour it in everything, especially tea. Feel better soon!


Rolling in with my evidence-based medicine to say ditto to humidifiers, drinking warm fluids, and shutting the good ol’ Irish cakehole! 🤐 You don’t want Alpha Gael to have to deep throat a long, hard, uncut laryngoscope, right? (It’s not as sexy as one might think 🤭)


Awww poor Gael! I know how you feel! Happens to me a lot. Rest your voice and keep quiet and have some warm tea with honey and lemon juice. Keep your throat warm with a scarf when you go out and try a warm moist cloth on your throat before bed. Hope you get better soon!


Irish cakehole 😂 but yes! To what almost everyone is saying, warm liquids work wonders to an almost gone, hoarse voice. I remember working one day with my voice almost gone and it’s not fun.


I thought it was a prank 😂 I hope you'll get better soon sweetheart. I also hope you will make the most of your time by resting and taking care of yourself. You're awesome and you rock ! 😊❤


Aw no! Poor thing. Rest easy! Take care of your throat. Hope you have a speedy recovery and your voice returns to normal soon ❤️ 🥰


God, I hate the moist cloth on my throat - but it does work! 👍


That doesn’t sound good. Hope you feel better soon


Yes everyone should honestly know sign language! Really comes in handy


Get well soon my lord! .......Goes to kitchen and fixes a nice, hot and sensual cup of tea for GaelPatient while he's resting in the couch 😁😉


Poor gael i hope you get better soon. Take it easy ❤️


Not sure if CBD oil is legal in Ireland but it could help with pain and inflammation. It'll probably make you sleepy though, but that's probably a good thing because you need to rest. (I'm just a student, listen to your doctor!)


Aw that sounds painful. Take good care.


Get well soon❤️


"G" we love you and are praying you are back to your lovely, self, soon please take care and stay in bed, and rest. "Stay In Bed" sweetie!


Hope you feel better soon. Take care. :)


Awww poor baby! 😯❤ <img src="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DzmdE1jX4AAH5Xw.jpg:small">


Rest your voice and remember: resting doesn't mean whispering! Most people don't know this but whispering causes heavy strain on the vocal chords, much more than talking in a normal tone. The best thing to do is: 😶 #Mute 😜


Awwww please take it easy hope you feel better soon! 💜


I hope you feel better soon 💜


Just focus on getting better.


Poor baby. I will gladly be ur nurse. Get well soon. 💋💋


As everyone has already said - rest your beautiful voice! It's a precious thing, look after it gorgeous guy x


STAND BACK, I KNOW MOUTH-TO-MOUTH!!! Just kidding.. I'm a bit of a germaphobe...You're on your own, buddy 😷 Get well soon tho. Text a.k.a type if you need entertainment. 😁😉 (I'm sure we can find a couple of volunteers to cheer you up with some craic)


I know you hate others feeling sorry for you, but I do hope you feel better soon. 🖤


I've had this twice! I felt like the dog in Howl's Moving Castle. It lasted me like 2 days with absolutely just squeaking and then almost a week of slowly regaining my voice. @_@ Don't whisper. I've read that it's harder on the throat. Get well soon, Gael. 😚


I can relate to you, one of my colleagues past his cold on me last month and I ended up with a inflammation of my vocal cords..... even being unable to call my doctor to make an appointment because his secretary didn´t hear me over the phone....Ending up with antibiotics AND 14 days of sick leave *roll eyes* Please get well again soon. Don´ ´t strain yourself and let it heal properly.


Poor thing 😣 hope you feel better soon, sweetie

Allison Rae

That sounds painful!! Hope you’re doing better today 😘


You sound too cute!!


Ah damn. I know that all too well. Take care of yourself the best way you can, then when you're healed up, come out swinging. Zenith's brain: Woah, that didn't sound right. lol Healing vibes dude. 💖


This is the single best spent $5 each month. This is more than sensual, more than sexy - it’s radical soul-healing work! I’m rarely on here because Gael - and all you lovelies have seriously opened my life to all KINDS of yummy adventures! Heal well! Please prioritize self care. You are precious and finite!


Aww poor baby... Get well soon "G" love you


oh dear man &lt;3 don't take antibiotics, those are bad for you. If you have problems with your voice use honey. Mix one teaspoon of honey in a the juide of a fresh squeezed lemon. It's a good idea to do that on a daily basis anyway, I do it every morning. It boosts your imune system :)


Awwww. Poor Gael. :'(