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Hello my precious people!

So I have a lickle flavour to ask...

Recently and since Youtube took my channel down they have been strangling my views, I have dropped from 1.5 million a month to .5.

Now you may ask why it matters but it really does, they have demonitised my whole channel because it’s too pornographic 🙄

Reading Yeats, being a vampire snuggling in bed is the new porn, you know? 😂

But ye can help me beat the system. If you have a youtube channel you could create playlists that will up my view-count and get my work out there a little more. I am also appealing the silly decision. Same happened to my friend Cardy and he won in the end. Somehow I think I won’t be so lucky.

They’ve practically take me from suggested videos so I have no traffic at all.

So if you have a channel can you create playlists and we’ll best the system? Any help is welcomed, retweets, word of mouth,., anything.

And we’ll try and beat the system together!

Your loving mayor





will do.


Absolutely! ❤️


Have personal channel, Scaleforce and EmbleBee. Bear with me fella. Will triple up on it 😋👍


Aye aye captain!! ❤❤


Of course 👍🏾♥️


Of course. I’ve got a channel and I’ve already added you to my “Top 10 Channels.” Just wondered, is there any particular videos you want featured or just up to us?


I have been- and will be- sharing your videos with people that I know will love them. 🥰


Roger that 😝


I’m good at making playlists 🤓👍🏻 I will get right to it 😁

Kristen Greenly

Hey Handsome, I'm willing to do anything to help! I will start working on it asap !! Love to you 🍀🤗💖


"My friend Cardy..." OMG, WHAT IF GAEL AND CARDLIN DID A COLLAB!? *goes into full-on fangirl overload and dies* 😍💀 (Btw, I would totally help too if I had a YouTube channel but sadly do not)

Denise Figueroa

So sorry to hear that, G. I will do anything I can! 💚💚💚


Have created 5 different playlists that feature only you on my channel. I hope that helps. Do you have any objections to my dropping a hint on The Playground on the Literotica forum threads? Or hell maybe some of us could drop hints on the audio threads on Reddit as well. Any objections G to either of those? I know you had a following on Lit at one time (that's where I found ya). There may be people who miss you there and do not know you are on YT.

Saya J

Will do!💙


Of course! Anything to do to help 😊


Already done Mr. Mayor 🤗☘


You got it dude!!


On it!! ❤❤🍀🍀 Already got a few playlists in my account 🤗❤


I don't have a channel, but I can make one, I guess. If a completely fresh one is of use? (I said I "can" make one, but I actually don't lol. So I create a profile and then create playlists from G's videos and give the playlistd a catchy name? or how does it work?)


Aye, aye, sir! *salute* I found you a month ago on Youtube and I've actually been talking up a storm about you to my friends so they should be checking out your videos on YT. I'm so sorry to hear this and I hope it gets resolved soon. Hang in there, keep reaching more people, the world needs to know about you! XOXO


Consider it done, Mr Mayor!


Best believe I'll make a playlist dear.


Will help out as best as possible lad!


YouTube is starting to become a ludicrous place, where someone offering nothing but comfort and care to those who needs it get punished for doing what he does and other absolutely horrible people get left alone because they bring in more views and money!! 🤬 I will make a million playlist aand retweet everything if it helps!! 💖💖


Have you thought about reddit? Gone wild audio to be more specific. Just a thought on driving in some more traffic. I'm new so forgive me if this is old news.


Argh, this makes me so frustrated with YouTube. I see this happening more and more on other platforms as well. I'll be making that playlist for sure! You deserve all the recognition you can get! ❤️


of course! You have my support,I already have the list created!

Amanda Jay

Why deny the people of YouTube the chance to hear this sexy angel's voice???!!! Why YouTube, why???!!!


YouTube's priorities are completely wrong. They need to take a good look at their channels & the overall state of the world. They promote terrible acts & awful people & condemn love & comfort 🙄


That is awful! Grrr! You got it, G! Done deal! Will create multiple playlists on my channel. ❤


Without youtube I wouldn't have found you in the first place! OF COURSE I'll help!


You just create a YouTube account active it so you can comment on videos and you automatically get a channel, then you just create as many playlists as you want!! 😘


I don't have a channel! Is there any other way to help? Your videos are like oxygen


But of course Gael!!! I will create a playlist just for you!!! ❤❤❤


You can create one without any videos of your own but it will enable you to create playlists. If you have an ID on Youtube, it's really easy.


Done ✅


If I can figure out what to do I will make my own channel and create a plethora of playlists for you!! ❤️


I don't know a lot of lovelies on Twitter so my tweet will not reach as much people, but someone with a wider reach should organize watch parties or streaming parties. I'm a BTS fan and this is how we do it for views and we get great results every come back. Our community may be smaller so it'll be a little difficult, but it wouldn't hurt to try. What we do: I believe Youtube counts views 30 seconds to 1 minute into a video and Gael's videos are usually longer. As much as we love to finish the whole vid, in order to increase views, I suggest cutting the streaming shorter, watching a different vid with a length of 30 secs to a minute like a video of a cute kitty or funny animals then coming back to that video or a different vid of Gael. If a lot of people make a playlist with all of Gael's vids and play it on loop, Youtube may tag the views as spam and robotic so the playlist should include other videos in between each Gael's video. Dunno if that made sense. Everyday, if possible, someone should organize a hashtag on Twitter or IG or any platform you are in where all the lovelies will be able to join in the fun, introduce themselves to one another and do watch parties all together. Retweeting and sharing as much as you can too works. ♥️


This is pretty genius. Maybe tweet it to G see if he will retweet you could help organize.


I used to. But man used I get voted down in there. They used to hammer me lol


Baffling to say the least It’s just a voice and I’m careful with triggers and ratings Also my demographics are super healthy My biggest Audience is from 18-35, then 35-60 And 60-80 which is like 7% 7% of 72,000 is a large number of people. Kinda cool to think about


I have a list on my channel but it's always been private. I didn't want to be accused of "stealing" your videos. I will go and change it to public. Any help we can give like. Hope all is well in your corner of the world. Love & stuff from my corner.


Why is YT becoming such a pain and being an A-hole when it comes to artists like you! I really really don't get it. You are helping so many people out there. It's like you are spreading love, peace & kindness and yet they still do that. Wtf YT. Wtf is wrong wi-chu? I mean audios of you moaning, kissing, growling are being marked as porn? I mean there are videos on YT that sometimes I wonder how they got there and they are actually PORN. Some thing is not going in the right direction with this stupid platform. I'm so pissed for you, because this is how I knew about Gaelforce 😤 Yes sir, I'll create a playlist and I'll create multiple YT accounts and add my Gaelforce playlist as well so that will multiply the number. I think each lovely and sugar girl should create a secondary or a third YT account and just add Gaelforce playlist there. And also post this on Sugar as well. I know maybe some of us here is there too, but definitely some is not.. Good luck Gael and everyone. The battle is real aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh.. ❤❤❤

Jenn (Preemie Cuddler)

Of course I’ll help!! Is it better to make multiple playlists or one big Gael playlist? Also, does it count when I listen to your audios from the “Digna S. Moore” channel?


You have done so much for me so that is the least I can do for you 😉 I’m on it right now, just a Quick question... is it gaelforce audios, or gaelforce playroom or both? 😜

Quiet Loyalty

I didnt even know this was happening and i already started last night. Heh new patron and audio triggered type here, your chan and patreon is life


Yes, Mr. Force. Done 🤞🤞🤞


Sorry to hear this! I can't support you publicly on social media as it could have negative effects for me professionally but I'll continue to support you here. I think Goldie's on to something-- get some help from all your fans who also support BTS, they are experts at this.


Lol. You know how it is. We rally every come back. Hahaha


I don't know why my notification for this was so late, but absolutely I will! You got it, G! Grrrr, I can't believe those jerks over at YT!!! :( I already have a nice little public playlist of your audios going that I add to. I'll share it and I hope it helps! Much love and luck to you, champ.❤❤❤🍀🍀🍀 We'll beat them yet.💪🤗😚❤


Fellow BTS stan. I’m not a big Twitter acct but I will def retweet and create my G playlist on sh*tty yt. Sry yt is being such a b*tch to you Gael. You deserve so much better than that. Let’s support our mayor lovelies 💋

Ingrid D

I'll do everything I can, G! It's the least I can do to help you fight the YT Gestapo, with their puritanical (and arbitrary) "policies" 💪❤🥰 #SuitUpLovelies 🦸‍♀️


Retweeted about your channel, buddy! 👍 I...seriously fail to see what's "pornographic" about your YT audios. There is worse stuff on <i>prime time TV</i> 🤦


Done 😊❤️


I'm going to start promoting all of your videos on my Megan Hussey Romance readers page on FB--consider it done, G!:)


Here we go again with this YouTube bs🤨why can they just let creativity flow. We have your back luv❣


Already have playlists of you Gael. ❤️ Will up the traffic and share on other social media. 😊


This may come off sounding a little sad, but I have no followers on yt and almost none on Twitter. Would it still be useful if I created a playlist? I’m not really on these platforms to be followed. They’re a vehicle for information and delightful ASMR content! How can an absolute non-influencer help?

Betul Todd

Fuck Youtube!....deffo will do what I can to spread the Gael force around....you deserve to beat the shitty system too


Done love 💜💜💜


will retweet, this makes me so ANGRY!


I already have two playlists. Sleepytime (my faves to fall asleep to) and Two Week Wake Up (all the good morning calls). Since you asked so nicely though, I'm sure I could make more. Having to go through my library of like though, I would wum ye and say it's a chore, but really it's not. I'm thinking Meditation, Migraine No More, Had a Bad Day, and Just Because I Love You would be some lovely playlists I could make with your content. Sounds like a nice afternoon of creation on my 3-Day weekend.


I can do that.. youtube kinda is getting, rather.. tetchy aint they?


Done and done! Am rather loving making two different playlists of your vids -- one for pain distraction &amp; one specifically for bedtime ^_- Don't suppose you know if it matters to the algorithm if our playlists are set to public or private?

Angela R.

Groooooowwwwwl, they’re such langers! You bet that sweet Irish ass I’ll do that for you. I’ll work on getting situated as soon as I can. I heart you, my friend.


I'll work on it tomorrow!! Thanks for letting us know! 💗🧜‍♀️💗

Scarlet Kitten

Save save save n share! Love ya Gael. Will do my part.


This might be a dumb idea, but is there perhaps a way to indirectly point people towards your YouTube channel?<br><br>I like to keep my social media presence to a minimum, so I wouldn’t be of much help trying to plug your YT channel through Twitter or Instagram. But I do work at a college campus that will soon be flooded with new post-secondary students who’ll probably be stressed out of their minds. And what better way to relieve stress than through meditation? ☝️🤓<br><br>Any on-campus advertising here needs to be pre-approved by the Students’ Association, and I don’t know if I could make a case for posting an ad for a YT channel. But I might have better luck trying to plug your Insight Timer page since it has more of a healing, therapeutic focus. I don’t know if you can include a link to your YT channel somewhere on your Insight Timer page. But even if more people found your Insight Timer account, it wouldn’t be that hard for them to track down your work on other sites.


When people search youtube it will recommend playlists of what they're searching for as well. They just have to be public to be searchable.


Do you have any preferred keywords/topics we should put in the playlist names so it will pop up in searches? I don't know what the difference between "meditation" and "Gaelforce/Irish/whateverwordhere meditation" would do in terms of search result placement for example. I know there's a thing called SEO but I know sweet fa about the finer points of it. Since there's a lot of us we can experiment and see what works. But if there's something you want to try let us know that as well.


The playlists would have to be public so that people who have not yet been exposed to Gael can find them when searching YouTube.


You are back in my recomended videos..


Will do!


Shall do, dearie! I've been meaning to clean up my playlists anyway, so I'm happy to help out.


Playlist created!

Khelisie Salvatore

Omg... WTF?! Yet there are channels THAT ARE straight porn and NOT even good porn it's cringe at best. The guy has 5 different channels of the same garbage Yandere Daddy, Yandere Daddy Live and 3 others with similar titles; yet you get taken down? This makes me angry but I will make a playlist. Anything to help out the most positive, loving, comforting, caring man on YouTube. Sorry for the outburst but this is the most nonsensical thing I've heard all day and it's been a pretty bad one for me. Hope the appeal goes in your favor. Fingers crossed.

Khelisie Salvatore

I didn't even get a notification. It was by chance one of the other patreon artists I sub to posted something and I popped over here.


Defiently will help!


I’ll do whatever I can


I have like eight Gaelforce lists on my page..for all my different..moods. I kept them private; but I'm going to unleash them to the four winds now. GRRR.


Done and done!😘

Cherry Riley

I've got your back, G. I'll make a playlist on my channel right now!


Oh boy hectic week and now I'm only getting to know about this hiccup! Geez when will Youtube wake up and see the bigger picture here?? 😡 I'm glad this time around you are more than willing to fight back because you are confident that your Lovelies can back you up in hiccups like this. This is your passion, this is all your hard work, we're gonna do all we can to get you out there again! 🌹💖


Will start making a playlist to help. Your audios have been a help to my mental health and confidence. I discovered you on Youtube so it’s disappointing they are doing that you


I found you through YouTube just this last week!! So y’all definitely helped G out!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-09 20:10:36 didn't understand how it works but since I found you via youtube and having two accounts there ;), I will create Playlists of all sorts if that is something that help you! &lt;3
2019-11-25 15:05:58 didn't understand how it works but since I found you via youtube and having two accounts there ;), I will create Playlists of all sorts if that is something that help you! <3

didn't understand how it works but since I found you via youtube and having two accounts there ;), I will create Playlists of all sorts if that is something that help you! <3