Checking in! (Patreon)
Hey all! I hope you are all good!
I‘ve been a lickle quiet audio wise because I am out of my country!
I did however bring my mic, I was too afraid to take ’Magic Mic’ as that’s too precious and expensive and if I lost it or it got damaged, I would be gutted! It’s like a musical instrument and I’m attached!
I had to climatize for a couple of days as I’m in a hotter country and west Ireland is cold this year.
It took a while to find space to record but we are on the road again and I’m dipping in the request thread!
Bear in mind the sound won‘t be as good as my studio, still good! but my enerdree is high! Plenty of vegan food, water and exercise is the thing for me!
So hold tight, we gonna get down and dirty, sensual and loving!
And always remember how grateful I am for ye!
ye are the bestest!