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Want to do a lickle post to thank ye all for your support of me.  

When I step out into new adventures, I never feel like I'm doing it alone.  

Seeing ye out there on places like Quinn or Amazon and of course Twitter, it gives me such a feeling of encouragement.  But mostly I am just proud.  

I'm proud of you.  

I'm proud to be associated with such a sound group of people.  Our community is so loving and accepting.  I see ye doing meet ups and encouraging each other as well as new people.  It makes me so happy.  With all the fighting and negativity on the internet our lickle bubble is a safe joyful place.  I often think how lucky I am to have you.  

WE are on the front page of Quinn.  You pushed the audios to the top spots!  You do much more than ye have to and from the bottom of my heart I love you to bits for it.

I feel like the wind is at my back even when there are setbacks.


You may know that YouTube has a terms of service (again) change coming up in December and I've been up the walls trying to prepare in the event they start removing content (again.) 

As many of you know my YouTube channel was demonetized a few months ago because they found even my vanilla content too spicy.

Many of you found me through YouTube and it's the main source for new Lovelies to find us.

If the upcoming changes do affect my channel I am working on plans keep myself more protected from how uncertain things can be when doing this as a career.   

Some of those plans are in new platforms like Quinn (and one other TBA) that will be featuring our audios.  Other things will be coming and I think you will enjoy them!  I'll have more information for you as soon as things are closer to being in place. 

Patreon is the heart and soul of Gaelandia.

So many of you have offered extra support or suggested ways do more and I've always declined.  Because I truly don't desire to be doing this "for the money."  I enjoy a simple life and am happy to continue that.

Anything extra that I do will always be with a goal of keeping things at a level where I can have the time and the means to continue to make audios and care for my loved ones without the added need for a day job. 

That is all I need.

I enjoy creating for ye so much.  I am so lucky.  🍀

This Weekend

I've two new audios planned for this weekend.  One will be the erotic loosely based on the "Yoni" massage and the other will be... 

posted on Sunday  😜 

Love ye!

~Your veddy veddy thankful Mayor



You thank us. We thank you. Some thankful people. You have made my day so much better so many times. So thank you again. Excited for the weekend.


Ahhh, G, you make it so easy to support you! If I can help by spreading the word for you! It's the least I can do for you, for all you have done for me!


We will always continue to support you on other platforms because more people need to hear the amazingness of your audio art. Plus your an awesome human being aand you deserve all the success in thee world!! 🤗😘💋💖 *come on YouTube, it's 2019 stop hating on kind, funny, supporting, vanilla audios!!🙄*


eyyo I think I may have spoiled myself on what that new platform may be, but if I’m right about it I’m so damn excited I’m gonna cry. Also, Imma fight YouTube with my bare hands. Other people can just post straight porn on there but you can’t post encouragement and body positivity with a touch of spice?? The hell?? Not fair, just saying. Also, I’m just so proud of everything you’ve been doing lately. I think the Gancanagh forest is gonna be beautiful, I think you branching to more platforms is an amazing idea to attract more people to this wholesome and loving place, and honestly I’m proud of the whole community for keeping this place as loving and sweet as it continues to be for as long as it has been. Y’all are just a bunch of sweet little beans and you deserve so much happiness. Stay sweet and spicy my fellow lovelies, and thank you so much Mister Mayor.


Your genuine caring and generous spirit is infectious! So many of us are grateful for your 'lickle' voice and what big changes it has made in the lives of so many of your lovelies. Many may have cum for the O's (which are fabulous) , but ultimately stay for the community and for the guy who really knows how to touch another.....simply with his voice. I hope you will always find the support you need for as much as you give to others! Wishin ya the bescht always! Hugs, Debs


1. No matter what absolutely inane, and insane B.S. comes from the messed up algorithm of YT, we will always be here to support you, G. 2. I read that as Tanks and /Planes/ and thought it was a Veterans Day post for some reason. Lol, what is my brain?


Awee, thank you for the effort and time you’ve put in for us all! YouTube may try to pull you back but trust me when I say that such art and work cannot go unnoticed for long. YouTube can try their best to ruin your channel, but we will always be there for ya! 🥰


Gaelie! You sweet angel! I don't know if my heart can take anymore today, I'm already feeling so sappy as it is! I passed my final exam for my PhD degree today, and the only reason I'm still sane is your audios that always lifted my spirits, and the lovelies who have always been so kind and supportive! I wouldn't be where I am today without you! It's an honor to support you! 💖💖💖


I'm new here, the but I'm more than happy to support whatever your dreams are. ❤️


Gael. WE LOVE YOU BACK!!!!!!!! We are the luckiest that we found you, seriously!!!! I say, we are the OG of Gaelforce in patreon and we shall grow larger & stronger. Together we move. Together we stay. Together we will be. And I'm just so so so happy and proud of you and our lovely community that we are helping you reach your dreams. It means a lot to me/us. This community is what we say, help me help you and you've helped A LOT of us from tiny to biggest fears & problems. You are so very important to us and I'm sure we are to you.. Always always keep up the good work luv ❤❤❤❤❤❤


G, you continuously and unselfishly pour so much into others. You deserve all the goodness you can possibly stand!💚


I definitely think Gael could use a combo of Twitter and Soundcloud to do similar stuff to what he does on Youtube if Youtube ever decides to really fuck him over. I mean, I don’t think SoundCloud has any restrictions on that stuff, I’ve seen waaaay spicier than Gael on there, I’m talking Ghost Pepper spicy, the man could do whatever he wants on there.


Your use of the word "We" when it comes to talking about the successes of your audios warms my little heart.🥰❤ I hope that YouTube doesn't cause you any further headaches, but having additional plans in place for a safety net is certainly the smart thing to do, since they have proven themselves to be unreliable in the past. However I do agree that even with their pains, they do bring in new lovelies. It's how I found my way here, after all.❤🤗 I wish you all the success in the world with your new ventures!🍀 Love you, love you, love you, Mr. Mayor.😚💋 P.S. Sunday, with no further clues, hmmm? Oh, that antici... pation.😉😂


I'm very very happy to be a part of those people that support you. You're doing God's work for all of us and you deserve every opportunity that goes your way. Thank you for the hard work, G. 🎉 veddy veddy proud of you. xo

Priscilla { @prieulx }

Thank you for the hard work you put into your audios Gael! It means the world


Might I just add that Susan really needs to check on their t&cs updates, because it messes up most of the YouTubers that I watch.


I really don't feel like I am deserving of such kindness, but I appreciate your kind words, dear Mayor. 🖤


“When one door closes a bigger and a better one opens” Keep your head high G. You’re one in a million 👏👏👏


Always love your audios, Gael! They always plant a smile on my face. ☀️😊


We will always have your back, G! Excited to hear what lies ahead in the future (and audios this weekend too 😉) and please know we truly appreciate everything you do for us and others. You are a special being and the whole world needs to know that! 😘


You are grateful for us and we are so very grateful for you. You give us all of your energy and our energy carries you from one adventure to the next. You open yourself up to us and we open up to each other here. You support us in so many different ways and we support you and each other. You thank us for being there for you and we thank you for being here for us all the time. You know exactly what we need before we do and the audio appears. You give of yourself in so many ways and I am and will be forever grateful. You deserve everything that is happening and all that is coming your way. You are a rarity in this world and the kindest and gentlest soul and I thank you for just being you. ❤️

Angela R.

I love you to bits and bits, Gael! I’m so excited for you and your new adventures! You are so kind to keep us in the loop and appreciate us as much as you do. You are such a treasure. We’re happy to be with you on your journey! And Sunday....if what’s coming is what I think it is, I’m going to just DIE!!!! With a VERY happy smile on my face. You sexy ass Irish beastie. MUAH! Keep being fabulous, you darling man. We have got your back! (And front...and sides...) 😜


Big hugs, snooches (snuggles & smooches 😜), and even bigger hugs! You are the beez kneez ☘️💜🤗


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do for us and have done for me. My personal growth and confidence have been elevated. Ive had so many positive experiences here since I joined almost two years ago! Again ...thanks so much 😍💕


I thought it would be amusing to share that until i heard your audio 5 days ago i was never interested in asmr. During getting ideas for different roleplay styles with my boyfriend,i saw your audio on youporn thinking it was a video and to my surprise it wasnt. My boyfriend is use to me being dom and has been for 6 years. Hes the only relationship ive been in because before i preferred no strings attached and surprisenly he managed to "tame" me lol the sexual chemistry was to strong so i gave in. While listening to your audio i learned to become more submissive which i never do and lets just say the boyfriend is very greatful😌. Now i cant say ill just stick to being sub because i love being dom. But you brought back what i missed. Sex was always great with my man but i think he needed to be in control for once and he is thoroughly enjoying it. So thank you for creating such a wonderful place to explore and be open. You are great at what you do. Congratulations on all the success so far 🙌


You became such a big part in my spritual healing that you should and will be rewareded for that from all sides possible😍😙. My patronage , the blessings of all good spirits and every good thought in the multiverse for you! 🍀💫✨💞💋


Sir, we appreciate all you do for us, for making us feel confident and sexy. Listening to your meditation audios gives me piece of mind. Listening to sugar makes me laugh and feel supported and spice, well.....uhm😜. Your voice has a calming effect. As always, you could talk about paint drying and it would uplift my spirit. You can't put a price on happy, confident, and positive feelings.💖 Thanks again.😘


I found your audios from YouTube first , this job is more than work ITS INSPIRING!!! the beautiful thing is you putting your culture as a reason to make more sparks on your audios VERY NICE to see a different style and culture 💕💕💕💕 sorry if I’m bad in English language....


What more can I say that hasn’t been said? 💕💕💕 Thank you, G. For everything! 😊 You really are the goodest good 🤗 We all got your back. 🤗

Jenn (Preemie Cuddler)

This made me cry! 😭. You’ve stolen our hearts and I love you, dear friend!😘💖💖💖💖


No, THANK YOU!! You had in you what it took to create a community like this and I'm so grateful to have found it. We've always got your back. We're privy to just a fraction of the work you put in, so I feel it's only right for us to help you get your name out there. You are SO talented and wholesome and the world needs more people like you. You deserve to have your voice heard all around the world. Love you😁


I have been working my ass off for years to reach a point where I can make a living through creativity. It’s the only thing I can imagine ever actually making me happy. I’ve been close for so long. I’ve actually hit it a couple of times and it’s always so hard to see it go when the train reaches the station. And it always seems to for me. So I’m simultaneously (a) very happy to be contributing to that opportunity for another creator and (b) hatefully, violently green with envy. You’re doing what all of us quirky, creative oddballs are trying to achieve, and the most important and efficient way of doing that is by nurturing and cultivating a genuine rapport with your supporters. It’s a symbiotic thing, and as a supporter I think what you’ve got going here in the community you’ve generated is representative of the qualities and effort needed to successfully monetize one’s passion. It’s the epitome of the best sort of artist/patron relationship here. I aspire to be able to foster the same sort of atmosphere in my future projects. The best media always has a devoted following, and that following is infused with the brand and the material itself. The podcasts, blogs, movies, books, and music we love most wouldn’t be the same without their specific creators. Well done, you. And well done lovelies. I’m clapping and nodding politely with the word “impressive” clearly written on my face.


Thank you for being the sweet man that you are! Your warmth shines through in every audio and in your writing. It’s that warmth that attracted me, and I’m sure the rest of the Lovelies as well. You’re our best kept secret, but I guess it’s time to share you, huh? Much love to you! ❤️


Law of attraction, Gleeb. The goodness u b seeing is just a reflection of yourself and this safe space you brought into ex sis tense. So, really, lettuce thenk y o u !! 🤍 But!!! Also. To see you grow even bigger (pun super much, definitely, highly, intended 🌝🌚) is really inspiring. Lyk, for all the times life tried to step on yer shoe, and you ~still~ being at the top and giving us the most and the best??? My guy. You deserve all this nicey nice that b swirling around you!!! 〰️✨〰️✨〰️✨ Anywhoozles. What is the equivalent of an audio Oscar award? You deserve one 🏆


“To see you grow even bigger” she said “cough” I like that line BB, bc thats what I want to see too... P.s let’s put glasses on 🤓🤓


The only man I'll ever love having ever only heard his voice. 🥰 He's so sweet. You've our full support, Mr. Mayor :3

Kathy Mc

Thank you is not enough Gael for all you have done for all of us!! You have changed my life and saved my life. I really didn't think there was much to live for until I found you and realized there is! There is you and all the lovely people on here. I hope for every good thing in the world for you in the future. You give me hope for my future and I am forevergrateful and love you always!🎆🎆💝💝💝💝🎆


It's a beautiful symbiosis ;) Through positivity, encouragement, passion and inspiration ❤

Kathy Mc

You are the only man I've ever loved just by hearing your voice! Me and everyone else!! 💝💝💝💝


Oh man. This makes me so happy. And a little sad. But you are so gracious and beautiful. If you were an asshole, Gaelandia wouldn’t exist lol. You have changed the lives of so many of us and the community has changed us too. This year has been both the hardest of my life and the best in a long time. I am so thankful for all y’all for helping me through the laughs and the cries. So paying it forward in any way I can is important to me. So like I’m keeping Gaelandia relevant one dad joke at a time. How I do. 😂🤣 Soo much love💛💛😘😘

Angela R.

Good for you!!! That’s our Mayor, changing lives! It is the most safe, fun and wonderful way to explore your sexuality. It’s a big part of our humanity! How great is it that he opens these doors for us and shows us the spice of life.


Your words make my heart skip a little. So genuine and heartfelt. How can one not love you? ❤🍀


That last part .... 😝 ya tease! Lol Everything else, right back atcha, “Gael.” 😉😎☺️


Oh my gah I love our gushy mayor. I’ve said it before: your art makes the internet a better place. You put your beautiful enerdree out into the world and it is coming back to you. Do you realize your audios and the community you’ve created have helped me more in a short time than very expensive therapy? (Tho I don’t mean this to say anyone should quit professional therapy FYI 😊) You improve people’s lives, G. We 💖 you. **forehead kisses** 😘😘😘

Gri (Sassy_One)

You talk, we listen...You growl, we shiver...you moan and cum, we cum, and cum, and cum, and cum...it's a reciprocal relationship we have here, babe. I, for one, am proud of how much you've grown as an artist, and how your audios have touched and changed so many lives during the years. So, tank U veddy veddy much! Lead the way, and I will follow ;D


Wow... I'm at a loss for words here! Beautifully written G. ❤ Just... Thank you. For all that you do and continue doing. Cheering you on on all your future endeavours! 🙌❤


Regardless of what happens with Youtube (keeping my fingers crossed that this update in December will be to our/your benefit 🤞), you have a solid base of patrons here on Spice and on Sugar that will always be here for you. We will support you unconditionally on any platform you choose to venture into. And I am glad you never feel alone when considering these new avenues, because you aren’t. You carry our hearts, love and support with you always. I am so glad you are able to feel that, that you allow yourself to feel it. 😘💖 You are a truly benevolent person, one of the kindest souls I have encountered in this somewhat arduous life. You have attracted people who are the same in spirit to this community. It has become a refuge and port of call for so many. A safe harbor where either your own words or ours help someone when they need it the most. How incredible of a gift is that?? I am so proud of you. I am proud to be a patron of yours and I am proud to be a member of this family. 💖🙏💖


We should be saying thanks to you. You’re voice has been there for everyone when they needed to hear it most; like me when I went though surgery, been lonely and hopeless, had a breakup, lost a loved one, felt anxious about the future, or just needed to hear a comforting and familiar voice to fall asleep to. Even if we don’t know your real name or your face, I think we all feel a special connection with you: Almost like your a close friend to each and every one of us (especially for people like me who discovered you back in 2016 or before, and watched your channel grow, and saw all of your successes within the past few years). So thank you Gael, for being a rare place of comfort for me, and a trusted friend. It’s amazing to know someone out there truly cares, even if you’ve never met, don’t know their face, and don’t know their name.


Aw this warms my heart ❤️ I did fall in love with you from YouTube and then joined Patreon(Almost 2 yrs now) Your audios have been a tremendous help for my mental health & self confidence. Makes me not feel like I’m alone and unloved, Also to know it’s okay to be different. Helps me to feel comfort in times of need. I don’t even have friends so your audios have meant everything.I’m grateful for you. You are a sweet soul with an incredible talent that needs to be shared. You’ve created a loving community here and helped so many of us. Wherever you are we will support you. Love you to pieces 🥰💞

Angela R.

That is literally everything I have ever wanted to say to that man, Millie! True! True! Gael, no blushing allowed...You’ve changed lives for the better. You’re a friend. A real one. And through you, we’re all friends too. Your loving enerdree has rippled into something amazing. That’s why it is so great that you’re making the moves that you are. This is big, lad. This is big. It is inevitable that new souls will float your way for like attracts like. And they will see you as a friend too. Like our Millie said, you truly care, and we feel that. Either that, or you’re a very clever incubus. Very well fed. I kid! I kid! .....You’re not....are you? 😉❤️

Denise Figueroa

I am so excited for the future audios! I love you too, Gael! 💚


You're such a lovely soul how could we not want to support ye like? Tis a shame about YouTube, but I'll hope for the best outcome I can for you, despite the prudish overlords. Truth be told it's how I discovered you, but after almost 2 years being a Patreon I don't foresee me ever leaving ya. I'm happy to support ya any way I can, though I be just one lovely. 😘🤗 Looking forward to seeing what sweet torture you have in store for us. 😜


Well said sissa! *takes notes 📝😻😻 I got to. Meet YOU! You are such a beautiful piece of gaelandia. A glittery, sweet, kind, special soul (so basically a Pentacorn😇🤗🤗🤗)


You are a awesome human, as I've mentioned before, I have a thing for accents, but whats kept me and made it so I will always support you is your awesome energy, your laugh, your cheesetastic dad jokes, your love of helping others, and the community you've helped create, a group who because of you helps us all help each other. None of this would have worked if you weren't a genuine good/nice guy, and enough of the real you comes thru that we can'y help to love you, and thru that love, love each other.


Awww don't say you don't have friends. 😥😥 You have us. 😘😘


I can't really write anything here without repeating what I said in the Sugar shoutout thread: SIT STILL SO I CAN HUG YOU, DAMNIT!! :D


Dear veddy veddy thankful Mayor. By way of thanking you for your thanks, may I suggest somewhere in between all those plans that you work on your ball skills this November (I mean, since you’re often in that immediate area anyway 😏). I’m saying check your nuts. 🥜 Purely for health reasons 😘


I've been away from social media this weekend and from Patreon. This was such a lovely heart warming thank you from you! ❤❤❤ A very very big warm hug for you and kiss! 😚 I'm happy to be able to give my lickle bit of help whenever I can. 😊😊 You deserve all the love! ❤


Thank you for all you do Gael!!!!!❤❤❤ Congrats on all the success!!!!!!!💞💞💞🍀🍀🍀💋💋💋


You deserve it, Mayor!! Good job!! Yaaaaaayyyy! 🎉🎉🎉🎉


Your awesome! !!