12 Days of Santaforce Event! (Patreon)
It's that time of year again and Santaforce is getting ready for the holidays!
Beginning Saturday, December 14th, I will be posting 1 audio a day counting down the last 12 days until Christmas. But you know Santaforce can't prepare for such an event without the help of his Lovely Elves!
Starting today, I'll be posting a 1 Word Idea Prompt on Patreon.
Everyone is welcome to submit an idea for an audio surrounding that prompt. I'll select an idea from the post and make it an audio for one of the 12 Days of Gaelforce posts!
You can choose any category you want, meditation, erotic, funny, vanilla etc! It doesn't have to involve Christmas, as I know our lovelies are as unique as snowflakes! Choose an idea that ignites joy in your heart!
Santaforce Insight: You can submit any idea that the prompt inspires, but bear in mind I'll be recording 12 of these. I aim to have the audios be a bit shorter so I can do each of them well. Longer, more detailed ideas may be more difficult for me to have time to prepare, but all ideas are welcome to be shared.
You may only submit one (1) idea per prompt so everyone has a chance to be heard.
I will be choosing 12 different ideas from 12 different people, so everyone has 12 chances to be chosen!
I'll begin posting the chosen audios on December 14th and post an audio a day all the way through December 25 so we can enjoy the season together as a community ❤️
This is just a simple bit of fun to make this month a bit more special. I hope you'll have a fun time coming up with ideas! Santaforce can't wait to hear them!
Stay tuned for the first prompt sometime today!
Love and Snuffles,
♦ Day 01 - Snow // Audio (vanilla) // Audio (erotic)