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It's been a bit of a mad week for me!  I've been up the walls, to and fro since Thursday!
I hope you've all been keeping well.

It's been such a special honour reading the messages from Permission.  I feel like we as a community bonded a bit this weekend.  I love seeing how well you treat one another.  The respect and care I see on a daily basis makes me so proud to be part of this little corner of the internet.  πŸ˜   

Please promise me you'll continue caring for yourselves.  Give yourself the self care you need.  I know not every day will be a lightning strike but maintaining your brain is so very important.

As for me I'm doing well.  Had a bit of a laptop issue this week which made me glad I had already recorded this week's erotic ahead of time!   πŸ™ƒ

Tonight I'll be putting a returning audio on YouTube but never fear.  I have much planned for this coming week!

♣ Vanilla audio with a theme that has been requested for a while
♣ Our very first merch giveaway! (provided I can figure out how to work it!)
♣ Slang Ramble.  

I could use your insight on if you don't mind!

I've been thinking about how I've taught you some of my slang.  And I'd really like to learn some of yours.  I am planning to do a ramble where I take your slang terms and try to guess what they mean.

I'll of course be taking your suggestions but I need to be able to read the slang without seeing the answer so I can make my guesses.  How can we tackle that?  I have a couple ideas but I was interested in what ye thought since 2 heads are better than one!  πŸ˜‚ 

Please leave a comment with an idea if you have one!


I'm sorry Sundays have been a bit slow on new content.  I promise it's not for lack of planning and trying.  I've just had some shockingly bad luck with my technology as of late.

But you've my promise I'm always doing my best and always have you all in mind.

Thank you as always for bearing with me through thicc and thin 😜

This year is going to be an exciting one and I am truly thankful to have each one of you here along for the ride.  

Loves ya to bits.

~ Your Loving Mayor

P.S Here is a wild Irish otter



I was always wondering why you have no Discord server yet. You could have a channel with slang word suggestions and we can use the spoiler function to hide the answer! My week has been an up and down - literally. But I guess that's life! I hope your technology stops acting up πŸ™ Back to the slang thing: would you include stuff in multiple languages? That'd make for an incredibly interesting challenge :D


Aww, totally okay G! Thanks for being so considerate. I hope you're taking some time to catch your breath too!! And hopefully the technology gods are in your favor from now on out haha. A lot of emotionally intense audios as of late, which I think has been a good thing. I've felt that sense of bonding as well which has been wonderful and very healing. I love all sides of this community! The fun, the spicy but also the tender. 🧑 Slang ramble sounds really fun btw! Can't wait! Also will try think of a solution that won't be too time consuming. 😁 Lots of love!!


Yes I will always take any language and do my best not to mangle it! I don't much care for Discord though on the long term I do have other community focused plans in mind! Thanks hbta!

Angela R.

I’m sorry to hear about your tech problems! That’s never fun. I’m very excited about the slang ramble! That should be a hoot! I’ll have to put on my thinking cap. You’re the bestest, Mr. Mayor. You have the best community because you create the best environment for it, sir! Like attracts like. Love you to bits and bits. Xoxoxoxoxoxo


I'm so happy to hear you're doing well! πŸ’–πŸ’– You do so much for us and care for us, that I'm always wishing you're able to relax&rest tooπŸ€—πŸ’–πŸ€ "Permission" was indeed an opener for the feelings, I won't fill up this comment with the details, but my dad isn't okay, so I've been forgetting to take care of me.. The slang banter sounds really cool!! 😎😍😍 Looking forward to it, hearing you say something in finnish. 😘


Thank you for the update. I am wait for all the new things to come with baited breath. 🎣 I pray all technology things improve for you. I pretty much posted all the southern sang on Twitter last week. But if i think of anything, i'll post it.


Well, Mercury is in retrograde ATM so tech problems can come a-cropper at times like this 🀣 It's all good though, post when you can, we're (trying to be) patient 😁


Of course luv.. no worries at all.. you've done great with Permission audio as you've touched us deep with this one πŸ’• Slang ramble!!!!!!! That's an amazing idea Gael to guess our slangs and what they mean.. I'm loving the idea.. But.. But.. giving the fact that some of us speak their own mother tongue. So do you also want us to use that as well or slangs used in my case in Canada since I live here? I hope you're technical issues get resolved soon otherwise you know what to do πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I guess workers at the tech shop know you by heart when they see you.. Hi Gael!!! A new laptop or mic or both? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ And we love ye to bits and we are so very proud of you Mr. Sexy sweatpants πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ†πŸ™ˆπŸ™ŠπŸ™Š


I dont know what your version shows as the creator, but on the browser, I can only read each comment and a single reply to that comment. I have to click and 'open up' any additional replies. Its probably very primitive and someone else is bound to have a better idea, but we could each post our slang word. Then reply to our own post a comment like "answer below", then type our translation as a second reply on our original comment. It does mean three times the comments though, so probably a silly suggestion.


And do we add our slang suggestions here or you'll have a separate thread?


I think it's safe to say that even though I was happy to be a Patreon before Permission came along, that particular audio AND the love and support that has been shown to me by the community here has really solidified the joy and peace that this place brings to both my heart and mind. Like you say, not every day is a great day, but thanks to this place every day can be a better day than it was. I cannot wait to see what the future brings for us all. πŸ’œ


You are truly the architect of something special and amazing, G. Sending all sorts of love and appreciation your way. Slang sounds like fun! I know we don't all use Community, but maybe post suggestions here and answers there? No chance of seeing one by mistake and not too elaborate. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—


That's actually a very good idea and doesn't require me to have a good memory or be organised! 😁


Sorry to hear about your laptop issues, Spiderman!πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚ Not to worry, the recent deep feelings audios have given me so much food for thought that it feels like many audios, at least for me, if that makes any sense, haha.πŸ˜… I promise to take care if you'll do the same, sweet G!πŸ€—πŸ₯°β€ I love your slang rambles!πŸ€ I suppose the best way I can think of to get slang from us without the answers would be just that- create a post and ask us to give our slang phrase, but not the answer. You could make a 2nd post where we reveal the meanings. Ask everyone not to mix the two. I hope this can be of some help! I look forward to all of these fun Gaelandia shenanigans! Muah!πŸ˜„πŸ€πŸ˜™β€ P.S. cute wild Irish otter!😍


I don't know if I should be sorry for you or for your laptops... they never seem to survive long. What are you doing to them, hmmm? Speaking of revisits, is there a downloadable version of the Fear or Flying ramble? I've only seen it on YouTube, and I'll probably really need it next weekend (flying to New York and Boston yaay! But it's a long flight so 😨) OK as for the slang ramble, let me start by saying how amazing the idea is! What if you make a separate thread where we add the answer and you try to be a good boy and not look at it? #challengetime


I like your idea of a slang ramble. Perhaps you could make a quizlet account or other flash card account and give us access to it? That sounds like something you are looking for...it’s basically flash cards with the answer revealed once you click on the card. Also, would you be open to having slang in other languages? I know quite a bit of Cajun slang, if that fits what you are looking for.


Haha we're gonna have so much fun with that one. Poor lad, does this mean he has to try it out twice? Or maybe I should go for Swedish... But we have Swedes here too. Hmmm. πŸ˜‚


Or we could post the slang, reply with the answer to our own comment, and then add another "empty" answer, so the initial answer comment is hidden. You know what I mean?


I freaking love your idea! If you are interested in Argentinian slang, I have a list of words for ya! PS: I forgot to thank you for β€œPermission”. It made my week feel a lot better after listening to it.


❌ Boooo and hissss @ tech issues πŸ‘ŽπŸ» πŸ†˜ Huzzah for already having some audios recorded before the πŸ’© hit the fan πŸ‘πŸ» My ears and nether regions are greatful for that πŸ˜‰πŸ˜œ πŸ›‘ The middle-end of this last week was a financial/emotional/mental roller coaster- had to make a tough decision but it was necessary for my overall health (inside and outside). Now I’m back at square one and I’m challenging myself to take things one minuscule moment at a time πŸ†˜ You’re very thoughtful to keep us abreast (ha.. I had to use that word) of what’s up in your neck of the woods. Many thanks also for reminding us to be taking care of ourselves. πŸ€— ♠️ Slang I use that I hope you don’t know the meaning of: β™₯️ twerp, doozy, fuckaduck, what-in-the-Sam-Hill, pissant (like β€œpiss ant,” not like French or anything that sounds like β€œpees-aunt”), β€œI end your face” (something my best friend and I came up with), wanky, hodgepodge, begouch (emphasis is β€œbe-GOUWCH”), and if there’s others I’ll add later, gator. ✌🏻😚 πŸ”· P.S.- I read this post’s title as β€œPickle Ketchup.” Now I’m craving a burger... πŸ…πŸ₯«πŸ₯’ πŸ”....

Mina Ramey (Ebony Sorceress of the North)

I think it would be adorable/hilarious to throw some Creole and Southern US slang your way. The language can get a bit colorful and some of the expressions are always good for a laugh.🀣 Also that otter is adorable and I might need to hug it...ya know, for science 😍


I read "ketchup" and thought G was gonna make a ketchup bottle make those awful farting noises into the microphone. I'm clearly tired. πŸ˜‚πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ


Your poor laptop!! At the rate they have issues your going to have to keep a spare handy at all times!! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚ I'm not sure sharing slang from my part of the country would be a good idea, I had to buy my scotish brother in law a special dictionary so he could understand what everyone was saying!! πŸ€£πŸ˜‚


Aaaaand he has to say it with the southern accent πŸ˜‚. This us gonna be fun😏


- I recently joined and couldn't be happier I did! This is the first time I ever pay to be on Patreon so I was nervous πŸ™ˆ but I'm SO glad I decided to do it. I'm pampering myself (which is something we sometimes feel guilty about, but deserve) and at the same time supporting you Gael, so it's a win win situation. - I'm from Latin America and I think it would be cool to have some slang in Spanish. 😊 - The Permission audio was AMAZING! It's feels good to have someone care for you every once in a while. Even though I don't know you Gael, you make me feel better. It's good to have someone who is comforting in this harsh world. THANK YOU πŸ’žπŸ’–βœ¨


Yorkshire lass here with lots of silly slang.


Sorry for the electronic issues. I have them everyday at work. So freaking frustrating. Can't wait to hear you take a crack at our colloquialisms *rubs hands together* this is going to be good😏. I wish I could help you in setting up a way to hide answers from you but my ignorance in computers..."stuff" knows no bounds. 😬. Sooreeee. But I can offer you a heart felt "good luck" Smooches! Also I promised Val that I would continue to tease you while she's gone. She also asked something about being nice to "her Shonie"πŸ™„...she started breaking up so I'm not really sureπŸ€”...ah well.. πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹


I hope you have a safe space to air your concerns too G. God knows we all appreciate you for it. Bear hugs from tiny 5ft me . Have a lovely Sunday and I have some slang coming your way. Don’t worry I’ll go lean on ya still πŸ˜‰ yes that last sentence was some slang lol xx


I HATE tech issues! Sorry those buggers have reared their ugly head for you G! We love you too


Mercury is in retrograde until March 10... that could be a contributing factor to your technological issues. ☹️ The slang idea is brilliant and oh so fun... alas I have no idea how you could do it so you don't see the answers until after you made your guesses. πŸ€” Please don't apologize for 'lack of content' you are always putting out content new or otherwise, no apologies necessary. Thank you for the Permissions audio, it really was just what I needed to hear on so many levels. Yes, I will be here with you through thick and thin... always! Thanks for the Wild Irish Otter ☘️ 🦦, precious little woobin! β€οΈπŸ’‹πŸ€—

Amanda Jay

That otter was too cute, thank you! And please don't worry about rushing. Life happens and we all have to deal with itπŸ˜‰

Sweet Phantasy

For slang send to this address: you create one special account for this only . Not to be used afterwards. Only the slang term is sent. The term & answer send to this address: this could be sent to one of your friends to accept for you. It would be the slang term AND what it means. This way you can have two separate pages. One with the term AND one with the term and answer. Kind of like if you want "SUGAR" or "SPICE".


Thank you for the update and the otter 😍 Happy to know you are going good. Sorry to hear about your laptop but please don't worry about not giving us enough new stuff. You’ve given us so much already and I noticed you unlocked all the audios from the 2019 master list for our tier 😘. Thanks so much! The slang idea sounds really interesting and I'm looking forward to how it's going to unfold.


I’ve been in super self care mode this weekend, and checking in on the squad. I decided to teach myself how to play the ukulele this weekend just for fun. It’s just an instrument that sparks joy and I’m making good progress. Never ever feel the need to apologize to us. You’re always giving us so much of yourself! Hope the tech stops being an ass to ya! Happy Sunday!


Oh my sweet Gael, you can blame the tech issues on Mercury Retrograde which started on the 17th of February and lasts till March 10th? It happens three or four times a year. Tech issues, accidents, delays, miscommunications and old flames returning from the past. It is a time of reflection and going with the flow. Starting new projects can be difficult and will remain unfinished till Mercury goes direct. It's a good time to Re-visit, Re-invest, Re-store, Re-finish...and so on. My suggestion on the slang could be to do either a YouTube video asking people to put in comments with different slang without answers from their country or from their state in the US and they have to include where it's from, perhaps? You can follow up with a reply video called "Gael Guesses" or something to that effect. Just an idea, moi chroi. I am usually full of them, but have been trying to recover from a sinus infection that is kicking my ass while juggling two teens and full time college. Hope my ideas are somewhat useful. You have pretty great ones yourself! Have a wonderful Sunday, Mayor ;) <3


Hi Gael! Ok, so this might have to be a 2 part audio. What if you create a text post asking us to submit one slang word or phrase in the comments with it's country of origin or the geographic location where the word or phrase is used. Put the email address (gaelforceaudios@gmail.com)? where we can send you a BRIEF email with the slang word, the region where it is used, ALONG WITH the answer. (A deadline should probably be set to send in the answers). Once emails have been received, you should be able to create a folder for them, to which you can move them all without opening them up. When you are ready, open them up and read them while you are recording.


While we’re on the topic of tech, do you do upkeep on the GaelforceAudios.com website yourself, or do you outsource that to a web developer?


Yes we as a community bonded over the Permission audio. It was beautiful to see. This is the best community! πŸ’–Can’t wait for what you have for this week! Sorry about your laptop but good you recorded it before. Don’t worry about it being slow on Sunday’s. You work hard you deserve a break too. Hope your tech stuff gets back up and running. Enjoy your Sunday!


Well, we are in Mercury retrograde, so technology issues are common. Sorry you got hit, Mr. Mayor. Thanks for your efforts!❀😊


Mercury is in retrograde until March 10th, so always ALWAYS backup EVERYTHING, and have copies saved in different places, because things can and will go wrong! XD


First of all, don't call me out with this title πŸ˜πŸ˜‚ Secondly, the Permission audio made for a beautiful and heartfelt experience with the community. We cried and had each other to lean on. thank you so much for that. Take your time. Technology can be a bitch, eh? πŸ’• Lots of love


A slang ramble would be soooo fun. I would give you some Jamaican slang words to guess but that would be way too easy for you. I live in Maryland and our slang is interesting to say the least. It's technically a southern state but it's up north. "A bop" "Turkey" "dummy" "lor" are a few


Hello! I've only recently joined but I can already tell you have a lovely little community here. I'm typically a little afraid to comment but I don't feel that here as much. Permission really came at the perfect time. Things have been so hectic lately and it was a nice pause. I hope your computer issues get resolved soon. And don't forget to take care of yourself too!

Kathy Mc

You never have to say sorry about anything to us Gael. You just do what you have to do and take care of yourself! I had the most stressful week, but things have calmed down. I was thinking about the slang idea, but to be honest, there are so many terms in so many parts of the States, let alone the world, I don't know where to start! Words mean different things from one part of the state to another. I'll have to think on it. You know we love you, no matter what. Thank you for thinking of us all. We really care for each other and especially, you!πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’“πŸ’‹πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’–πŸ’‹πŸ’‹

Kathy Mc

Oh, by the way, LOVE the otter!! I'm naming him Emmet! We have lots of otters here in NY. They are adorable!!!!😍😍😍😍


Thank you for filling us in! I hope you get your laptop situation figured out and that this week won’t be as mad. πŸ™ˆ Loving your idea of a slang ramble! You’ve taught us so much of your slang, it’s only fair we do the same. Looking forward to it along with other projects you have in store for us. Don’t forget to take care of yourself too. πŸ’–πŸ˜Š


As for ideas with the ramble, you could make a post for us to comment our different slang words on and a separate post for us to comment the answer to the slang words. Not sure if someone has already said this or if it would be too confusing, but just a thought. 😊


Permission was perfect, a cleansing we all needed, and it also ended up to be another bonding moment, we definitely have a special bubble here. The slang ramble would be awesome, everyone's ideas for how to submit all sound good. Sorry about the tech issues, I was having issues too, then when I went and bought a new laptop, this one stopped acting up, so go figure


What happened to your laptop?? Did Seanie try to stick his willy in the disk drive again?? πŸ™ˆ that lad. πŸ˜†


Get an assistant. *mic drop* Just kidding. I’m sure you can find someone (even from here) to temporarily volunteer and help gather the data for you by having an email set up with a phrase and answer. 😊 Secondly I really hope YOU had the opportunity to decompress after Permission. You had a lot of people unloading a lot deeply personal shit on you and I’m sure that had to weigh heavily on you regardless of it was positive or negative.


Oh an otter 😲❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️


Oooohh!!! I can’t wait to see the phrases from different regions. And Gaelie should totally use the accent....like, from California where we put β€œlike” at the beginning of a sentence and we ALL talk like this, seriously: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pGK06TzP6F4 πŸ˜† And btw, I’ve fallen in love with otters! I just learned that they carry around a rock to break open shellfish on their tummy. It’s soooo cute!


I second ALL of this here! There are such things as compassion fatigue and secondary trauma, so I hope Gaelie and folks were able to decompress or bounce back a bit. I know I was affected, so had to chill.


I'll just echo everyone else on here with massive thanks for the Permission audio. Timely and most appreciated! As for slang ramble, I have a few Australian terms I could share. Our language can be quite colourful to say the least!


Katarina, I saw on YouTube a video from you where you talk about the winner song at Sanremo music festival 2020. The one by Diodato. So did you like it? πŸ₯°

Betsy ♍

Mr. G, great that you are doing well. No need to apologize for being slow with new content, I'm usually beyond satiety and have never felt short changed. Permission...encouragement is always good. I have a support system, (professionally if needed) I hope everyone has this as well. Thanks for your support.


Just wanted to drop off my little suggestion for collecting the fan slang. Maybe have someone set up a google sheet (excel spreadsheet) that’s only accessible via link. That way it can be posted on your page. From there, all the data would be in one place. The info could then be transferred over to digital flash cards or edited to space the words and definition far apart on the screen. I hope this made sense? I’d be happy to help if need be.


I loved permission. As effective as that was for me im thinking i need a spice version of it too 🀣


Gael success was never the key to happiness,HAPPINESS IS AND ALWAYS has the key to success! We hear the happiness in your Audios of all kind. EROTIC, ROMANTIC,MEDIATION,RAMBLES! And I think after you decide on trying something for us you have always been on the right path. Erotic Audio is in it's infancy so the sky is the limit for success and I for one are honored to be a Patron. supporting you. And part of supporting you is sharing your talent with all of our friends! HAPPINESS FOR ALL YOU DO is my wish for you.!

Betsy ♍

Really...I needed the Domination, DDlg, BDSM filters after listening to permission...I think a spice version that deals with sexual repression maybe bc of religion(nuns), childhood trauma or male relatives that would be more comfortable if you were asexual😬 is worth exploring. I love it when G says "let go and cum" Were ya thinking something like this?😏