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Hallo my dear Lovelies!

With everything going on I felt a bit strange adding new merch to the store.  You all support me so kindly already and I never want you to feel added pressure to spend more money.

I've been advised I should at least post this here and let you make your own minds up and stop being so over protective  😅 

If you like this design and want me to keep it in the store longer to give you time for it I will.

"Irish In Me" Design 

I've also got a couple other designs I've been holding back (for the same reason as above) that I'll be posting over the weekend.

Please never feel like you have to buy merch.  I just have it there for you to enjoy but please never burden yourselves.

I hope ye are keepin well and I hope the revisits and comfort audios have been helping you through such an odd time.

I've some new audios on the fire for this weekend.  

I love you to bits.

~ Mayor Overprotecteef




No worries, darling. Post away whenever you feel ready to. And.. I love you to bits, Mayor Overprotecteef 🤣❤❤


We love you to bits right back!💋💖


You've got some good PR advice in your corner, I see 😌 Thank you for the merch and all the love, Mayor 💕💕


Yes please keep this design longer if you please could. Can’t wait to see the other designs you got for us I’ve never felt pressured. I’ve bought them because I love them. Love you to bits too Mayor! 🥰😘💖🤗


Your merch is pretty amazing... post away fine sir, post away. 😁❤


Mayor Overprotect-beef(cake).💪😍😂😘❤


If I want to buy something I will if I dont I won't never felt pressured into buying stuff the short while I'm here mise le meas 😊


We love youuu too 😊


You're too sweet, Mr. Mayor :)

Katarína Vraňáková

The designes are amazing sooo if you got them, you give them, we want them we get them and thats tha fucking stooory maan 😜 We love you 🖤


I love the merch! Please keep it for longer I get paid on the first 🥺

Jen Ohh

Why is he so nice & sweet & adorably overprotective of us ughhhh I luv it. But hush.... the strong independent latina in me can't know this 😊🙊😉


Never worry, Mr. Mayor, though it's so kind that you do. This community is a tapestry of love and well wishing, woven on your loom. Merch are just tokens to keep it with us. When we can and want to, we will. Could never feel like pressure!


I like what you have posted in the store, but like what one of the others said "if I want to buy it. I'll buy it if not I wont."


We love you too, dear Mayor. You're such a sweetheart; gives me the warm and fuzzies. ❤

Kathy Mc

I thank you mayor for the kind offer. I wish I could purchase you! Maybe when I win the lottery!! Or at least come to Ireland!🍀🍀🍀🍀😘😘😘😘


never ever feel pressured, just love all the choices, and love to see what you have coming out


Mr G, Post away. Just like we choose what we want to listen to, we also choose if we want to make a purchase. We don't feel pressured or obligated. We support you however we choose and however we are able, through tier subscriptions and/or merch purchases. Don't hold back your creativity. Let your creative juices fly.


<img height="180" src="https://i.imgflip.com/3ud782.jpg">


Never met Gael but this man has made me feel safer and has inspired me to accept myseld than anyone ever has. ❤️


Lmaoooo xD Glad I wasn’t the only one who read that on the merch a few diff ways!


That’s really nice, but I’m actually kind of stubborn. No one can make me do anything I don’t want to 😅 I bought this yesterday to cheer myself up. I just love the Irish funnies. Looking forward to things going back to normal and making Irish tourists chuckle.


💞💞💞 Thank you honey bunny! You've never made me feel pressured to buy your merch, don't worry with such. *hugs tight*💞 I'm so happy you're keeping the "Irish"-design in the store, because I actually love it very much, but I can't order it at the moment, our borders are more strict than usual. I'm doing fine here and my relatives&amp;friends too! 💞💞 We have our first of a kind virtual hand craft fair here in Finland, that took my mind away nicely last night! 😄😄 Watching live vids of workshops and professionals. 😸 Hope you're doing well too luv and your family??💞💞🍀🍀🍀 Love you to bits, thank you for everything you do!💞💞 I might not get into every premiere because of the timezone, but I truly appreciate you.🤗🤗💞🍀 Take care Lion, I'll wait here patiently what you have for this weekend. 🤗🤗💞😘😘


I love you and support you too, Gaelie! A lot of lovelies would probably be interested in hearing about the release of your audiobooks too! Also, it’s nice when you repost some of your stuff from Twitter here, so lovelies who aren’t on can still interact. 🤗

Ashlee Kranz

I would LOVE to get the flowy long sleeve shirt with the Irish in Me design, but I simply can not justify playing over $50 for one shirt. It’s not that I feel pressured or being cheap, but I do have to be careful and keep my impulses in check and simply be wise about my spending habits. Financial or no, you’ll always have my support Gael! Your audios have made such a difference in my perspective on my self worth and validation. I’m generally very self critical as I strive to be a professional artist and always asking myself “how can I make this better?” And I keep working on every fine detail of my projects. But sometimes that gets out of hand. So having a way to pull me back and remind me that I’m already doing great or just take a moment for reflection; is all healthy and exactly what I need. So thank you for being you and being so supportive back! Because in the end, all we have is each other.

Min Ah

I really wish I could get something from the Lovelies collection, but I don't get my disability payment until next week so it'll be gone before I get the money to get anything. Plus, it's a bit out of my price range for most of what would fit me :-( If you ever have a clearance/ sale, I'll most likely buy something, but atm, it's somewhat beyond my means.