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 My poor baby.  I'm sorry you don't feel well. 

I'll take care of you, snuffle you and help you rest.    Whatever you need, I'm here. 




Thanks for the premiere and always trying to get to all the Lovelies. You're an angel 😇 😘


Thank you so, so much for that. Put a whole new complexion on the day!💚💙💜


Ikr. Nice to catch it for once. Brilliant as always ⭐️


Feeling so snuffled.😍🥰😙❤


This was absolutely beautiful and calming and soothing and relaxing.. Sick or nah.. This is just perfect. Heartbeat sounds, your breathing, rain and your voice. That's it. This is all I need ❤❤❤ Thanks very much Gaelshnuffle 😘😘


I truly believe that if it weren't for you Gael, there would be more people sick. You are the hot tea, soup, vitamin c, and pain meds rolled into one. You give the immune system a boost with your kindness and for that i said Thank you. Stay well my fellow lovelies and continue to take your daily dose of Gael. 😘🤗💚


G, Mmm Lovin the 💓💓 When you say Gatorade, all I can hear is Gaelorade (period).

Betsy ♍

Since you asked baby, you know what would make me feel so much better...if you put on your kilt for me. It always cheers me up. Thanx luv💋


You know, some people are taking this time to become lazy *cough*me*cough* but apparently not G. He’s working tirelessly to keep our spirts lifted. Like the Energizer bunny he keeps going and going and going...

Betsy ♍

Yes, a daily dose of vitamin G is one of the things that's helping to keep me calm. No pressure...


Thank you. This was much needed today. ❤


What a lovely and needed audio. Not sick myself but I certainly wouldn’t mind it as much if I had this to help get me through. 😏


Thanks for making it a premiere this morning and for hanging out with us. It was a very nice treat to wake up to. 💖


Funny, I was sick last night and this morning with a headache. I listened while eating food and drinking Gatorade. It was a much needed break for me. Thanks again, Gael!! <3


Wow...like how? I’ve been feeling pretty crummy lately with some tummy pains and after a visit to the doctors turns out I have a mild case of pneumonia and an inflamed stomach. How do you do that ? 🙈 ~ L 💜


Hey our Celtic guardian angel! 💞🍀 Thank you again for this re-visit. 🤗🤗😽 Your snuffles are the best! 💞💞

Kathy Mc

I've had a headache for 2 days. This was so nice and relaxing. Your voice is the medicine that cures all ills. Thank you Gael. What a treasure you are!💗💗💞💞💞💕💕

Ashlee Kranz

Nice reboot of a favorite of mine!😊💖


Thank you sweetheart just coming down with a cold ...this is exactly what Dr. Gael ordered xxx


Came back to this audio because I’m sick and living off of a diet of vegetable soup and fruits for the past 3 days😂 Thank you so much for easing the pain Gael❤️❤️