'Brotherly Love' (Patreon)
April 1st has been claimed by Seanie as his borthday and so many of you remembered it even before I did. Your well wishes and this art appeared on my dash on a day I dearly needed a smile.
And if ever there was a time to share a smile I think it's now.
There is merch available for this design for those that requested it (courtesy of our beloved Cherry) , but even if you just look at this lovely picture and it makes you smile, I will be glad.
I know this is a historically mad time, but please don't stop taking well wishes to heart.
Take care of yourselves. Get rest. Laugh. Learn. Create.
Every day is one day closer to this being over and in the meantime we're not alone.
Especially me.
Because of this langer in my attic.
~ Your Loving Mayor
P.S Please do me a favour and uplift 5 people today in some way. A compliment, a kind deed. Sometimes shifting your focus outward can do much to bring some cheer inward.