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For your Chooseday?


My most explosive audio! 😈 Getting My Rocks Off ASMR (Quarantine Comfort)

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I love pop rocks 💖


This is too funny! Good morning!


LOL I totally needed a giggle this morning! Thank you so much!! 😂💋


My mouth is juicing n my jaws feel like im eating something sour hearing that lol.


Oh man that gave me a good laugh, just what the doctor ordered 😆 I would totally fall for a guy doing that, great sense of humour


So hilarious😂😂 Hope your mouth didn’t hurt from popping those rocks🤣❤️


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I have no words for this


Farrrrrrk popping candy! I nearly peed muh pants 🤣 never known anyone to eat it with a spoon from a bowl before. That’s some hardcore right there 😆 someone is going to have a sore mouth tomorrow 😝 Guessing it will be revisit Wednesday! High 5 you though. That was classic! I could even smell it, you cheeky bugger 🎉


😁 made my day 😁


Hahaha, can we start a "When Gael is bored Workshop? lol but honestly though, you come up behind me and did that after elbowing you in the gut, (the part of me that has brass balls) would pin you down and sit on your face while you ate the pop rocks... but from a work place safety i don't know it that medically sound for either party... hmmm


Happy Chooseday, sweet G.🍭😚❤


Mister Mayor, you are completely bonkers and I thank you for giving me a smile before the sun is even up ☀️😘😆What flavor pop rocks tho?


I’m fairly certain you will have to complete a WFH safety checklist for that Rain. Puts a whole new perspective on checking the boxes though 😜


Ummm have you lost all your nuts? ... I am in stitches and speechless from laughing so hard I cannot draw a breath. Been trying to 'just breathe' all day and you have literally taken my breath away with this one. You will go to any length and any expense just to make us laugh. Thank you. 🤣🤣🤣


New merch idea! "Baby you got me pop rocks growlin' for you" 😂 I love it when you record silly things! You should be bored more often 😂


As long as you make it dirty ;)


Clean rocks are so much more suckable 😮

Scarlet Kitten

Should have been an April fools or a pop rocks challenge. Lol.


I loved this. Laughing is my second favorite way to wake up.


Why are you so damn hilarious and tasty? I'm giggling listening to you laugh. Also, why are you eating them out of a bowl? That's the weirdest thing I've ever heard. This really started my day on a great note.


So, I've been arriving at work before the staff, so when the first person arrived there i am snorting and giggling at my desk with little tears coming out from behind my mask...must be crazy.😂🤣😋


Well that was both hilarious and creepy at the same time.


A snorkel might be more appropriate after that Liz 😉

Min Ah

Here was me thinking ‘meh, there’s a new post from G, may as well have a quiet listen before sleep’, while dad’s in the bathroom next to my room, and normally that’s all fine and dandy but ohhhhh no. Ya had to go and put one up that had me trying so hard not to laugh out loud, I stuffed a dang blanket in my mouth. A blanket, G! Scuse me while I facepalm into next week.


I had totally forgotten about this one!!!! Thanks for the revisit fella! This actually made my morning! 💕💕


That was hilarious - next time you should wash it down with some Coke!


This was so funny and super sexy!! 🐶 I didn't know what pop rocks are, they don't sell those in Italy, so I googled them. They're some kind of candies popping when you cook them? 🤔 Your sexy words while you eat them.... I hope you feel better, G, it's so beautiful to imagine you with a smile on your face again. Sending you warmest hugs to warm your heart. You're never alone 💓.


Omg hahahhahahahahahahahha i needed a good laugh for the mornin. Thanks.


😂😂😂, you sneaky monkey! 💞❤😈 Dirty talk with pop rocks in your mouth! 😂😂🙊 It was funny the first time awhile back and it's still comedy gold! 😘🍀💞😂


I never wanna "like" it once it hits 69! 🤣😂🤣


you got me pop rock growling baby


Omg Gael, you are so cute! Hasn't anyone told you not to talk with your mouth full? ;) lol kissing with pop rocks seems very interesting, but everything else had me laughing too much to be sensual! Lol Love you so much though! :) <3


I love this one. The first time I listened to it I couldn’t stop laughing 🤣😂 I laugh every time I listen to it

Min Ah

Hiya Vanessa :) I have to admit, I rarely have pop rocks myself, so I totally get why it’s a little confusing, because they’re so unusual. Basically, they’re little bits of hard candy (imagine a lollipop or similar candy that’s been smashed so it’s in tiny bits that are only a bit bigger than dust) that are actually a thin shell around what I think are carbon dioxide bubbles. When you put them in your mouth, the moisture dissolves the candy at the same time as the heat expands the CO2, causing them to literally explode in your mouth. They tingle on your tongue because you basically have the equivalent of the Diet Coke and Mentos reaction on it (in terms of the way they just go kaboom when the candy hits your tongue). They can be a little painful when you get one that’s got a thicker shell or is a bit bigger, but overall, they’re just plain fun


*Gasp* his head would explode. Can you live with that on your conscious?


I had to edit my last comment because apparently I can't remember the term for schwetty balls. I can't figure out how to make gifs either. Oh fuck my life. Here you go https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2z9z9s


I laughed the whole time I’m sure you’d like to get your rocks off 😈


Excuse me sir? This is the Mcdonalds drive-thru...

Kathy Mc

I wasn't sure what I was listening to at first, but then when you said pop rocks, I couldn't stop laughing!! My mouth is watering and I'm strongly turned on, yet picturing Gael, bored to death, pouring pop rocks in his mouth and trying to talk sexy and the juxtaposition is too much! You are a lovable, squeezable, unbelievable sweetheart!! Love you 🎆🎆🎆🎆💓💓💓💕💕💖💋💋🍀🍀🍀🍀

Jen Ohh

A pop rock proposal🤔 as long as ur down on one knee holding a cherry flavored ring pop 💍🍬🍭


The brain that would be so bored in quarantine that it would think up "Make pop rocks. Put pop rocks in mouth. Talk sexy" is a brain I'd like to know.

Michelle Ross

You are such a goofball...

Nacht Hex

🤣 tew much❣️


This had me dying. 😂 Thank you for the much needed laughs.

Kristin Coble

😂😂😂I am DECEASED!! thank you for the giggles!! I needed that after the day I had. Amazing way to end my day, you are too too good to us 🤣🤣🤣🤣🥰


Lord have mercy I almost snorted water through my nose! That was some funny ass shit right there! Don’t know how to tell ya but....I have tried to be sexy with my SO and pop rocks and it is as hilarious as it sounds! Tip though- it causes lots of drool and hilarity ensues 😛💜 Love your sense of humor G. Keep it cuming. 💜💜

Quiet Loyalty

My cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing at this. How much did you eat but also, WHERE did you get poprocks??? I haven't had those in ages.


Finally got around to listening to this just now. Bahahahha!!! 😆 Thanks for the laughs! 😉


omfg Pop Rocks Thanks so much for the Laugh i so need it ♥




lmao this is amazing!! 👏 😂

Ashlee Kranz

Which pop rocks do you mean? In your mouth or the ones under your kilt?🤣 Honestly the last time I had pop rocks, it gave me an upset stomach.😣 not that I think they’ll make my stomach explode or anything, but they sure made me gassy!


Didn't think it was possible to think you could be any cuter! 😂 "Pop rock growling for you!"-Gael 2020 💚💚💚


This is literally my favourite, I couldn’t contain my giggles

Sascha Yelkim

You're doing it wrong. She puts the Pop Rocks in her mouth then 👅🍆


Haha I was thinking pop rocks! Then G you were all that’s right it’s right pop rocks I just busted my ass laughing! You’re such a dork ❤️


I needed this giggle today! ❤️