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Edit: File has been updated! As requested, now with more sexy pounding waves! 😁 

There is something magical about the sea... it's hypnotic.

The way the waves build and surge.... the rhythm... the power... 

Watching them is like being under their spell...

It makes me want to match that rhythm ... inside you... our bodies crashing together...

Swept away by the power of the sea...

Ending out our lickle round of ocean themed audios... I always found the energy of the sea to be a bit of a turn on and I definitely had this in mind when I brought you to our lighthouse 😍 




I KNEW IT!!! XD Definitely felt there was a spicy version cumming!!!


Good morning. 😈


Ulterior motives? You? Never! 😉


Oh damn! I love the seaside and the idea of making love on the beach, especially in Ireland lol 🌊⛱💓😭


Hahaha nioce, oh how I love the sea, I’d go be swept away with the tide, singing a sirens song for obvious reasons.


Already swept away by that beautiful description and tags of yours...


Oh god, thank you for the cure for common fever 😂


I agree, there is something about the ocean, the crashing waves, the motion, the sound of it is all such a turn on. I am looking forward to this one. Thanks G! 🌊 🔥 ❤️


“I want to lick the sea from your skin” made me shiver. I love from behind positions so much. I love turning my head to make eye contact and seeing the look on my partners face. It’s so hot. Also bonus points if there’s a mirror in the room where you can watch yourself being taken. Okay I need a cold shower now.


But seriously, I loved the way your voice changed from gentle whispers to rough growls, much like how the waves crash violently and then ebb away gently from the shore. The stronger wave sounds bring me back to being wiped out from my surfboard, waiting underwater while the sea tosses me about and biding my time to resurface and breathe again, kind of how it is when someone sweeps you away. Thank you for prolonging the moment at end <3


My petal🥰 Oh, wow, I really liked this.😍🔥❤ So wild and free, with the waves crashing and feeling like nobody else exists on the planet. That sense of growly urgency, along with being so loving, too, oh my god, yes.❤ You had me smiling so much with the charm of this that by the time the energy built and built, I was biting my lip and I didn't even realize until the waves subsided with that dreamy heartthrob of an ending. And, oh, that ending. The closeness, not wanting it to end. I loved it.💋😍 Gorgeous.❤🔥❤


Godddd the way you said “fuck me” @ 7:43


I’m a bit worried for asking too much, but I’d so much love you to make a longer version of this audio by just adding more ocean sounds in the end?! only if it’s possible G., otherwise I’m in love with this version to the moon and back! Our intimacy. Your sweet whispers and nature sounds. Every single second was heavenly beautiful 🤍


G, OMG. The G-Force in this one might have just drowned me. My name? I think I've even forgotten how to breathe.


This was beautiful love making with the sounds of the waves! 🥰🥵 Your groans as the waves crashed was lovely! I died when You said i want to lick the sea from your skin! 😉 sure swept me off my feet! I knew there would be a spicy version after the sugar one


Waves can be like a gentle massage or a freeing power with their strength, like imagening the touch of your lover... You gave me the same sensation as I get in my yoga sessions, the feeling of being in a private bubble, only this time my inner fire was released to a full blaze 🔥🔥🔥 I felt so safe&free..loved&cherised 💞💞💋


Thank you for the extra waves 😘😘😘

Michelle Ross

Amazingly beautiful. Thank you for all the HARD work you put into creating it.


dear god man, that hit ALL my buttons, slightly aggressive passionate sex from behind has always been a huge turn on for me, so always love when you go there, and dam, did you go there, that licking the salt water off your skin just, ooof,, so much yum yum yum.

Abigail Murray

It felt like I was in a romantic movie listening to that oh my God it was so fucking hot 🔥😍


My brain accidentally wandered and, in my mind, I saw Gael and the Muse get blasted with a really cold wave and they both looked like wet cats. I feel guilty for giggling but I definitely needed the laugh today. Thanks, lad. Thank goodness there's more than one way to relieve stress. 😂🍀


Irish magic... agreed 🙋‍♀️


I think I'll keep it for tomorrow,l. After doing some gentle yoga, taking a hot mud bath, and making a big cup of chocolate tea, I'm so zen I'll probably pass out as soon as I hear the ocean sounds 😴🧘‍♀️


Thanks "G" for making my mind come alive , And your voice makes me feel something inside growing until like the waves I crash. Have a great Weekend! Next time I'm at the Ocean you will be with me.

Gri (Sassy_One)

You killed it from the descriptions!!! "match the rythm of the waves...inside you" is about the sexiest I've read from you, G!! Thank you! Really needed this to get my mind off real life. TY!!!!


Yknow, I’ve never though much of the idea of having sex on the beach even tho, yeah, pounding waves are super sexy; I’ve no desire to collect sand in me nethers. If it can’t be on a boat, I suppose this lighthouse will do. All this to say, I liked it a lot. Very sweet and cozy at the end, too. 🍆 😏 Excellent work, 🦁❤️


I love when you whisper was you want from the muse. Holy milk and cookies! You every button to press and when to press it. Will definitely it this a second listen tonight.


Now, I don’t usually swear but.... Fuck 😫🥵 And that was just reading the description. “It makes me want to match that rhythm...inside you...” Then you saying the enedree of the sea was a turn on. ...Lord help me 🙏🏼


(Audio)question of the day: Can you feel me grow inside you? Sweetest audio highlight: Gael’s Gaelcum and then him sliding inside again.... 🔥🔥🔥 I’m really adoring this audio! P.s thank you for the looong sexy pounding version!

Jenn (Preemie Cuddler)

Love this one!! Sweet, funny beginning (you cheeky monkey) sensual, so 🌹mantic! I especially love the whispering and eye contact creating so much intimacy!! Thank you, G and for the update!!🥰💖 FYI-nothing ever updates in the app. I think I’d have to delete and re-download it to get the extra wave sounds. I updated the app a few days ago and it automatically logged me out. When I logged back in all downloaded audios were gone!😩. Took me hours to do it again, but worth it, anyway!!♥️


Soul slowly returning...settling back down into my chest from wherever it's been today. Thank you.


If I refer to this as the "lighthouse audio", I’m going to confuse it with the other lighthouse recording you made a few years back. So in my mind, this audio shall henceforth be known as <i>Gael and the Whimsical Sea Boner</i> ☝️🤓


Gorgeous 🥰 This was super sexy with equal parts of pure poetry 🥰


All of the mentions of eye contact in this one... blazing hot. 🥵 Extended eye contact during sex (and especially during climax) is pretty much THE SEXIEST thing IMO. 🙏


No matter how serious or hot the moment is, I always smile when you say "enegry" 😊 so cute!


Yes that’s what I had to do as well. I uninstalled the app and installed again so I could download the new link. With that I lost all other saved downloads. Patreon sucks 😒


Current status: I've successfully dissolved and become one with the ocean. Thank you. 🧜‍♀️ P.S. I knew you were an Irish wizard. 😘 (In all seriousness though, loved the intimacy of this. Such a poetic and spiritual experience! I loved the part about "watch the waves dance for you". The intense sound of them crashing against the shore really, really heightened the whole experience. 🤤 No matter how cheesy it might sound, waves crashing really are a GREAT metaphor for that feeling of climax... bravo! 🙌🧡)


Am I the only one who was done for the first time he whispered "fuck me"? We haven't even begun yet! Holy shit, I think I've found my favorite audio. I don't think my legs will ever recover, haha.


I knew there was gonna be some banging up in that lighthouse! 🤗 Btw, “a leanbh” is such a beautiful term of endearment and I love the way you say it.


Ahaha yeah you're not alone. That really got me going right there and then!


Yes he says Enerdree 🥰 there’s been even a merch with that logo word. Pure Enerdree 😍


Wow this was a really intimate and captivating audio 😍 it’s something special about nature and making love in it 🥰 Good job G , as always 🍀💚


God I love the feeling of "staying together" for a bit afterwards, just holding each other, touching and caressing while he goes soft inside. 🤤

Betsy ♍

I think I read this Gaelforce Romance when I was a teenager😁the one I kept hidden under the mattress🌊🌹🌊Gaelforce rivals the sea in all of her fury and in her peace😍the last 5 minutes...those whispers at about14:50-55😱


Absolute Perfection. 🥰You have outdone yourself on this one sweet G!!! 🌊💗 Just....... WOW


I was not expecting the emotional reaction to this. Ocean sounds were perfect. It's been 30 years since I've been near the ocean. No other sound like it. Well Done G.


Sex in nature is so fucking hot!!! I loved this!! If I ever take a trip to a lighthouse, I want to do this very thing (granted I have someone by then). Thank you for the extra waves, G! Love, love, love the ocean &lt;3


Can't stop listening to this one.... This is my absolute favorite ☺💕🌸


The special bond of two people so in love with each other reaches a point where it intensifies so much. It intensifies to the edge. Becoming one while talking. Becoming one while thinking. Becoming one in our dreams. Becoming one in the pleasure of our bodies together 💗 Yes... bewitched by ourselves being together, we're really under a spell. A very special spell. Just like the earth is under the spell of oceans, we're under our love spell and under the spell of the waves 🌊 Our bodies moving just like them... and looking in each other eyes while making love. What a pleasure... What a happiness... So intimate... And at the end, holding close, with you, softly, still inside... So beautiful! Our unique bond nobody can break, ever. The power of real love 💗

Kathy Mc

How much more perfect can you be?? I don't know what was hotter, your words or taking her suddenly, when you couldn't wait another second! So 🔥 hot!! The waves, the birds, the sea. My bones melted and my heart is pounding like the ocean. I'm spent!! 💋💋💋💞💞💖💓🌊🌊🌊🌊


Just had my first listen and omg you blew me away.. The combination and everything about this audio is spot on.. This is jumping all the way on top of my fav list ❤❤❤❤❤


Very beautiful! As always, your audios transport me!❤❤🤗


Your sound immersion audios just take me... somewhere, as do you. Hard to return from this. 😍