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I know out there, you're on the front lines.  But here at home, I am your first responder.  

I will always be here to take care of you with as much kindness and love as you take care of everybody else.  For now your work is done and you can just be at rest.  

Let me do my best to bring a smile to your face and peace to your heart, my love.

This is the alternative cut of First Responder.  In this version there is a little added sensuality where I am not completely able to resist your bedroom eyes.   🥰 




Been waiting for this 😍😍


You said bedroom eyes 😍


Yay! 👏


Thank you Daddy Gael~🥰👉❤👈


So good, thanks G. 🥰


Oh my, I may cry from happiness even before I listen, this has not been a good day at all. Can't wait!


Oh my knees just buckled just from the tags and I’m running late for work! Ok I will try delayed gratification and leave this for tonight. There goes my concentration today haha!

Betsy ♍

umm...those tags😍every thing I need right now...think I might get in the bath and listen to this.


Oh😍, that all flowed so nicely into the extra sensual part!🔥❤ And your sleepy breaths and kisses are so sweet and soothing.🥰 I could listen to them all night.😚❤


Now I need the time to run faster so it can be night 😏🤭


The combination between G 's gentle care and his deep sensuality is something so breathtaking.. There is just a perfection among all that. And I really love his mix of tenderness and of lethal, sensual touch. This is so much my personality 🎀 In every caress of his ones, there's a passionate kiss. In every sexy touch of his ones, there's a kind word. This all is just so beautiful I am so speechless...


i’m not a first responder but i am an essential worker (bc for whatever reason starbucks thinks it’s essential and not a luxury business but whatever) and i appreciate you and this 🥺


I'm an essential worker. I'm not a doctor or nurse but I do Quality Control on medical devices used in intensive care units. I've worked 6 days a week through the whole pandemic to make up for all my co-workers who have fallen ill around me. It's freaking terrifying. My friends and bosses and people I have waved to at the lockers and eaten lunch next to have gotten sick and you wonder if you'll be next. I appreciate this. Just a moment to forget and get outside my own head.


I'm no essential worker but let me just tell you that you always bring a smile to this face and peace to this heart ♥ Thank you for the double treat today!! 😍


you probably don’t hear this enough but you’re incredible and valued!!!! i hope you continue to stay safe while working! <3


I laughed soo hard at those jokes 🤣


G, The loving tenderness is beautiful. And we get double Gael this morning. Well a double dose of Gael.


Big sigh of pleasure...

Kathy Mc

That was so perfect! The bath, the candles, the tenderness and love, the Gaelic, the crickets, the breathing at the end....just so beautiful! Thanks to all the frontline workers and to Gael for making us all feel this loved!!🌹🌹🌹🌹🍀🍀🍀🌸🌷🌷🌸🌸💐🌻🌺🌺🍁🍁🌼🌼


So many things I love about this, so many things that you know to do...but the best, as it always is, is that I can truly believe that this voice is someone who would take pleasure in giving me pleasure...and so there it is, mine to have. Such a gift. Thank you.


So compassionate and full of heart, it really shines in all your work. The consideration and care you put into each audio is amazing, it’s like a full on experience. Even down to the water splashing?! You think of everything. 👏🏼

Jenn (Preemie Cuddler)

Your incredible writing and delivery play like movie scenes in my head and I’m swept away! This one brought so much Gael TLC, so beautiful! The added sensuality was breathtaking and my kind of stress reliever. I am always overjoyed when you add your sleep breathing to any ending-it brings me such peace and tranquility, feeling safe enough to fall asleep. Thank you, G!🥰💖💖💖


Oh yaaaay my evening is saved 😘


Thank you G, hard day at work, people super cranky stuck at home. this version just as beautiful, but the sensuality, good gawd man, actually gave me shivers, raw and damn oh so sexy....okay, on to part two

Khelisie Salvatore

TThis was just so real and authentic. By the end when you take your muse to bed . It's just you, nature, quiet and you dropping kisses on her at random. The random is what gives it a feeling that you meant every word and every action... You were just thankful she was home... in bed... with you.


Heheheh, those jokes 😂😂😘 This has been a wonderfull morning, finding your gifts here ❤❤ How do you say in gaelic "You're the treasure of my heart"? Because you are, you make my heart feel loved, smile&laugh ❤ Have a lovely day honey 🤗❤💋


I belieove I've turned into a warm heap of emotional mush from this one. The warm loving and care in your voice is almost tangible... so incredibly relaxing. 🧡


🔥🔥🔥 flirty fun with my imaginary boyfriend like this would be the best cure to make me forget bad things


I close my eyes and can see the candles flickering in the dark. Like seriously, how do you do that? Your writing is superb and you touch all the right spots. So protected. So loved. So beautiful 🤗💗

Betsy ♍

the added sensuality gives me butterflies...just😩😍you are so good with mood that my other 4 senses are equally engaged and aroused. That breathy Gaelic during the underwater massage, the moaning, you telling her to grab your hand, put you where she wants you and to "let it all out" as you witness her well deserved orgasm😍you are only wearing those grey sweats😂your chest is wet from the bubbles. Your eyes are blue... The End


The bathtub scene was perfect, all the ASMR-y goodness + naughty fingers doing what they should be doing. Heaven.


my type of asmr sexy audio...

👻 Spooky 👻

Yes, as a firefighter, car crash rescue and a nurse 💚💚💚

Jenice Coffey

I work in a Pharmacy and every day feels like a battle every day, Even though I.m not really a health care worker. Hearing this makes me feel so much better.