Gaelforce Comforts (Patreon)
I've been working on this project for a little while.
A channel that is focused on sleep audios & comfort. Nothing naughty. 😇 Just comfy, innocent audios that even the overlords on YouTube will find acceptable. 😜
Right now the channel is a playlist hub for my main channel
But I am planning to create extended length sleep companion audio mixes to give a resource for those of you who enjoy my comfort content. The audios on this channel may turn into 3 hour Sleep loop audios, relaxation sounds mixes... so many ideas are floating around my imagination and so I am going to play with it and see what happens.
I'm still posting everything here on Patreon, but wanted to let you know about this in case you enjoy making sleep playlists on YouTube. This just a lickle extra something.
I know we've all been through it this year, so I'm always trying to find new ways to just do what I can to somehow make things even the small bit less stressful.