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Boatloads of good news today!

♦ Glowcanagh is extended through Monday so we get a few extra days with a sale code after all the technical madness.

♦ Special new design comes out today! I'm quite excited about this new design very kindly created just for us!  I think you'll see all the ways it suits our lickle realm perfectly!

♦ Our Teespring rep came through with a weekend code for 10% Off everything in our shoppe! The Code "PUMPKIN10" starts today @ 12pm PST through 10/18 (12pm PST)  

Click Here To Have a Lookie!

I've audios (and maybe a new ringtone!) ready for this weekend and will be working away on the "One Night" series!

Your mayor's nose will be on that grindstone this weekend lads!

I love ye to bits and I hope ye will have some fun with everything!


Wanna Get Lucky?

550+ Audios Waiting for your ears: Support my content by joining me on Patreon for only $1 a month! - 😇 - Sugar - http://bit.ly/2kvK5dk - 😈 - Spice - http://bit.ly/2kV1psH Albums - 🎵 - iTunes - http://apple.co/2nT7MkA - 📦 - Amazon - https://amzn.to/2Nvzej8 **Merch** - 👕- https://teespring.com/stores/gaelforce-audios 💙 - Twitter - http://bit.ly/2Bf87Dg 💙 - Instagram - http://bit.ly/2EpMMcu 💙 - Facebook - http://bit.ly/2nQrfT5 Track: Sunset — Metro Vice [Audio Library Release] Music provided by Audio Library Plus Watch: https://youtu.be/R1PL3aM-Ry0 Free Download / Stream: https://alplus.io/al-sunset #Merch #Irish #Gaelforce



Noice! 💚🍀


The new design is so on brand!! *chef's kiss* So many exciting things happening, my poor heart can't take it 😆😆


The life of a Mayor is busy! Thank you for working so hard for us. We appreciate you!!! 💋 No rest for the wicked, I guess 😈


Seeing you so happy&excited makes my mushy heart sing! ♥♥♥🌹🌹🌹 The new design looks amazing! 😎😎💥😍😍 This weekend will be happy&fun 😊😊😊 *squuez hug noices* 💥♥🤗😚😚


I did just get so lucky! It's after midnight here in Melbourne and I'm awake which isn't usual (or good) for me but I was here for this great news! I actually gasped at that new design, I love it 💚🍀


appreciate you working so hard! we are spoiled~ 💕


Ssssso what´sss going on here? Hmsss? TSSSS! I sssee the Irisssh langer isss getting lazy in hisss old age. From daring thief to peddler... pathetic!


No treasures or keys here for you your scaliness. Tis always good to see you out of your cave queenie 😏


Thank you for everything you do for us, Mr. Mayor!


❤❤🍀🍀❤🍀❤🍀 lovely & exciting news.. We appreciate your hard work Mr. Lion ❤. Keep up the good work! We are cheering you on and on and on and on 😘😘 Love ye back ta bits 💋💋


So many good news! You've been a very busy bee! Don't forget to rest, okay? 😘


I also really like the background music? Very Weeknd-y! Did you compose it?


Potentially silly question, but are shamrocks and clovers interchangeable? I thought for the longest time that they were, but then I was told that shamrocks have 3 leaves while clovers have 4. So a clover is a 4-leaf shamrock? 🧐


This design is my NEW FAVE ☘️💋 Now excuse moi I need some shopping to do 🛍


Didn’t know death by sexy laughter was possible but here I am, deceased. ☠️


Yessss. 5 seconds into this and I was like 🤤🔥. My goodness.


OK but um is that flower thing I saw going to be available in a pouch because if so I’m gonna wait. 👀 🕰 💅


Oh my god I just noticed the kink in the headphone cord is heart shaped HOW DARE YOU BE THIS CUTE. 😠 🖤


I’d love Soba to choose your next item on Teespring . Pretty please 🙏 😭😍 🐈


The only thing that could have made that better is if they were shaped like your lips but it's still pretty awesome. 👌😉 Please don't work yourself into the ground. Take care of yourself. This is the time of year you tend to get a sinus infection and sick as hell. I always worry about ye between now and New Year's. Changing of the season + your work drive = a rundown and sick G. So please, please take care of you!!!! 😘😘🤗🤗💖💖


Omg this is amazing..I swear I was looking at the merch the other day thinking what should I get...and I thought I wish you had a four leaf clover design and yay 💚💚💚🍀🍀🍀🍀❤️🇦🇺❤️ thank you sweetheart xxx


Oh and yes! I wanna get lucky lol


Love the new design! Thanks for all the extensions too! Now just to decide what to get. ... hmmmmm... 🤔❤😘

Nacht Hex

Ooh the new design is excellent... can’t wait to hear more from my long lost vampire lover! Xo




Guys, sorry for writing this here, but the thing is that I wanted to listen to some old audios of Gael’s and when I went to look for them, only the last 5 appear. Did this happen to any of you?


Patreon’s a shitstorm and a half of a website on any given day, so technical difficulties are pretty common 😒 You might have better luck using the links to Gael’s older audios from the master list on his gaelforceaudios.com website. Or if you’re using the desktop version of Patreon, you can filter search results to include posts from specific months/years 🤔




I have to say that the four lip clover is the most clever art I have seen! Are these someone's real lips?


Music is on point.