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A good skill to have during the holidays! Be excited!


Anxiety Hack no 1 - How to Build Confidence in 110 Seconds

In this week's 110 seconds we are taking a look at the tv series Ted Lasso where Ted Lasso or Jason Sudeikis uses a simple mind hack to conquer every setback. This mind hack is anxiety reappraisal which will reverse your feelings of anxiousness and boost your confident instead! ► To keep leveling up, subscribe: http://bit.ly/SubToDavidJPPhillips ► To start chatting, join the Discord Server: https://discord.gg/cFvPWhT ► Join our subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/DavidJPPhillips/ ► And if you want daily inspiration: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/davidjpphillips/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidjpphillips/ ► Become a public speaker: https://www.jpuniversity.com/ My name is David JP Phillips. I am an international public speaker, author & coach. Throughout my career, I have delivered over a thousand presentations and coached hundreds of people in the skill of communication. I love analyzing why we humans behave as we do and what our communication means for us in life. On this channel, I want to learn and teach everything I can through short, fun and educational videos like reaction videos, information videos and Q and As. #PublicSpeaking #TedLasso #Anxiety #Confidence



much appreciated <3

Kathy Mc

I'm so excited!!😙😙😙😙💞💞💞💕


Thanks for introducing me to this glorious ginger man...he’s got me so excited!! Good tip, I suffer from anxiety often.


Thanks very much! Will definitely try it out! 🙏❤


thank you so much for recommending this guy! his videos are so helpful 💕


This makes so much sense & I think it’ll be helpful around this time. For everyone, really. The mind is such a magical thing. Thanks for sharing this! Fun fact, some Irish lads (or is it just one?) are inner peace merchants. It’s part of the package deal. 😂❤️☘️


Retrain your brain! Fascinating 💡! Will experiment with this.❤🍀


I’m fine with talking to people one-on-one, and I do all right in small groups of about 4 or 5 people. But I hate giving presentations to large crowds, which is something I had to do during my Bachelor’s degree several years ago.<br><br>One thing that helped ease my nerves, especially while I was speaking to the crowd, was smiling. This might not work if your presentation is about a grim topic, but if you’re presenting research findings or a work proposal or really anything that isn’t gloom-and-doom, smiling can help you switch from "nervous" mode to "excited".<br><br>Plus no one smiles when they’re about to shit a brick of fear, so smiling will also fool your audience into thinking that you’re totally in control of the situation and all is right in the universe 🤓👌


If I tell my brain we’re excited it’s going to misunderstand the context and then everything is going to turn out worse. And way more awkward. That’s the nature of our relationship.


I may as well try this next time I have a job interview. I don't think my brain is gullible enough to believe that it is excited but still worth a shot!


😁😁😁👍👍 ~Christmas Elf~😂😘


Yup, yup! So true - I picked this up from your job interview audio, and it totally changed my perspective. I attribute part of my success to that, the energy I brought to the situation. I’ve been using your other bits of wisdom to get by since (like focusing on what’s within my control). I’ve also been learning about emotional fluidity - I think actors use that concept/technique too? 😁


That was great! It reminded me of a pep talk from a band director from when I was in high school. We can choose how to interpret sweaty palms and breathing faster and racing heart. We can choose to be excited! 😁


I looove Jason Sudeikas and that Ted Lasso is so pure and delightful. I’m only two episodes in and I’m so hooked. It’s a show about sport ball, which means I’m waiting for it to squick me out at some point but it really feels like I’m going to love this show, so far. The only other sport ball series I’ve loved is Friday Night Lights (not a comedy, but beautiful storytelling, so well written) ANYHOO I know that’s not what this post was about but this is my response. I will give this strategy a try ... I alternate between excited and nervous a lot lately snd it plays havoc with my energy. Thanks so much for sharing. 💗💗💗


Love this guy's energy. You want to be around it. Excited ... Wow. Nice. I can see that's why I like your energy. He is talking about using your hands and being just really animated. I get it, but when I get animated I worry I'm being too much. But then listening to someone like this I realize that I'm just infront of the wrong audience. You have to find people that can see you and your value. They can see your star. Also, people are envious and may show contempt for that excited energy because they are negative and see you as too much. I'm fucking over it. I'm tired of hiding my star, because of other people. A dream I have is to perform and be way extra. But I have surrounded myself with very much people not interested in really Pershing that, that is not real, no one makes it. I do have a great friend who also is a shining star and I tell him all the time " I see your star baby" . He worked in the entertainment feild- for years, got on drugs and is sober now. I'm like this is it, this is our time to do something, I don't care If no one sees it, let's do it for us and just put it out there. Ofcourse if terrified people will judge me and say I can't sing or I'm not funny or I'm too much. But honestly I am so just lusting to find my audience of people that get it that will like my humor. I'm just like fuck it. My friend and I live in different areas, so it's not like we can skip over and record anything. I'm like get your ass over here!!!! I have been researching lighting, microphone, production. I would love to figure out editing and I guess I will have to, but that is not my gift. I want to do it, I want to throw myself out there. One day I'm just going to hit the button for a live video 😂...I dunno. I'm also a super private person, I don't know how to handle that part. I am the show I am willing to expose myself. But my personal life is never on the table. How do you do that? It's so cool to see the artist comedians coming up from social media. I just want to find my niche, it's my dream. Yikes.. blah blah blah . This guy has great energy.. I need that shoved up my ass. Courage. Anyway I appreciate what you are doing, you like to do many different outlets and sometimes that may not mesh to other people. But I get it. I want to dip my toes in many genres and balance that. I would love to write silly songs or skits for children, hire me sesame street😋. I like singing , I'm not the best but it makes my heart happy. I like creating, I really enjoy being the ditzy blonde. I like being sexy..and that kind of inappropriate humor I can't figure out how to balance with also anything child friendly...😉. I guess I'd have to choose. Anyway, you're really good at the avenues you have shared, you have a great personality. I'm just blabbering along sorry💖


Fun fact: the actress Isla Fisher (Borat’s wife IRL) went to clown school in Paris. I was surprised to find out they actually have those, and some other cool actors graduated from there. Anyway, I think that’s part of what makes her so funny (and maybe she taught Borat some mannerisms...like making sexy time?? 😂) and she’s gorgeous....and she writes children’s books!


Yes I bet that's where they met. I just saw an interview where he was talking about he went to clown school. But like the original comedic clowns, like how he gets people to say dumb shit. I can't explain it but making society the joke because what is really funny is truth. I love his deadpan inappropriate humor. I'm not offended. I didn't know she trained in that also. That is so cute. Thank you


Thank you for posting this. He's amazing. Was also late for work because I got stuck in the YouTube rabbit hole...so real...I love his field of expertise.