Relaxing A Bit (Patreon)
Hallo my dear Lovelies!
Taking A Break
This year has been a mad one as all ye well know.
I know many of you have been encouraging me to take a break for a while now and I will be / am taking one. I will be taking some time to rest and recharge through January.
I am also taking this break so that Sweetz (my PR) can have some time off as well. I don't think we've taken significant time off since 2016 so I'm sure she could use time to put up her flippers!
Will There Be Content?
Creating and recording are things I enjoy doing. So even in the midst of my break, I'll still be writing and recording. Some of the things I make will be posted during January, other days I'll have revisits scheduled so there will be content of some kind popping up all through the month. I'll still be taking Workshop requests and adding Ringtones as well.
I know most of you don't worry about that but I don't want to have you paying a membership on Patreon and not getting something in return. So even though I may not be as visible or active publicly, I won't just leave the Patreon sitting here un-updated.
I have never and will never take your generosity and support for granted.
Audio Essentials
This is where I could use your help. I'd love to know what audios (erotic or vanilla) you think are "essential listening" or something you think more lovelies should hear. Something that makes you laugh, relax or .... 😈
Let me know! I'll use the suggestions to keep things moving and fun throughout the month and it'll help me so much.
Much Love
I actually hate to take a break because I do enjoy what I do so much. But I know taking some time to chill and relax will only make things better and more creativity to flow.
So that's the update. I'll be gone but not far. Thank you for encouraging me to look after myself and making it possible to do so without worrying.
I hope you've had a good holiday so far and that 2021 will be so much kinder to us all.
So much love and muahs