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I'd love to meet up with you before the little leo starts roaming the land :O




Literally pulled at my heart strings Gael! You're audios make my day 😍💕


I so love this, may the lovelies bringing humans into the world know how awesome they are


Is it only me who read "breast friend" instead of best? 🙈😅🤣


Beautiful! Truly, everyone needs a little bit of G in their life!!


Still as warm and fuzzy as yesterday 🥰 Love this so much!!! ❤️


This was heart warmingly sweet. Absolutely what a best friend would say and do. The river dancing had me in stitches. As long as the river dancing is after and not before the delivery 🤣🤣 Whenever I had chocolate milk, the little one would be having a wild dance party in my belly. I had to stand up to give her plenty of room to show off her gymnastics. 🤸🏻‍♀️


So glad this dropped in time for Laura! Now that my youngest is 15, I really miss this period of my life. This was so sweet!


Beautifully done Gael this one hit me in the feels 🥰

Kathy Mc

So precious! I'm nearly crying at how beautiful Gael makes the listener feel! Very heartwarming!!👏👏😂😉😉😘😘💖💖💕💕💕


Was that a phone ringing in the background?


I'm 23 weeks pregnant and really needed that. Thank you!


Awe congrats to all the new mommies. Babies are such a miracle, a gift. Conception is so fascinating. Pregnant women are the most beautiful. The belly of life. The mother. Very sweet.


Eleven years into this gig and still sometimes I’m not sure I know what I’m doing. A little soccer player and a karate chopper for sure. I am not surprised I’ve got a little taekwondo enthusiast and a soccer player in real life, they both kicked me in the spleen all night every night. “Green beret, so organized and disciplined” … so this is CLEARLY not about me 🤣🤣🤣 But I am the fairly chill mom (as long as you do your homework, pick up after yourself and be a good human), and also wildly embarrassing, the bringer of cookies and the one with the best carpool playlists 💥


G☺, how sweet are you? I'm late to the baby shower but just as heart warming.😘❤❤❤