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Waking your chilly body in the morning only to get that blood flowing again!

(PS thank you for your comments on the channel! You are really helping the views there XD)

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Warming Your Bones (Body-heat)(Cuddles)(Banter)

550+ Audios Waiting for your ears: Support my content by joining me on Patreon for only $1 a month! - 😇 - Sugar - http://bit.ly/2kvK5dk - 😈 - Spice - http://bit.ly/2kV1psH Albums - 🎵 - iTunes - http://apple.co/2nT7MkA - 📦 - Amazon - https://amzn.to/2Nvzej8 **Merch** - 👕- https://teespring.com/stores/gaelforce-audios 💙 - Twitter - http://bit.ly/2Bf87Dg 💙 - Instagram - http://bit.ly/2EpMMcu 💙 - Facebook - http://bit.ly/2nQrfT5 Outro Music: 'Nomadic Sunset' by Alexander Nakarada #ASMR #Irish #Gaelforce



Mmm. 😍🥰


Yay!!! Cuddles!!! ☺️❤️


Gotta love that kicking the duvet like tag! 🦵❤️💯


Is this SFW!? You're killing me bro. 😫


I'm guilty of this... I kick the covers off cos I get overheated during the night then feel cold immediately after😅 Even if it's really cold I'd still have one foot out of the blankie 🤭


Gaelandians are always up for good bantz so YouTube commenting is like a light snack to us 😂. Craicforce!


Well aren’t you just the bestest 😊 It felt like my city experienced four seasons in one day today, and right now, it feels like it could be the peak of winter. So yes, I ACTUALLY do feel like an ice block right now 😰⛄️ Good thing you’re here to be our warmth on our cold days (and everyday in between) Gaelie 🥰 I feel warmer already!


😍 This is making me so excited! Your timing is phenomenal like! I'm in the process of moving, and the heating in the new apartment isn't working 🥶 I'm staying at my mom's place during the lockdown so we won't get lonely, but I've still been spending some time in the new place, doing home office there while I wait for the plumber (who canceled last minute twice already 😒) and it takes so long to warm up again once I get really cold. This will be a lifesaver ❤️


Thank you so much, G! What a lot of complaining, ya wimp!😘 Totally me though, especially my feet. But such lovely warming words and kisses, some new Gaelic...I'm grinning ear to ear and glowy warm!


Me too, Chelli! Blanket on, blanket off, blanket half on, off...😂


I busted out laughing when I heard you say "touched by a cold spoon". It made me think of a post from Magsie about The Sexual Temperence Spoon 🤣🤣👏 https://www.patreon.com/posts/55920098


I'm so happy to hear it's helping!🥰🤗❤


would somebody can tell me how to download the mp3 like this attachment?!😭


Do you mean how to download this audio on your phone ? It’s actually easy: click first on the download attachment above. as soon the file opens, down below (left side) there shows up an ⬆️ icon on your phone, click on that and your phone shows right away where to save , copy or share your download. you just click on save the file and that’s it. It’s not easy to explain all this since English is not my language, so I hope you got me. I download the files on my iPhone , so I don’t know how it works on Samsung or other mobile-phones .


I’m gonna wait for the hot shower🥵😈 haha


Arr shiver me timbers 🤣🏴‍☠️ This reminds me of polar bear toes 🤭. Everything is solved in those big strong arms G 😌 Thanks for the laughs and cuddles. 🤗😊🥰 Views? The determination of your lovelies is powerful, you ain't seen nothing yet. 😏😘


I'm def all warmed up now 😏😏🤭🔥😘😘


Wait-did he say „Liebling“?! 🤭😳🥰😘 This warmed me up instantly 😊.


Oh I LOVE this ❤️I listened to it right after a hot shower in jammies and fuzzy socks under a cozy blanket and now I’m soul-warmed too ❤️ If I didn’t have to get up to let my dog out, I wouldn’t have moved for the rest of the night! I too am guilty of kicking the blankets off during the night, and/or sleeping with one leg out of the covers no matter how cold it is. These warm and snuggly audios will be on repeat all winter. Thank you so much, G 🥰🥰🥰 (Yay Views! Yay Helping! 😁)


Eeeeep I couldn't believe it when I got the notification 🥺🥰 warming snuffles with our lion 🥰


Morning jog in this chilly weather, really not helping Gaeli. Its all wet all the way back home 😳


It’s been getting chillily weather so this is perfect I could go for some heating up! I’m all warmed up after those snuggles and Bantz 🥰😂


Yes!!! 🤣👏🏻 I thought the exact same thing! 😍🤗😘 ….awww…Mags. I miss her daily posts 😔 This could also be referred to as “cold spooning” aye?


It's snowing outside so this definitely warmed me bones 😌🥰💗 Love the mixing of cuteness and hotness in this audio.. And plz we want more shoulder kisses 😍🔥 Love your morning voice 😍❤


It’s a morning audio but like I always say, I feel like my body is set to sleep mode whenever I hear your voice. Those warm hugs and kisses plus your soothing voice always does the job! 🥰😴♥️


I can’t help but think of this interview whenever I hear the word "frostbite" 😂 https://youtu.be/pj705DvCSxg


How sweet is that?!❤ So Sweet!!!!🤗🤗🤗🤗 G, you're AWESOME!😊


Your comment made me laugh so much 😂 I started thinking that's how he keeps ending up in "The Lady Godiva" position. 😅🤪


That picture is way too cute. The blanket on his head 💞. 🤗🤗 🤗🤗🤗❤️